Select Publications

Journal articles

Schofield SR; Fisher AJ; Ginossar E; Lyding JW; Silver RM; Fei F; Namboodiri P; Wyrick J; Masteghin MG; Cox DC; Murdin BN; Clowes SK; Keizer JG; Simmons MY; Stemp H; Morello A; Voisin B; Rogge S; Wolkow RA; Livadaru L; Pitters J; Stock T; Curson NJ; Butera RE; Pavlova T; Jakob AMM; Spemann D; Räcke P; Schmidt-Kaler F; Jamieson DN; Pratiush U; Duscher G; Kalinin SV; Kazazis D; Constantinou P; Aeppli G; Ekinci Y; Owen JHG; Fowler E; Moheimani R; Randall J; Misra S; Ivie JA; Allemang C; Anderson EM; Bussmann E; Campbell Q; Gao X; Lu T-M; Schmucker SW, 2025, 'Roadmap on Atomic-scale Semiconductor Devices', Nano Futures,

Krishnan R; Gan BY; Hsueh YL; Huq AMSE; Kenny J; Rahman R; Koh TS; Simmons MY; Weber B, 2024, 'Measurement of Enhanced Spin-Orbit Coupling Strength for Donor-Bound Electron Spins in Silicon', Advanced Materials, 36,

Hsueh YL; Keith D; Chung Y; Gorman SK; Kranz L; Monir S; Kembrey Z; Keizer JG; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2024, 'Engineering Spin-Orbit Interactions in Silicon Qubits at the Atomic-Scale', Advanced Materials, 36,

Reiner J; Chung Y; Misha SH; Lehner C; Moehle C; Poulos D; Monir S; Charde KJ; Macha P; Kranz L; Thorvaldson I; Thorgrimsson B; Keith D; Hsueh YL; Rahman R; Gorman SK; Keizer JG; Simmons MY, 2024, 'High-fidelity initialization and control of electron and nuclear spins in a four-qubit register', Nature Nanotechnology, 19, pp. 605 - 611,

Gorman SK; Simmons MY, 2024, 'High-fidelity initialization and control of multiple nuclear spin qubits in silicon', Nature Nanotechnology, 19, pp. 584 - 585,

Kranz L; Osika EN; Monir S; Hsueh YL; Fricke L; Hile SJ; Chung Y; Keizer JG; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2024, 'Exploiting Atomic Control to Show When Atoms Become Molecules', Advanced Functional Materials, 34,

Monir S; Osika EN; Gorman SK; Thorvaldson I; Hsueh YL; Macha P; Kranz L; Reiner J; Simmons MY; Rahman R, 2024, 'Impact of measurement backaction on nuclear spin qubits in silicon', Physical Review B, 109,

Tranter AD; Kranz L; Sutherland S; Keizer JG; Gorman SK; Buchler BC; Simmons MY, 2024, 'Machine Learning-Assisted Precision Manufacturing of Atom Qubits in Silicon', ACS Nano,

Munia MM; Monir S; Osika EN; Simmons MY; Rahman R, 2024, 'Superexchange coupling of donor qubits in silicon', Physical Review Applied, 21,

Jones MT; Monir MS; Krauth FN; Macha P; Hsueh YL; Worrall A; Keizer JG; Kranz L; Gorman SK; Chung Y; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2023, 'Atomic Engineering of Molecular Qubits for High-Speed, High-Fidelity Single Qubit Gates', ACS Nano, 17, pp. 22601 - 22610,

Hogg MR; House MG; Pakkiam P; Simmons MY, 2023, 'Semiconductor-Quantum-Dot Modulator for Cryogenic Operation of Quantum Circuitry', Physical Review Applied, 20,

Simmons MY, 2023, 'Engineering Qubits in Silicon with Atomic Precision', Microscopy and microanalysis : the official journal of Microscopy Society of America, Microbeam Analysis Society, Microscopical Society of Canada, 29, pp. 1362,

Voisin B; Salfi J; St Médar DD; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Simmons MY; Rogge S, 2023, 'A solid-state quantum microscope for wavefunction control of an atom-based quantum dot device in silicon', Nature Electronics, 6, pp. 409 - 416,

Donnelly MB; Munia MM; Keizer JG; Chung Y; Huq AMSE; Osika EN; Hsueh YL; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2023, 'Multi-Scale Modeling of Tunneling in Nanoscale Atomically Precise Si:P Tunnel Junctions', Advanced Functional Materials, 33,

