Select Publications


Butcher MJ; Simmons MY, 2006, Basic properties of silicon surfaces,

Simmons MY, 2002, Nanotechnology, Small things, Big Science, Chapman and Hall

Wilson M; Kannangara K; Smith G; Simmons MY; Raguse B, 2002, Nanotechnology: Basic Science and Emerging Technologies, University of New South Wales Press, Australia

Book Chapters

Tettamanzi GC, 2013, 'Orbital Structure and transport characteristics of single donors.', in Prati E; Shinada T (ed.), Single-Atom Nanoelectronics, CRC Press,

Fuechsle M; Simmons M, 2013, 'Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy to Realize Atomic- Scale Silicon Devices', in Single-Atom Nanoelectronics, Pan Stanford Publishing,

Fuechsle M; Simmons MY, 2013, 'Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy to Realize Atomic-Scale Silicon Devices', in Prati E; Shinada T (ed.), Single Atom Nanoelectronics, PAN STANFORD PUBLISHING PTE LTD, pp. 61 - 88,

Miwa JA; Simmons MY, 2012, 'Atomic-Scale Devices in Silicon by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy', in Advances in Atom and Single Molecule Machines, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 181 - 196,

Clarke WR; Simmons MY; Liang CT, 2011, 'Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures', in Comprehensive Semiconductor Science and Technology, pp. 279 - 325,

Clarke WR; Simmons MY; Liang CT, 2011, 'Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures.', in Bhattacharya P (ed.), Comprehensive Semiconductor Science and Technology, Six-Volume Set, 1st Edition, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, pp. 281 - 325

Clarke WR; Liang CT; Simmons MY, 2010, 'Ballistic transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures', in Bhattacharya P; Kamimura H; Fornari R (ed.), Comprehensive Semiconductor Science and Technology Volume 1: Semiconductors, Elsevier Science, pp. 4 - 47

Simmons MY; Barlow TW, 2009, 'Nanotechnology in Australia', in Emerging Nanotechnology Power: Nanotechnology R and D and Business Trends in the Asia Pacific Rim, pp. 37 - 57,

Simmons MY; Butcher M, 2006, 'Basic properties of semiconductor surfaces', in Grutter P; Hofer W; Rosei F (ed.), Properties of Single Organic Molecules on Crystal Surfaces, Imperial College Press, UK, pp. 29 - 60

Wiegers S; Bibow E; Lévy LP; Bayot V; Simmons M; Shayegan M, 2002, 'Magnetization and Orbital Properties of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in the Quantum Limit', in Exotic States in Quantum Nanostructures, Springer Netherlands, pp. 99 - 138,

Simmons MY, 2001, 'Nanotechnology: Physics, Chemistry and Biology Unite at the Ultra-Small Scale', in Impact Science, Science Foundation for Physics, Australia, pp. 53 - 62

Simmons MY, 2001, 'Quantum Computing', in Impact Science, Science Foundation for Physics, Australia, pp. 43 - 52

Galaktionov EA; Savchenko AK; Safonov SS; Proskuryakov YY; Li L; Pepper M; Simmons MY; Ritchie DA; Linfield EH; Kvon ZD, 'Interactions in High-Mobility 2D Electron and Hole Systems', in NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 349 - 370,

Journal articles

Krishnan R; Gan BY; Hsueh YL; Huq AMSE; Kenny J; Rahman R; Koh TS; Simmons MY; Weber B, 2024, 'Measurement of Enhanced Spin-Orbit Coupling Strength for Donor-Bound Electron Spins in Silicon', Advanced Materials, 36,

Hsueh YL; Keith D; Chung Y; Gorman SK; Kranz L; Monir S; Kembrey Z; Keizer JG; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2024, 'Engineering Spin-Orbit Interactions in Silicon Qubits at the Atomic-Scale', Advanced Materials, 36,

