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Associate Professor Paul Alan Dawson

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Literary Theory, Creative Writing (incl. Playwriting), British and Irish Literature, North American Literature
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Paul Dawson is a writer of poetry and fiction, and an internationally recognized scholar in the fields of narrative theory, novel studies, and Creative Writing as an academic discipline.
Associate Professor Caleb Kelly

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Digital and electronic media art, Art history, theory and criticism, Critical heritage, museum and archive studies, Cultural and creative industries
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Caleb Kelly is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture. His research focuses on sound in the fields of media arts, gallery arts and music. His research has
Mr Allan Maurice Giddy

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Fine Arts (incl. Sculpture and Painting)
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Director, Environmental Research Initiative for Art, School of Art
Professor Ross Rudesch Harley

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Electronic Media Art, Film, Television and Digital Media, Creative Arts, Media and Communication Curriculum and Pedagogy, Fine Arts (incl. Sculpture and Painting)
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Former Dean of UNSW | Art & Design, Professor Harley AM is an award-winning artist, writer and educator whose career crosses the bounds of traditional and creative arts researc
Measuring Asian Art's Contribution to Contemporary Culture

Field of Research (FoR):
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Through the development of an innovative methodology combining art theory and curatorial practice, this project provides comprehensive analysis of the role played by Asian (and Australian) visual art in understanding how places and communities are transformed by the impact of immigration/migratio
The return of the omniscient narrator in contemporary fiction: authorship and narrative authority in the new millennium

Field of Research (FoR):
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This project will classify new modes of omniscient narration; investigate how they have extended earlier postmodern experiments with novelistic form; and demonstrate how they manifest current anxieties about the cultural status of the novel in the new millenium.
Reconsidering Australian Media Art History in an International Context

Field of Research (FoR):
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This project researches the contribution of Australians to the development of media arts as a global contemporary art practice. By way of dynamic online resources, the project will critically evaluate the significant role Australia has played in the global development of media art.