Select Publications


Chrzanowska A; Man N; Sutherland R; Degenhardt L; Peacock A, 2024, Trends in overdose and other drug-induced deaths in Australia, 2003-2022, NDARC, Sydney,

Asare-Doku W; Stolk S; Peacock AMY; Shakeshaft A; Waller E; Nathan S; Economidis G; Ravulo J; Meo-Sewabu L; D'Este C; Thapa P; Abbott T; Satour T; Tulele L; Wilson K; Doran C; Mhey-Rivas T; Macpherson G; Lynch M; Taylor S; Santo T; Graham D; Baillie G; Tran A; Aiken A; Harwood E; Turner A; Reeve R; Degenhardt L; Farrell M, 2023, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Kava Pilot Program, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney,

Sutherland R; Karlsson A; King C; Uporova J; Chandrasena U; Jones F; Gibbs D; Price O; Dietze P; Lenton S; Salom C; Bruno R; Wilson J; Grigg J; Daly C; Thomas N; Radke S; Stafford L; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Peacock A, 2023, Australian Drug Trends 2023: Key Findings from the National Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) Interviews., NDARC, Sydney,,

Sutherland R; Uporova J; King C; Chandrasena U; Karlsson A; Jones F; Gibbs D; Price O; Dietze P; Lenton S; Salom C; Bruno R; Wilson J; Agramunt S; Daly C; Thomas N; Radke S; Stafford L; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Peacock A, 2023, Australian Drug Trends 2023: Key Findings from the National Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) Interviews., NDARC, Sydney,,

Shahbazi J; Farrell M; Byrne J; Ali R; Puszka B; Lim XQ; Cook J; Weiss R; Rodgers C; Dunlop A; Lintzeris N; Nielsen S; Grebely J; Zahra E; Degenhardt L; Byrne M, 2023, Considerations for delivering extended-release buprenorphine for opioid dependence in Australia: Preliminary lessons from the Community Long-Acting Buprenorphine (CoLAB) trial, NATIONAL DRUG AND ALCOHOL RESEARCH CENTRE, UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, SYDNEY, 2020, RANDWICK, 355,

Yuen WS; Walsberger S; Sutherland R; Price K; Degenhardt L; Reakes K; Cerio R; Woolley N; King C; Spencer E; Vaughan M; Watson L; Miller N; Clay S; Symes E; Peacock A, 2023, Alcohol-related behaviours, beliefs, and knowledge regarding cancer risk related to alcohol in the New South Wales LGBTQ+ community, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney, 354,,

Chidwick K; Bharat C; Gisev N; Farrell M; Degenhardt L, 2023, NDARC Technical Report: Real-world dosing intervals of long-acting buprenorphine for opioid agonist treatment., UNSW Sydney, Sydney, 345,,

Bharat C; Chidwick K; Gisev N; Farrell M; Degenhardt L, 2023, NDARC Technical Report: Trends in the use of Opioid Agonist Treatment in New South Wales, 2013-2022, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, 347,,

Bharat C; Chidwick K; Gisev N; Farrell M; Degenhardt L, 2023, NDARC Technical Report: Trends in the use of Opioid Agonist Treatment in Queensland, 2013-2022, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, 349,,

Chidwick K; Gisev N; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Bharat C, 2023, NDARC Technical Report: Trends in the use of Opioid Agonist Treatment in South Australia, 2013-2022, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, 350,,

Chidwick K; Gisev N; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Bharat C, 2023, NDARC Technical Report: Trends in the use of Opioid Agonist Treatment in Tasmania, 2013-2022, UNSW Sydney; National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney, 351,,

Bharat C; Chidwick K; Gisev N; Farrell M; Degenhardt L, 2023, NDARC Technical Report: Trends in the use of Opioid Agonist Treatment in the Australian Capital Territory, 2013-2022, UNSW Sydney; NDARC, Sydney, 346,,

Bharat C; Chidwick K; Gisev N; Farrell M; Degenhardt L, 2023, NDARC Technical Report: Trends in the use of Opioid Agonist Treatment in the Northern Territory, 2013-2022, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, 348,,

Chidwick K; Gisev N; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Bharat C, 2023, NDARC Technical Report: Trends in the use of Opioid Agonist Treatment in Victoria, 2013-2022, UNSW Sydney; National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney, 352,,

Chidwick K; Gisev N; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Bharat C, 2023, NDARC Technical Report: Trends in the use of Opioid Agonist Treatment in Western Australia, 2013-2022, UNSW Sydney; National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney, 353,,

Chrzanowska A; Man N; Akhurst J; Sutherland R; Degenhardt L; Peacock A, 2023, Trends in Overdose and Other Drug-Induced Deaths in Australia, 2002-2021, NDARC, Sydney,,

