Find your prospective supervisor, research project or research group, collaborator or expert by searching UNSW Sydney Researcher Profiles. Use keywords to view their research interests, publications and areas of expertise.

Professor Claude Sammut

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing, Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning, Intelligent Robotics

Claude Sammut is a Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering,  University of New South
Dr Rachid Hamadi

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Formal methods for software, Data and information privacy, Distributed computing and systems software, Computing education, Service oriented computing, Business process management, Software engineering

I am a Senior Lecturer at the School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from UNSW.
Professor Adrian Russell

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Civil Engineering, Civil Geotechnical Engineering

Professor and ARC Future Fellow in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr Mahesh Suryawanshi

Faculty: Engineering

Dr. Mahesh P. Suryawanshi is an ARC DECRA Fellow & Lecturer in the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering (SPREE) at UNSW Sydney. 
Ms Seyedeh Hosseini

Faculty: Engineering

Dr. Hosseini is an Associate Lecturer at the School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW.
Professor Wenjie Zhang

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Data management and data science

Wenjie Zhang is a Professor, ARC Future Fellow, Head of the Data and Knowledge Research Group ( and Deputy Head of Schoo
Dr Ze Jiang

Faculty: Engineering

Lecturer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr Denny Gunawan

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Chemical engineering, Catalysis and mechanisms of reactions, Photochemistry, Nanomaterials

Denny Gunawan is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Particles and Catalysis Research Group within the School of Chemical Engineering at the University of New South
Mr Devin Yuncheng Hua

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Artificial intelligence, Natural language processing, Knowledge representation and reasoning, Machine learning, Autonomous agents and multiagent systems

Dr. Devin Yuncheng Hua is a Postdoctoral Fellow working in the School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at UNSW.
Mr Jianming Kuang

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Photogrammetry and remote sensing, Signal processing, Geomatic engineering, Image processing
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Casual Academic and Research Assistant in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering