Select Publications

Journal articles

Buckley RP, 2008, 'Review of L Boulle, Globalisation and the Law', Australian Law Journal, 82, pp. 419 - 419

Buckley RP, 2008, 'Review of Picker, Bunn & Arner, International Economic Law: The State and Future of the Discipline', International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 2008, pp. 1005 - 1006

Buckley RP, 2007, 'A Force for Globalisation: Emerging Markets Debt Trading from 1994 to 1999', Fordham International Law Journal, 30, pp. 185 - 259

Buckley RP, 2007, 'Book Review: Geoffrey Robertson, `The Tyrannicide Brief: The Story of the Man Who Sent Charles 1 to the Scaffold`', Bond Law Review, 19, pp. 124 - 126

Buckley RP; Blyschak P, 2007, 'Guarding the Open Door: Non-party Participation before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes', Banking and Finance Law Review, 22, pp. 353 - 376

Buckley RP; Small A, 2007, 'Leveraging Australia`s Debt Relief to the Philippines Using Debt-for-Investment Projects', Macquarie Law Journal, 7, pp. 107 - 124

Buckley RP, 2007, 'Review of Douglas W Arner, “Financial Stability, Economic Growth, and the Role of Law”', Journal of Banking and Finance Law and Practice, 18, pp. 208 - 209

Buckley RP, 2007, 'Stop the Blind from leading the Sighted: A Proposal to Improve the Quality of U.S. Law Reviews', The Scribes Journal of Legal Writing, 11, pp. 97 - 105

Buckley RP; Dirou P, 2006, 'How to Strengthen the International Financial System by Improving Sovereign Balance Sheet Structures', Annals of Economics and Finance, 2, pp. 257 - 269

Buckley RP, 2006, 'Why Some Developing Countries Are Better Placed than the International Monetary Fund to Develop Policy Responses to the Challenges of Global Capital', Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law, 15, pp. 121 - 153

Buckley RP; Forder J, 2005, 'The Enforceability of Independent Agreements to Negotiate in Australia', Commercial Law Quarterly, 19, pp. 3 - 15

Buckley RP, 2005, 'Why Are Developing Nations So Slow to Play the Default Card in Renegotiating Their Sovereign Indebtedness', Chicago Journal of International Law, pp. 347 - 362

Buckley RP; Fitzgerald S, 2004, 'An Assessment of Malaysia's Response to the IMF during the Asian Economic Crisis', Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, pp. 96 - 116

Buckley RP, 2004, 'How the International Financial System, to Its Detriment, Differs from National Systems, and What We Can We Do About It', Hong Kong Law Journal, 34, pp. 321 - 338

Buckley RP, 2004, 'The Rule of Law in Australia: An Economic Perspective', The Verdict, 6, pp. 21 - 23

Buckley RP, 2004, 'Turning Loans into Bonds: Lessons for East Asia from the Latin American Brady Plan', Journal of Restructuring Finance, 1, pp. 185 - 200

Buckley RP, 2003, 'The rich borrow and the poor repay: The fatal flaw in international finance', World Policy Journal, 19, pp. 59 - 64,

Gao X; Buckley RP, 2003, 'A Comparative Analysis of the Standard of Fraud Required Under the Fraud Rule in Letter of Credit Law', Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law, 13, pp. 293 - 336

Buckley RP, 2003, 'Do Cry for the Argentines: An Analysis of Their Crisis', Banking and Finance Law Review, 17, pp. 373 - 393

Buckley RP, 2003, 'Sovereign Bankruptcy', Bond Law Review, 15, pp. 86 - 102

Buckley RP, 2003, 'The IMF's Proposal for a Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanism: An Australian Assessment', Australian International Law Journal, pp. 1 - 23

Buckley RP, 2003, 'The Role of the Rule of Law in a Modern Economy: An Australian Perspective', Bloc, 1, pp. 42 - 44

Buckley RP, 2003, 'The Systemic Benefit of Insolvency Law: A Lacuna in the Australian Literature', Insolvency Law Journal, pp. 38 - 40

Gao X; Buckley RP, 2003, 'The Unique Jurisprudence of Letters of Credit: Origins and Sources', San Diego International Law Journal, 4, pp. 91 - 125

Buckley RP, 2002, 'Documentary Compliance in Documentary Credits: Lessons from the UCC for the UCP', Journal of International Commercial Law, 1, pp. 69 - 96