Asare-Doku W; Macdonald C; Ottaviano S; Degenhardt L; Farrell M, 2023, Review of interventions to treat drug use disorders among girls and women in the criminal justice system in low- and middle-income countries,

McKetin R; Thapa P; Uthurralt N; Bo A; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Mounteney J; Griffiths P; Degan T, 2023, An Overview Of The Evidence For Substance Use Interventions, NDARC, Sydney,,

Clay S; Yuen WS; Spencer E; Peacock A; Walsberger S; Price K; Sutherland R; Degenhardt L; Popovski H, 2023, Perceptions of risky alcohol use, health risks related to alcohol, and alcohol-related help-seeking in the LGBTQ+ community,

Brothers T; Degenhardt L, 2022, Time periods of altered risk for severe injection drug use-associated skin and soft-tissue infections: protocol for a self-controlled case series in New South Wales, Australia, 2001-2018, UCL Press,,

Chrzanowska A; Man N; Akhurst J; Sutherland R; Degenhardt L; Peacock A, 2022, Trends in drug-related hospitalisations in Australia, 1999-2021., NDARC, Sydney,

Sutherland R; Karlsson A; King C; Jones F; Uporova J; Price O; Gibbs D; Bruno R; Dietze P; Lenton S; Salom C; Grigg J; Wilson Y; Wilson J; Daly C; Thomas N; Juckel J; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Peacock A, 2022, Australian Drug Trends 2022: Key Findings from the National Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) Interviews., NDARC, Sydney,

Sutherland R; Karlsson A; King C; Jones F; Uporova J; Price O; Gibbs D; Bruno R; Dietze P; Lenton S; Salom C; Grigg J; Wilson Y; Wilson J; Daly C; Thomas N; Juckel J; Agramunt S; Que Noy W; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Peacock A, 2022, Australian Drug Trends 2022: Key Findings from the National Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) Interviews., NDARC, Sydney,

Man N; Sisson S; McKetin R; Chrzanowska A; Bruno R; Dietze P; Price O; Degenhardt L; Gibbs D; Salom C; Peacock A, 2022, Trends in methamphetamine use, markets and harms in Australia, 2003-2019, NDARC, Sydney,

Chrzanowska A; Man N; Sutherland R; Degenhardt L; Peacock A, 2022, Trends in overdose and other drug-induced deaths in Australia, 1997-2020, NDARC, Sydney,

Chrzanowska A; Man N; Sutherland R; Degenhardt L; Peacock A, 2021, Trends in drug-related hospitalisations in Australia, 1999-2020, NDARC, Sydney,

Sutherland R; Uporova J; Karlsson A; Price O; Chandrasena U; Swanton R; Gibbs D; Dietze P; Lenton S; Salom C; Grigg J; Wilson Y; Eddy S; Hall C; Daly C; Thomas N; Juckel J; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Peacock A, 2021, Australian Drug Trends 2021: Key Findings from the National Ecstasy and related Drug Reporting System (EDRS) Interviews, NDARC, Sydney,

Sutherland R; Uporova J; Peacock A; Udesha C; Price O; Karlsson A; Gibbs D; Swanton R; Lenton S; Woods E; Farrell M; Bruno R; Dietze P; Salom C; Thomas N; Daly C; Juckel J; Agramunt S; Wilson Y; Degenhardt L; Moon C, 2021, Australian Drug Trends 2021: Key Findings from the National Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) Interviews, NDARC, Sydney,

Sutherland R; Baillie G; Peacock A; Hammoud M; Memedovic S; Barratt M; Bruno R; Dietze P; Ezard N; Salom C; Degenhardt L; Hughes C, 2021, Key findings from the ‘Australians’ Drug Use: Adapting to Pandemic Threats (ADAPT)’ Study Wave 4., NDARC, Sydney,

Man N; Chrzanowska A; Sutherland R; Degenhardt L; Peacock A; Peacock A, 2021, Trends in drug-related hospitalisations in Australia, 1999-2019., NDARC,,

