Select Publications


Flambaum VV; Su L; Wu L; Zhu B, 2020, New Strong Bounds on sub-GeV Dark Matter from Boosted and Migdal Effects,

Allehabi SO; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Afanasjev AV, 2020, Nuclear deformation as a source of the non-linearity of King plot in the Yb$^+$ ion,

Maison DE; Flambaum VV; Hutzler NR; Skripnikov LV, 2020, Electronic structure of ytterbium monohydroxide molecule to search for axionlike particles,

Hutzler NR; Borschevsky A; Budker D; DeMille D; Flambaum VV; Gabrielse G; Ruiz RFG; Jayich AM; Orozco LA; Ramsey-Musolf M; Reece M; Safronova MS; Singh JT; Tarbutt MR; Zelevinsky T, 2020, Searches for new sources of CP violation using molecules as quantum sensors,

Flambaum VV; Jin J; Budker D, 2020, Resonance photoproduction of pionic atoms at the Gamma Factory,

Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB; Tan HBT, 2020, Effects of $CP$-violating internucleon interactions in paramagnetic molecules,

Hu J; Webb JK; Ayres TR; Bainbridge MB; Barrow JD; Barstow MA; Berengut JC; Carswell RF; Dumont V; Dzuba V; Flambaum VV; Lee CC; Reindl N; Preval SP; Tchang-Brillet W-ÜL, 2020, Measuring the fine structure constant on a white dwarf surface; a detailed analysis of Fe V absorption in G191-B2B,

Hao Y; Navrátil P; Norrgard EB; Iliaš M; Eliav E; Timmermans RGE; Flambaum VV; Borschevsky A, 2020, Nuclear spin-dependent parity-violating effects in light polyatomic molecules,

Fadeev P; Berengut JC; Flambaum VV, 2020, Sensitivity of $^{229}$Th nuclear clock transition to variation of the fine-structure constant,

Roussy TS; Palken DA; Cairncross WB; Brubaker BM; Gresh DN; Grau M; Cossel KC; Ng KB; Shagam Y; Zhou Y; Flambaum VV; Lehnert KW; Ye J; Cornell EA, 2020, Experimental constraint on axion-like particle coupling over seven orders of magnitude in mass,

Dzuba VA; Allehabi SO; Flambaum VV; Li J; Schiller S, 2020, Time keeping and searching for new physics using metastable states of Cu, Ag and Au,

Maison DE; Skripnikov LV; Flambaum VV; Grau M, 2020, Search for CP-violating nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment using the LuOH$^+$ cation,

Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB; Tan HBT, 2020, Limits on $CP$-violating hadronic interactions and proton EDM from paramagnetic molecules,

Skripnikov LV; Mosyagin NS; Titov AV; Flambaum VV, 2020, Actinide and lanthanide molecules to search for strong CP-violation,

Budker D; Flambaum VV; Zhitnitsky A, 2020, Infrasonic, acoustic and seismic waves produced by the Axion Quark Nuggets,

Budker D; López-Urrutia JRC; Derevianko A; Flambaum VV; Krasny MW; Petrenko A; Pustelny S; Surzhykov A; Yerokhin VA; Zolotorev M, 2020, Atomic physics studies at the Gamma Factory at CERN,

Allehabi SO; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Afanasjev AV; Agbemava SE, 2020, Using isotope shift for testing nuclear theory: the case of nobelium isotopes,

Flambaum VV; Pospelov M; Ritz A; Stadnik YV, 2019, Sensitivity of EDM experiments in paramagnetic atoms and molecules to hadronic CP violation,

Flambaum VV; Dzuba VA; Tan HBT, 2019, Time- and parity-violating effects of nuclear Schiff moment in molecules and solids,

Allehabi SO; Li J; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2019, Theoretical study of electronic structure of erbium and fermium,

Banerjee A; Budker D; Eby J; Flambaum VV; Kim H; Matsedonskyi O; Perez G, 2019, Searching for Earth/Solar Axion Halos,