Reiner J; Chung Y; Misha SH; Lehner C; Moehle C; Poulos D; Monir S; Charde KJ; Macha P; Kranz L; Thorvaldson I; Thorgrimsson B; Keith D; Hsueh YL; Rahman R; Gorman SK; Keizer JG; Simmons MY, 2024, 'High-fidelity initialization and control of electron and nuclear spins in a four-qubit register', Nature Nanotechnology, 19, pp. 605 - 611,

Gorman SK; Simmons MY, 2024, 'High-fidelity initialization and control of multiple nuclear spin qubits in silicon', Nature Nanotechnology, 19, pp. 584 - 585,

Kranz L; Osika EN; Monir S; Hsueh YL; Fricke L; Hile SJ; Chung Y; Keizer JG; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2024, 'Exploiting Atomic Control to Show When Atoms Become Molecules', Advanced Functional Materials, 34,

Monir S; Osika EN; Gorman SK; Thorvaldson I; Hsueh YL; Macha P; Kranz L; Reiner J; Simmons MY; Rahman R, 2024, 'Impact of measurement backaction on nuclear spin qubits in silicon', Physical Review B, 109,

Tranter AD; Kranz L; Sutherland S; Keizer JG; Gorman SK; Buchler BC; Simmons MY, 2024, 'Machine Learning-Assisted Precision Manufacturing of Atom Qubits in Silicon', ACS Nano,

Munia MM; Monir S; Osika EN; Simmons MY; Rahman R, 2024, 'Superexchange coupling of donor qubits in silicon', Physical Review Applied, 21,

Jones MT; Monir MS; Krauth FN; Macha P; Hsueh YL; Worrall A; Keizer JG; Kranz L; Gorman SK; Chung Y; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2023, 'Atomic Engineering of Molecular Qubits for High-Speed, High-Fidelity Single Qubit Gates', ACS Nano, 17, pp. 22601 - 22610,

Hogg MR; House MG; Pakkiam P; Simmons MY, 2023, 'Semiconductor-Quantum-Dot Modulator for Cryogenic Operation of Quantum Circuitry', Physical Review Applied, 20,

Simmons MY, 2023, 'Engineering Qubits in Silicon with Atomic Precision', Microscopy and microanalysis : the official journal of Microscopy Society of America, Microbeam Analysis Society, Microscopical Society of Canada, 29, pp. 1362,

Voisin B; Salfi J; St Médar DD; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Simmons MY; Rogge S, 2023, 'A solid-state quantum microscope for wavefunction control of an atom-based quantum dot device in silicon', Nature Electronics, 6, pp. 409 - 416,

Donnelly MB; Munia MM; Keizer JG; Chung Y; Huq AMSE; Osika EN; Hsueh YL; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2023, 'Multi-Scale Modeling of Tunneling in Nanoscale Atomically Precise Si:P Tunnel Junctions', Advanced Functional Materials, 33,

Hsueh YL; Kranz L; Keith D; Monir S; Chung Y; Gorman SK; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2023, 'Hyperfine-mediated spin relaxation in donor-atom qubits in silicon', Physical Review Research, 5,

Kranz L; Gorman SK; Thorgrimsson B; Monir S; He Y; Keith D; Charde K; Keizer JG; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2023, 'The Use of Exchange Coupled Atom Qubits as Atomic-Scale Magnetic Field Sensors', Advanced Materials, 35,

Kranz L; Roche S; Gorman SK; Keizer JG; Simmons MY, 2023, 'High-Fidelity CNOT Gate for Donor Electron Spin Qubits in Silicon', Physical Review Applied, 19,

Hogg MR; Pakkiam P; Gorman SK; Timofeev AV; Chung Y; Gulati GK; House MG; Simmons MY, 2023, 'Single-Shot Readout of Multiple Donor Electron Spins with a Gate-Based Sensor', PRX Quantum, 4,

Kranz L; Gorman SK; Thorgrimsson B; Monir S; He Y; Keith D; Charde K; Keizer JG; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2023, 'The Use of Exchange Coupled Atom Qubits as Atomic‐Scale Magnetic Field Sensors (Adv. Mater. 6/2023)', Advanced Materials, 35,

