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Associate Professor Grant Stevens

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Visual arts, Screen and digital media, Photography, video and lens-based practice
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Grant Stevens, Deputy Head of School (Art) at UNSW Art & Design, is an artist and academic with expertise in contemporary art practice and theory.
Dr Susanne Julia Thurow

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Screen and digital media
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Dr Thurow is an ARC Laureate Postdoctoral Research Fellow at iCinema Centre for Interactive Cinema Research, as well as its Associate Director Research, and Research Program Leader in Climate
Mr Volker Kuchelmeister

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Screen and digital media, Visual arts
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Volker Kuchelmeister is an expert in presence, embodiment and place representation for immersive applications and has worked extensively in cinematography, interactive narrative, experimental imagi
Associate Professor Michelle Langford

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Screen and digital media, Cultural studies
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I am Associate Professor in Film Studies and a fellow of the UNSW Scientia Education Academy.
Dr Charu Maithani

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Screen and digital media, Visual cultures, Media studies, Digital and electronic media art, Visual arts, Critical theory

I am a Lecturer in Media, Journalism & Communication in the School of Arts & Media (SAM).