Select Publications


Flambaum VV; Dzuba VA, 2008, Search for variation of the fundamental constants in atomic, molecular and nuclear spectra, ,

Brown BA; Derevianko A; Flambaum VV, 2008, Dispelling the curse of the neutron skin in atomic parity violation, ,

Cloet IC; Eichmann G; Flambaum VV; Roberts CD; Bhagwat MS; Holl A, 2008, Current quark mass dependence of nucleon magnetic moments and radii, ,

Blatt S; Ludlow AD; Campbell GK; Thomsen JW; Zelevinsky T; Boyd MM; Ye J; Baillard X; Fouché M; Targat RL; Brusch A; Lemonde P; Takamoto M; Hong F-L; Katori H; Flambaum VV, 2008, New Limits on Coupling of Fundamental Constants to Gravity Using $^{87}$Sr Optical Lattice Clocks, ,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2007, Relativistic corrections to transition frequencies of Ag I, Dy I, Ho I, Yb II, Yb III, Au I and Hg II and search for variation of the fine structure constant, ,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2007, Relativistic corrections to transition frequencies of Fe I and search for variation of the fine structure constant, ,

Sen'kov RA; Auerbach N; Flambaum VV; Zelevinsky VG, 2007, Schiff Theorem Revisited, ,

Flambaum VV; Wiringa RB, 2007, Dependence of nuclear binding on hadronic mass variation, ,

Murphy MT; Webb JK; Flambaum VV, 2007, Comment on "Limits on the Time Variation of the Electromagnetic Fine-Structure Constant in the Low Energy Limit from Absorption Lines in the Spectra of Distant Quasars", ,

Ferrell SJ; Cingöz A; Lapierre A; Nguyen A-T; Leefer N; Budker D; Flambaum VV; Lamoreaux SK; Torgerson JR, 2007, Investigation of the Gravitational Potential Dependence of the Fine-Structure Constant Using Atomic Dysprosium, ,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Ginges JSM, 2007, Atomic electric dipole moments of He and Yb induced by nuclear Schiff moments, ,

Bertulani CA; Flambaum VV; Zelevinsky VG, 2007, Tunneling of a composite particle: Effects of intrinsic structure, ,

Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG, 2007, Enhanced sensitivity to variation of the fine structure constant and m_p/m_e in diatomic molecules, ,

Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG, 2007, Enhanced sensitivity to time-variation of m_p/m_e in the inversion spectrum of ammonia, ,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2007, Core-valence correlations for atoms with open shells, ,

Murphy MT; Webb JK; Flambaum VV, 2006, Revision of VLT/UVES constraints on a varying fine-structure constant, ,

Murphy MT; Webb JK; Flambaum VV, 2006, Revisiting VLT/UVES constraints on a varying fine-structure constant, ,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2006, Calculation of energy levels and transition amplitudes for barium and radium, ,

Tzanavaris P; Murphy MT; Webb JK; Flambaum VV; Curran SJ, 2006, Probing variations in fundamental constants with radio and optical quasar absorption-line observations, ,

Angstmann EJ; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2006, Frequency shift of cesium clock transition due to blackbody radiation, ,

Angstmann EJ; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2006, Frequency shift of hyperfine transitions due to blackbody radiation, ,

Flambaum VV; Ginges JSM, 2006, Resonance reactions and enhancement of weak interactions in collisions of cold molecules, ,

Auerbach N; Dmitriev VF; Flambaum VV; Lisetskiy A; Sen'kov RA; Zelevinsky VG, 2006, Nuclear Schiff moment in nuclei with soft octupole and quadrupole vibrations, ,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Safronova MS, 2005, Breit Interaction and Parity Non-conservation in Many-Electron Atoms, ,

Karshenboim SG; Nevsky AY; Angstmann EJ; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2005, A New Option for a Search for Alpha Variation: Narrow Transitions with Enhanced Sensitivity, ,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2005, Fine Structure Anomalies and Search for Variation of the Fine Structure Constant in Laboratory Experiments, ,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG, 2005, Calculation of isotope shifts and relativistic shifts in CI, CII, CIII and CIV, ,

Angstmann EJ; Dinh TH; Flambaum VV, 2005, Parity nonconservation in Atomic Zeeman Transitions, ,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG, 2005, Improved calculation of relativistic shift and isotope shift in Mg I, ,

Flambaum VV; Ginges JSM, 2005, The radiative potential method for calculations of QED radiative corrections to energy levels and electromagnetic amplitudes in many-electron atoms, ,

Lisetskiy AF; Flambaum VV; Zelevinsky VG, 2005, Enhancement of nuclear Schiff moments and time reversal violation in atoms due to combination of soft nuclear octupole and quadrupole vibrations, ,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2005, Relativistic energy shifts in Ge II, Sn II and Pb II and search for cosmological variation of the fine structure constant, ,

Tzanavaris P; Webb JK; Murphy MT; Flambaum VV; Curran SJ, 2004, Limits on variations in fundamental constants from 21-cm and ultraviolet quasar absorption lines, ,

Flambaum VV; Zelevinsky VG, 2004, Quantum tunneling of a complex systems: effects of finite size and intrinsic structure, ,

Karshenboim SG; Flambaum V; Peik E, 2004, Atomic Clocks and Constraints on Variations of Fundamental Constants, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Marchenko MV, 2004, Calculation of the dependence of transition frequencies on the fine structure constant and the search for variation of alpha in QSO spectra, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG; Marchenko MV; Murphy MT; Webb JK, 2004, Laboratory spectroscopy and the search for space-time variation of the fine structure constant using QSO spectra, ,

Angstmann EJ; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2004, Atomic Clocks and the Search for Variation of the Fine Structure Constant, ,

Kozlov MG; Korol VA; Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2004, Space-time variation of the fine structure constant and evolution of isotope abundances, ,

Angstmann EJ; Flambaum VV; Karshenboim SG, 2004, Limits on a Dynamically Varying Fine Structure Constant, ,

Angstmann EJ; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2004, Relativistic effects in two valence electron atoms and ions and the search for variation of the fine structure constant, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Marchenko MV, 2004, The alpha-dependence of transition frequencies for some ions of Ti, Mn, Na, C, and O, and the search for variation of the fine structure constant, ,

Angstmann EJ; Flambaum VV; Karshenboim SG, 2004, Cosmological Variation of the Fine Structure Constant versus a new Interaction, ,

Flambaum VV; Leinweber DB; Thomas AW; Young RD, 2004, Limits on the temporal variation of the fine structure constant, quark masses and strong interaction from quasar absorption spectra and atomic clock experiments, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG, 2003, Configuration interaction calculation for the isotope shift in Mg I, ,

Kuchiev MY; Altshuler BL; Flambaum VV, 2003, Exponential enhancement of nuclear reactions in condensed matter environment, ,

Murphy MT; Flambaum VV; Webb JK; Dzuba VV; Prochaska JX; Wolfe AM, 2003, Constraining Variations in the Fine-structure Constant, Quark Masses and the Strong Interaction, ,

Ginges JSM; Flambaum VV, 2003, Violations of fundamental symmetries in atoms and tests of unification theories of elementary particles, ,

Murphy MT; Webb JK; Flambaum VV, 2003, Further evidence for a variable fine-structure constant from Keck/HIRES QSO absorption spectra, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2003, Isotope shift calculations for atoms with one valence electron, ,

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