Chrzanowska A; Man N; Sutherland R; Degenhardt L; Peacock A, 2021, Trends In Drug-Induced Deaths In Australia, 1997-2019, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Peacock A; Price O; Dietze P; Bruno R; Salom C; Lenton S; Uporova J; Karlsson A; Chan R; Gibbs D; Grigg J; Daly C; Hall C; Wilson T; Degenhardt L; Farrell M, 2020, Impacts of COVID-19 and associated restrictions on people who use illicit stimulants in Australia: Findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System 2020, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Peacock A; Price O; Dietze P; Bruno R; Salom C; Lenton S; Swanton R; Uporova J; Karlsson A; Chan R; Gibbs D; Grigg J; Daly C; Hall C; Wilson T; Degenhardt L; Farrell M, 2020, Impacts of COVID-19 and associated restrictions on people who use illicit stimulants in Australia: Preliminary findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System 2020, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Sutherland R; Baillie G; Memedovic S; Hammoud M; Barratt M; Bruno R; Dietze P; Ezard N; Salom C; Degenhardt L; Hughes C; Peacock A, 2020, Key findings from the 'Australians’ Drug Use: Adapting to Pandemic Threats (ADAPT)' Study, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Chrzanowska A; Gisev N; Price O; Sutherland R; Memedovic S; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Peacock A, 2020, Tapentadol use and harms in Australia: Analysis of opioid sales data and sentinel survey data from people who inject drugs, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Peacock A; Farrell M; Muscat C; Degenhardt L, 2020, Viability of an Early Warning System (ViEWS) study: Final report, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Whetton S; Tait RJ; Chrzanowska A; Donnelly N; McEntee A; Mukhtar A; Zahra E; Campbell G; Degenhardt L; Dey T; Halim SA; Hall W; Makate M; Norman R; Peacock A; Roche A; Allsop S, 2020, Quantifying the Social Costs of Cannabis Use to Australia in 2015/16, NDRI, T287,

Whetton S; Robert J. T; Chrzanowska A; Neil D; McEntee A; Mukhtar A; Zahra E; Campbell G; Degenhardt L; Dey T; Abdul Halim S; Hall W; Makate M; Norman R; Peacock A; Roche A; Allsop S, 2020, Quantifying the Social Costs of Pharmaceutical Opioid Misuse & Illicit Opioid Use to Australia in 2015/16, NDRI,

Man N; Chrzanowska A; Dobbins T; Degenhardt L; Peacock A, 2019, Trends in drug-induced deaths in Australia, 1997-2018, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,,

Chrzanowska A; Man N; Degenhardt L; Dobbins T; Peacock A, 2019, Trends in drug-related hospital separations in Australia, 1999-2018, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Peacock A; Karlsson T; Uporova J; Gibbs D; Swanton R; Kelly G; Price O; Bruno R; Dietze P; Lenton S; Salom C; Degenhardt L; Farrell M, 2019, Australian Drug Trends 2019: Key findings from the National Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) Interviews, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Peacock A; Uporova J; Karlsson T; Gibbs D; Swanton R; Kelly G; Price O; Bruno R; Dietze P; Lenton S; Salom C; Degenhardt L; Farrell M, 2019, Australian Drug Trends 2019: Key findings from the National Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) Interviews, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Karlsson A; Ezard N; Salom C; Dietze P; Degenhardt L; Lenton S; Bruno R; Peacock A, 2019, Crystal methamphetamine use, routes of administration and use of commercial ball pipes among people who inject drugs in Australia, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Peacock A; Gibbs D; Barratt M; Bruno R; Sutherland R; Page R; Uporova J; Salom C; Hill P; Dietze P; Lenton S; Degenhardt L; Ezard N, 2019, Engagement in drug checking ('pill testing') and behavioural responses by people who use drugs in Australia, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Gibbs D; Hughes C; Barratt M; Ezard N; Bruno R; Sutherland R; Griggs J; Salom C; Hill P; Dietze P; Lenton S; Degenhardt L; Peacock A, 2019, Illicit drug use and awareness of health and policing initiatives at Australian music festivals among people who regularly use ecstasy and other illicit stimulants, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Gibbs D; Grebely J; Larney S; Butler K; Sutherland R; Starr M; Karlsson A; Uporova J; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Peacock A, 2019, Self-report and serological HCV status amongst people who inject drugs in NSW and ACT, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, Drug Trends Bulletin August 2019,,

Sutherland R; Memedovic S; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Peacock A, 2019, Tapentadol use among people who regularly inject drugs in Australia, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Chrzanowska A; Dobbins T; Degenhardt L; Peacock A, 2019, Trends in Drug-Induced Deaths in Australia, 1997-2017, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, Drug Trends Bulletin Series,

Peacock A; Gibbs D; Karlsson A; Uporova J; Sutherland R; Bruno R; Dietze P; Lenton S; Alati R; Degenhardt L; Farrell M, 2018, Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) Interviews: Background and Methods, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney,

Peacock A; Gibbs D; Sutherland R; Uporova J; Karlsson A; Bruno R; Dietze P; Lenton S; Alati R; Degenhardt L; Farrell M, 2018, Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) Interviews: Background and Methods, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney,

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