Flambaum VV; Dzuba VA, 2019, Electric dipole moments of atoms and molecules produced by enhanced nuclear Schiff moments,

Antypas D; Budker D; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG; Perez G; Ye J, 2019, Fast apparent oscillations of fundamental constants,

Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB, 2019, Electric field on nucleus due to phonon lattice oscillations in solid states,

Fadeev P; Ficek F; Kozlov MG; Budker D; Flambaum VV, 2019, Pseudovector and pseudoscalar spin-dependent interactions in atoms,

Flambaum VV; Tan HBT; Budker D; Wickenbrock A, 2019, Atomic and molecular transitions induced by axions via oscillating nuclear moments,

Lackenby BGC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2019, Theoretical calculation of atomic properties of superheavy elements Z=110-112 and their ions,

Budker D; Flambaum VV; Liang X; Zhitnitsky A, 2019, Axion Quark Nuggets and how a Global Network can discover them,

Flambaum VV; Budker D; Wickenbrock A, 2019, Oscillating nuclear electric dipole moments inside atoms,

Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB, 2019, Ultralight dark photon as a model for early universe dark matter,

Flambaum VV; Feldmeier H, 2019, Enhanced nuclear Schiff moment in stable and metastable nuclei,

Flambaum VV; Dzuba VA, 2019, Sensitivity of isotope shift to distribution of nuclear charge density,

Maison DE; Skripnikov LV; Flambaum VV, 2019, Theoretical study of $^{173}$YbOH to search for the nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Roberts BM, 2019, Calculations of the atomic structure for the low-lying states of actinium,

Roberts BM; Flambaum VV, 2019, Electron-interacting dark matter: Implications from DAMA/LIBRA-phase2 and prospects for liquid xenon detectors and NaI detectors,

Flambaum VV; Tan HBT, 2019, Oscillating nuclear electric dipole moment induced by axion dark matter produces atomic and molecular EDM,

Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB; Tan HBT, 2019, Interference-assisted detection of dark photon using atomic transitions,

Fadeev P; Flambaum VV, 2019, Time reversal invariance violation in neutron-nucleus scattering,

Antypas D; Fabricant AM; Stalnaker JE; Tsigutkin K; Flambaum VV; Budker D, 2019, Isotopic variation of parity violation in atomic ytterbium: method of measurements and analysis of systematic effects,

Viatkina AV; Antypas D; Kozlov MG; Budker D; Flambaum VV, 2019, Dependence of atomic parity-violation effects on neutron skins and new physics,

Lackenby BGC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2019, Theoretical study of electron structure of superheavy elements with an open $6d$-shell, Sg, Bh, Hs and Mt,

Hu J; Webb JK; Ayres TR; Bainbridge MB; Barrow JD; Barstow MA; Berengut JC; Carswell RF; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Holberg JB; Lee CC; Preval SP; Reindl N; Tchang-Brillet W-ÜL, 2018, Constraining the magnetic field on white dwarf surfaces; Zeeman effects and fine structure constant variation,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG, 2018, Fast configuration-interaction calculations for nobelium and ytterbium,

Tan HBT; Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB, 2018, Screening and enhancement of oscillating electric field in molecules,

Skripnikov LV; Petrov AN; Titov AV; Flambaum VV, 2018, HfF$^+$ as a candidate to search for the nuclear weak quadruple moment,

Flambaum VV; Zhitnitsky AR, 2018, Primordial Lithium Puzzle and the Axion Quark Nugget Dark Matter Model,

Fadeev P; Stadnik YV; Ficek F; Kozlov MG; Flambaum VV; Budker D, 2018, Revisiting spin-dependent forces mediated by new bosons: Potentials in the coordinate-space representation for macroscopic- and atomic-scale experiments,

Kozlov MG; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2018, Hyperfine induced transitions 1S0 - 3D1 in Yb,

Porsev SG; Safronova MS; Safronova UI; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2018, Nobelium energy levels and hyperfine structure constants,

Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB, 2018, Resonant enhancement of oscillating electric field in atom,

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