Select Publications
Journal articles
2001, 'Observation of charge transport by negatively charged excitons', Science, 294, pp. 837 - 839,
,2001, 'Quantum magneto-transport in two-dimensional GaAs electron gases and SiGe hole gases', Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 62, pp. 1789 - 1796,
,2001, 'Scanning noninvasive voltage probe operating at 4.2 K', Review of Scientific Instruments, 72, pp. 2100 - 2105,
,2001, 'Spin-dependent transport in a dilute two-dimensional GaAs electron gas in a parallel magnetic field', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 64, pp. 233319-1 - 233319-3,
,2001, 'Towards the fabrication of phosphorus qubits for a silicon quantum computer', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 64, pp. R161401-1 - R161401-4,
,2001, 'Transport in a modulated one-dimensional ballistic channel', Chinese Journal of Physics, 39, pp. 533 - 544
,2000, 'Enhanced coherent THz emission from (100) GaAs in the presence of a magnetic field', Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO - Technical Digest, pp. 554 - 555,
,2000, 'Bonding and antibonding states in strongly coupled ballistic one-dimensional wires', Physica E - Low - Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 6, pp. 581 - 585,
,2000, 'Coulomb blockade of tunneling through compressible rings formed around an antidot: An explanation for h/2e Aharonov-Bohm oscillations', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 62, pp. R4817 - R4820,
,2000, 'Crystallographic orientation dependence of bulk optical rectification', Journal of Modern Optics, 47, pp. 1837 - 1845,
,2000, 'Current breakdown of the integer and fractional quantum Hall effects detected by torque magnetometry', Physica E - Low - Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 6, pp. 140 - 143,
,2000, 'Detection of Coulomb charging around an antidot', Physica E - Low - Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 6, pp. 495 - 498,
,2000, 'Direction-resolved transport and possible many-body effects in one-dimensional thermopower', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 62, pp. R16275 - R16278,
,2000, 'Electron correlations in an electron bilayer at finite temperature: Landau damping of the acoustic plasmon', Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 12, pp. 439 - 466,
,2000, 'Electron density dependence of the excitonic absorption thresholds of GaAs quantum wells', Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science, 178, pp. 465 - 470,;2-E
,2000, 'Evidence for charging effects in an open dot at zero magnetic field', Physica E - Low - Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 6, pp. 418 - 422,
,2000, 'Imaging cyclotron orbits and scattering sites in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 62, pp. 5174 - 5178,
,2000, 'Imaging diffraction-limited electronic collimation from a non-equilibrium one-dimensional ballistic constriction', Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 12, pp. L167 - L172,
,2000, 'Imaging electron and conduction-band-hole trajectories through one and two series constrictions', Physica E - Low - Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 6, pp. 234 - 237,
,2000, 'Independent contacts to a double-electron gas using mesoscopic surface gates', Journal of Applied Physics, 87, pp. 4036 - 4038,
,2000, 'Influence of Inversion Symmetry on the Metallic Behaviour in a Dilute Two-dimensional Hole System', Australian Journal of Physics, 53, pp. 523 - 530,
,2000, 'Is there a metallic state in two dimensions?', Australian Journal of Physics, 53, pp. 513 - 522
,2000, 'Multilayered gated lateral quantum dot devices', Applied Physics Letters, 76, pp. 1134 - 1136,
,2000, 'One-dimensional probability density observed using scanned gate microscopy', Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 12, pp. L735 - L740
,2000, 'Rapid radiative decay of charged excitons', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 62, pp. R13294 - R13297,
,2000, 'Spin properties of low-density one-dimensional wires', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 61, pp. R13365 - R13368,
,2000, 'Spin relaxation in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 62, pp. 13034 - 13039,
,2000, 'Spin-dependent transport in a quasiballistic quantum wire', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 61, pp. 9952 - 9955,
,2000, 'Thermopower of one-dimensional devices - measurement and applications', Physica E - Low - Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 6, pp. 534 - 537,
,2000, 'Weak localization, hole-hole interactions, and the `Metal`-Insulator transition in two dimensions', Physical Review Letters, pp. 2489 - 2492
,2000, 'Weak localization, hole-hole interactions, and the "metal"-insulator transition in two dimensions', Physical Review Letters, 84, pp. 2489 - 2492,
,1999, 'Real metals, 2D or not 2D?', Nature, 400, pp. 715 - 717,
,1999, 'Angle-resolved Raman spectroscopy of the collective modes in an electron bilayer', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 59, pp. 2095 - 2101,
,1999, 'Anomalous integer quantum Hall states in coupled double quantum wells and the effect of Landau level broadening', Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 11, pp. 3711 - 3728,
,1999, 'Carrier dynamics and recombination processes of charged excitons in a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well', Physica B - Condensed Matter, 272, pp. 412 - 415,
,1999, 'Condensed-matter physics - Real metals, 2D or not 2D', Nature, 400, pp. 715 - 717,
,1999, 'Controlled wave-function mixing in strongly coupled one-dimensional wires', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 59, pp. 12252 - 12255,
,1999, 'Detection of Coulomb charging around an antidot in the quantum Hall regime', Physical Review Letters, 83, pp. 160 - 163,
,1999, 'Fabrication and transport properties of clean long one-dimensional quantum wires formed in modulation-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures', Applied Physics Letters, 75, pp. 2975 - 2977,
,1999, 'Fabrication of high-quality one- and two-dimensional electron gases in undoped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures', Applied Physics Letters, 74, pp. 2328 - 2330,
,1999, 'Intrinsic coupling mechanisms between two-dimensional electron systems in double quantum well structures', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 59, pp. 7669 - 7678,
,1999, 'Reentrant insulator-metal-insulator transition at B=0 in a two-dimensional hole gas', Physical Review Letters, 82, pp. 1542 - 1545,
,1999, 'Single-electron acoustic charge transport by two counterpropagating surface acoustic wave beams', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 60, pp. 4850 - 4855,
,1999, 'Spin-dependent transport in a clean one-dimensional channel', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 60, pp. 10687 - 10690,
,1999, 'Very high quality 2DEGS formed without dopant in GaAs AlGaAs heterostructures', Journal of Crystal Growth, 201-202, pp. 159 - 162,
,1998, 'Ecitons, spin-waves and skyrmions in the optical spectra of a two dimensional electron gas', Solid-State Electronics, 42, pp. 1169 - 1174,
,1998, 'A study of the relative strengths of spin-pseudospin phases in a strongly coupled double quantum well system', Physica B - Condensed Matter, 256-258, pp. 130 - 135,
,1998, 'Charged excitons under applied electric and magnetic fields', Physica B - Condensed Matter, 249-251, pp. 584 - 588,
,1998, 'Closely separated one-dimensional wires: coupled ballistic conduction, wave function hybridization and compressibility investigations', Physica B - Condensed Matter, 249-251, pp. 157 - 161,
,1998, 'Current breakdown of the fractional quantum Hall effect through contactless detection of induced currents', Physical Review Letters, 81, pp. 4220 - 4223,