Hsueh YL; Kranz L; Keith D; Monir S; Chung Y; Gorman SK; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2023, 'Hyperfine-mediated spin relaxation in donor-atom qubits in silicon', Physical Review Research, 5,

Kranz L; Gorman SK; Thorgrimsson B; Monir S; He Y; Keith D; Charde K; Keizer JG; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2023, 'The Use of Exchange Coupled Atom Qubits as Atomic-Scale Magnetic Field Sensors', Advanced Materials, 35,

Kranz L; Roche S; Gorman SK; Keizer JG; Simmons MY, 2023, 'High-Fidelity CNOT Gate for Donor Electron Spin Qubits in Silicon', Physical Review Applied, 19,

Hogg MR; Pakkiam P; Gorman SK; Timofeev AV; Chung Y; Gulati GK; House MG; Simmons MY, 2023, 'Single-Shot Readout of Multiple Donor Electron Spins with a Gate-Based Sensor', PRX Quantum, 4,

Kranz L; Gorman SK; Thorgrimsson B; Monir S; He Y; Keith D; Charde K; Keizer JG; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2023, 'The Use of Exchange Coupled Atom Qubits as Atomic‐Scale Magnetic Field Sensors (Adv. Mater. 6/2023)', Advanced Materials, 35,

Keith D; Gorman SK; He Y; Kranz L; Simmons MY, 2022, 'Impact of charge noise on electron exchange interactions in semiconductors', npj Quantum Information, 8,

Sarkar A; Hochstetter J; Kha A; Hu X; Simmons MY; Rahman R; Culcer D, 2022, 'Optimisation of electron spin qubits in electrically driven multi-donor quantum dots', npj Quantum Information, 8,

Keith D; Chung Y; Kranz L; Thorgrimsson B; Gorman SK; Simmons MY, 2022, 'Ramped measurement technique for robust high-fidelity spin qubit readout', Science Advances, 8,

Osika EN; Gorman SK; Monir S; Hsueh YL; Borscz M; Geng H; Thorgrimsson B; Simmons MY; Rahman R, 2022, 'Shelving and latching spin readout in atom qubits in silicon', Physical Review B, 106,

Kiczynski M; Gorman SK; Geng H; Donnelly MB; Chung Y; He Y; Keizer JG; Simmons MY, 2022, 'Engineering topological states in atom-based semiconductor quantum dots', Nature, 606, pp. 694 - 699,

Keith D; Gorman SK; Kranz L; He Y; Keizer JG; Broome MA; Simmons MY, 2022, 'Erratum: Benchmarking high fidelity single-shot readout of semiconductor qubits (New J. Phys. (2019) 21 (063011) DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab242c/meta)', New Journal of Physics, 24,

Voisin B; Ng KSH; Salfi J; Usman M; Wong JC; Tankasala A; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Hutin L; Bertrand B; Vinet M; Valanoor N; Simmons MY; Rahman R; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S, 2022, 'Valley population of donor states in highly strained silicon', MATERIALS FOR QUANTUM TECHNOLOGY, 2,

Krauth FN; Gorman SK; He Y; Jones MT; Macha P; Kocsis S; Chua C; Voisin B; Rogge S; Rahman R; Chung Y; Simmons MY, 2022, 'Flopping-Mode Electric Dipole Spin Resonance in Phosphorus Donor Qubits in Silicon', Physical Review Applied, 17,

Osika EN; Kocsis S; Hsueh YL; Monir S; Chua C; Lam H; Voisin B; Simmons MY; Rogge S; Rahman R, 2022, 'Spin-Photon Coupling for Atomic Qubit Devices in Silicon', Physical Review Applied, 17,

Donnelly MB; Keizer JG; Chung Y; Simmons MY, 2021, 'Monolithic Three-Dimensional Tuning of an Atomically Defined Silicon Tunnel Junction', Nano Letters, 21, pp. 10092 - 10098,

Fricke L; Hile SJ; Kranz L; Chung Y; He Y; Pakkiam P; House MG; Keizer JG; Simmons MY, 2021, 'Coherent control of a donor-molecule electron spin qubit in silicon', Nature Communications, 12,

Kobayashi T; Salfi J; Chua C; van der Heijden J; House MG; Culcer D; Hutchison WD; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Riemann H; Abrosimov NV; Becker P; Pohl HJ; Simmons MY; Rogge S, 2021, 'Engineering long spin coherence times of spin–orbit qubits in silicon', Nature Materials, 20, pp. 38 - 42,