Buckley RP, 2002, 'Globalisation, Capital Markets and Human Rights', New England Journal of International and Comparative Law, 8, pp. 1 - 5

Buckley RP, 2002, 'Negotiation in Project Management', The Australian Project Manager, 22, pp. 23 - 25

Buckley RP, 2002, 'Review: “NAFTA, WTO and Global Business Strategy: How Aids, Trade and Terrorism Affect Our Economic Future” a review of the book by B Condon', Kyklos, 55, pp. 580 - 580

Buckley RP; Gao X, 2002, 'The Development of the Fraud Rule in Letter of Credit Law: The Journey so Far and the Road Ahead', University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law, 23, pp. 663 - 712

Buckley RP, 2002, 'The Fatal Flaw in International Finance: The Rich Borrow and the Poor Repay', World Policy Journal, XIX, pp. 59 - 64

Buckley RP, 2001, 'A Tale of Two Crises: The Search for the Enduring Lessons of International Financial Reform', UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, 6, pp. 1 - 43

Buckley RP, 2001, 'Adversarial Bargaining: An Ignored Aspect of Negotiation Theory', Australian Law Journal, 75, pp. 181 - 189

Buckley R, 2001, 'International Capital Flows, Economic Sovereignty and Developing Countries', Yearbook of International Economic and Financial Law 1999, pp. 17 - 46

Buckley RP, 2001, 'The Essential Flaw in the Globalisation of Capital Markets: Its Impact on Human Rights', California Western International Law Journal, 32, pp. 119 - 131

Buckley RP, 2000, 'An Oft-Ignored Perspective on the Asian Economic Crisis: The Role of Creditors and Investors', Banking and Finance Law Review, 15, pp. 431 - 454

Buckley RP, 2000, 'Lessons from the Emerging Debt Markets', Journal of International Banking Law, pp. 103 - 108

Buckley RP, 2000, 'Review: Commercial Law in the Next Millenium – A review of the Hamlyn Lectures delivered by Professor Roy Goode', Bond Law Review, pp. 115 - 118

Buckley RP, 2000, 'Sections 51AA and 51AC of the Trade Practices Act 1974: The Need for Reform', Trade Practices Law Journal, 8, pp. 5 - 16

Buckley RP, 2000, 'Some potential pitfalls in grading computer‐produced examination scripts', The Law Teacher, 34, pp. 164 - 166,

Buckley RP, 2000, 'Ten rules of hard bargaining', The ADR Bulletin, 3, pp. 48 - 52

Buckley RP, 2000, 'The Role and Potential of Self-Regulatory Organisations: The Emerging Markets Traders Association from 1990-2000', Stanford Journal of Law, Business and Finance, 6, pp. 135 - 151

Buckley RP, 1999, 'The Incorporation of Dispute Resolution and Drafting Skills in Substantive Law Subjects', Journal of Professional Legal Education, pp. 261 - 269

Buckley RP, 1999, 'The Law of Emerging Markets Loan Sales', Journal of International Banking Law, 14, pp. 110 - 114

Buckley RP, 1999, 'The Practice of Emerging Markets Loan Sales', Journal of International Banking Law, 14, pp. 151 - 155

Buckley RP, 1999, 'The Role of Capital Controls in International Financial Crises', Bond Law Review, 11, pp. 231 - 244

Buckley RP, 1998, 'Debt Exchanges Revisited: Lessons from Latin America for Eastern Europe', Northwestern Journal of Law and Business, 18, pp. 655 - 684

Buckley RP, 1998, 'Reschedulings as the Groundwork for Secondary Markets in Sovereign Debt', Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, 26, pp. 299 - 309

Buckley RP, 1998, 'Review: “Two Legal Citation Guides”, a review of the ‘Australian Guide to Legal Citation’ by the Melbourne University Law Review Association and ‘Australian Legal Citation – A Guide’ by Colin Fong', Bond Law Review, 10, pp. 137 - 140

Buckley RP, 1998, 'The Facilitation of the Brady Plan: Emerging Markets Debt Trading from 1989 to 1993', Fordham International Law Journal, 21, pp. 1802 - 1889

Buckley RP, 1998, 'The Regulation of the Emerging Markets Loan Market', Law and Policy in International Business, 30, pp. 47 - 110

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