Keith D; Gorman SK; He Y; Kranz L; Simmons MY, 2022, 'Impact of charge noise on electron exchange interactions in semiconductors', npj Quantum Information, 8,

Sarkar A; Hochstetter J; Kha A; Hu X; Simmons MY; Rahman R; Culcer D, 2022, 'Optimisation of electron spin qubits in electrically driven multi-donor quantum dots', npj Quantum Information, 8,

Keith D; Chung Y; Kranz L; Thorgrimsson B; Gorman SK; Simmons MY, 2022, 'Ramped measurement technique for robust high-fidelity spin qubit readout', Science Advances, 8,

Osika EN; Gorman SK; Monir S; Hsueh YL; Borscz M; Geng H; Thorgrimsson B; Simmons MY; Rahman R, 2022, 'Shelving and latching spin readout in atom qubits in silicon', Physical Review B, 106,

Kiczynski M; Gorman SK; Geng H; Donnelly MB; Chung Y; He Y; Keizer JG; Simmons MY, 2022, 'Engineering topological states in atom-based semiconductor quantum dots', Nature, 606, pp. 694 - 699,

Keith D; Gorman SK; Kranz L; He Y; Keizer JG; Broome MA; Simmons MY, 2022, 'Erratum: Benchmarking high fidelity single-shot readout of semiconductor qubits (New J. Phys. (2019) 21 (063011) DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab242c/meta)', New Journal of Physics, 24,

Voisin B; Ng KSH; Salfi J; Usman M; Wong JC; Tankasala A; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Hutin L; Bertrand B; Vinet M; Valanoor N; Simmons MY; Rahman R; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S, 2022, 'Valley population of donor states in highly strained silicon', MATERIALS FOR QUANTUM TECHNOLOGY, 2,

Krauth FN; Gorman SK; He Y; Jones MT; Macha P; Kocsis S; Chua C; Voisin B; Rogge S; Rahman R; Chung Y; Simmons MY, 2022, 'Flopping-Mode Electric Dipole Spin Resonance in Phosphorus Donor Qubits in Silicon', Physical Review Applied, 17,

Osika EN; Kocsis S; Hsueh YL; Monir S; Chua C; Lam H; Voisin B; Simmons MY; Rogge S; Rahman R, 2022, 'Spin-Photon Coupling for Atomic Qubit Devices in Silicon', Physical Review Applied, 17,

Donnelly MB; Keizer JG; Chung Y; Simmons MY, 2021, 'Monolithic Three-Dimensional Tuning of an Atomically Defined Silicon Tunnel Junction', Nano Letters, 21, pp. 10092 - 10098,

Fricke L; Hile SJ; Kranz L; Chung Y; He Y; Pakkiam P; House MG; Keizer JG; Simmons MY, 2021, 'Coherent control of a donor-molecule electron spin qubit in silicon', Nature Communications, 12,

Kobayashi T; Salfi J; Chua C; van der Heijden J; House MG; Culcer D; Hutchison WD; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Riemann H; Abrosimov NV; Becker P; Pohl HJ; Simmons MY; Rogge S, 2021, 'Engineering long spin coherence times of spin–orbit qubits in silicon', Nature Materials, 20, pp. 38 - 42,

Voisin B; Bocquel J; Tankasala A; Usman M; Salfi J; Rahman R; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S, 2020, 'Valley interference and spin exchange at the atomic scale in silicon', Nature Communications, 11,

Kranz L; Gorman SK; Thorgrimsson B; He Y; Keith D; Keizer JG; Simmons MY, 2020, 'Exploiting a Single-Crystal Environment to Minimize the Charge Noise on Qubits in Silicon', Advanced Materials, 32,

Simmons M, 2020, 'Ask me anything: Michelle Simmons', PHYSICS WORLD, 33, pp. 55 - 55

Kranz L; Gorman SK; Thorgrimsson B; He Y; Keith D; Keizer JG; Simmons MY, 2020, 'Quantum Computing: Exploiting a Single‐Crystal Environment to Minimize the Charge Noise on Qubits in Silicon (Adv. Mater. 40/2020)', Advanced Materials, 32,

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