Voisin B; Bocquel J; Tankasala A; Usman M; Salfi J; Rahman R; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S, 2020, 'Valley interference and spin exchange at the atomic scale in silicon', Nature Communications, 11,

Kranz L; Gorman SK; Thorgrimsson B; He Y; Keith D; Keizer JG; Simmons MY, 2020, 'Exploiting a Single-Crystal Environment to Minimize the Charge Noise on Qubits in Silicon', Advanced Materials, 32,

Simmons M, 2020, 'Ask me anything: Michelle Simmons', PHYSICS WORLD, 33, pp. 55 - 55

Kranz L; Gorman SK; Thorgrimsson B; He Y; Keith D; Keizer JG; Simmons MY, 2020, 'Quantum Computing: Exploiting a Single‐Crystal Environment to Minimize the Charge Noise on Qubits in Silicon (Adv. Mater. 40/2020)', Advanced Materials, 32,

Keith D; House MG; Donnelly MB; Watson TF; Weber B; Simmons MY, 2019, 'Single-Shot Spin Readout in Semiconductors Near the Shot-Noise Sensitivity Limit', Physical Review X, 9, pp. 041003,

He Y; Gorman SK; Keith D; Kranz L; Keizer JG; Simmons MY, 2019, 'A two-qubit gate between phosphorus donor electrons in silicon', Nature, 571, pp. 371 - 375,

Keith D; Gorman SK; Kranz L; He Y; Keizer JG; Broome MA; Simmons MY, 2019, 'Benchmarking high fidelity single-shot readout of semiconductor qubits', New Journal of Physics, 21, pp. 063011,

Koch M; Keizer JG; Pakkiam P; Keith D; House MG; Peretz E; Simmons MY, 2019, 'Spin read-out in atomic qubits in an all-epitaxial three-dimensional transistor', Nature Nanotechnology, 14, pp. 137 - 140,

van der Heijden J; Kobayashi T; House MG; Salfi J; Barraud S; Laviéville R; Simmons MY; Rogge S, 2018, 'Readout and control of the spin-orbit states of two coupled acceptor atoms in a silicon transistor', Science Advances, 4,

Weber B; Hsueh YL; Watson TF; Li R; Hamilton AR; Hollenberg LCL; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2018, 'Spin–orbit coupling in silicon for electrons bound to donors', npj Quantum Information, 4,

Broome MA; Gorman SK; House MG; Hile SJ; Keizer JG; Keith D; Hill CD; Watson TF; Baker WJ; Hollenberg LCL; Simmons MY, 2018, 'Two-electron spin correlations in precision placed donors in silicon', Nature Communications, 9, pp. 980,

Pakkiam P; Timofeev AV; House MG; Hogg MR; Kobayashi T; Koch M; Rogge S; Simmons MY, 2018, 'Single-Shot Single-Gate rf Spin Readout in Silicon', Physical Review X, 8,

Dooley P; Simmons M, 2018, 'I'll make quantum reign supreme', NEW SCIENTIST, 240, pp. 42 - 43,

Salfi J; Voisin B; Tankasala A; Bocquel J; Usman M; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rahman R; Rogge S, 2018, 'Valley Filtering in Spatial Maps of Coupling between Silicon Donors and Quantum Dots', Physical Review X, 8,

Hile SJ; Fricke L; House MG; Peretz E; Chen CY; Wang Y; Broome M; Gorman SK; Keizer JG; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2018, 'Addressable electron spin resonance using donors and donor molecules in silicon', Science Advances, 4, pp. eaaq1459,

Pakkiam P; House MG; Koch M; Simmons MY, 2018, 'Characterization of a Scalable Donor-Based Singlet-Triplet Qubit Architecture in Silicon', Nano Letters, 18, pp. 4081 - 4085,

Gorman SK; Broome MA; House MG; Hile SJ; Keizer JG; Keith D; Watson TF; Baker WJ; Simmons MY, 2018, 'Singlet-triplet minus mixing and relaxation lifetimes in a double donor dot', Applied Physics Letters, 112, pp. 243105,

Tankasala A; Salfi J; Bocquel J; Voisin B; Usman M; Klimeck G; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S; Rahman R, 2018, 'Two-electron states of a group-V donor in silicon from atomistic full configuration interactions', Physical Review B, 97, pp. 195301,

Simmons M, 2018, 'We must set the bar high and tell students we expect them to jump over it', Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 151, pp. 14 - 21,

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