Potential PhD projects and scholarships
Potential PhD topics:
1. What ocean do Lagrangian observing platforms (e.g., Argo and drifting buoys) observe ?
Hypersonic Fluid-Structural Interaction
This research aims to fill a significant gap in the current modelling of critical fluid-structural interactions in high-speed flows by performing novel experiments to generate data that does not currently exist. This data is being used to assess and improve advanced numerical simulation tools.
Biomechanics of Damage to the Optic Nerve
UNSW Canberra is investigating the role mechanical compression of the optic chiasm plays in visual afflictions (Wang et al. 2014a). The nerves carrying optical information from both eyes all pass through this small soft-tissue structure inside the skull.
Handbook on Gender and Employment Relations
Abstracts are now invited for contributions to a new Research Handbook on Gender and Employment Relations.
Australian-Owned Satellite Database 1967-2023
Until December 2023, Australia possessed a total of 52 space objects, comprising 50 satellites and 2 rocket bodies.
ADFA IDS Datasets
The ADFA Intrusion Detection Datasets (Latest Version)
The ADFA Intrusion Detection Datasets
Visitors and Visiting Fellows to SARCCM
Visitors and Visiting Fellows for 2019 and 2020:
Dr Chunhui Li, College of Marine Science, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, P.R. China , 18 May 2020 to 17 May 2021