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Dr Christian Rainer Maria Tietz

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Built Environment and Design, Industrial Design, Design Innovation
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Christian was the kind of kid for whom the entire Wonderworld ride had to be stopped because it was too boring - he wanted to get off. School was no better.
Dr Zoe Thomas

Faculty: Science

I am an ARC DECRA Research Fellow based at the University of New South Wales, Australia. I have broad research interests in palaeoclimate and contemporary/future climates.
Dr Carolyn M Evans

Faculty: Law & Justice
Fields of Research (FoR): Public international law, International relations, Other law and legal studies, International and comparative law not elsewhere classified, Law and humanities
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Previously a senior decision-maker in commercial and nonprofit enterprise, after an early career in the Royal Australian Air Force which culminated in the award of the Conspicuous Service Cross.
Professor Bram Hoex

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Photovoltaic devices (solar cells), Photovoltaic power systems, Catalysis and mechanisms of reactions, Functional materials
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Professor Bram Hoex completed a MSc degree and PhD degree in Applied Physics from the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in the Netherlands.
Dr Alessandro Ottazzi

Faculty: Science
Fields of Research (FoR): Lie Groups, Harmonic and Fourier Analysis, Algebraic and Differential Geometry

I was born in Italy and got my PhD at the University of Genoa. I have been a postdoc at the University of Bern (Switzerland), Milano Bicocca and Trento (Italy).
Mr Tom Sear

Faculty: Div Edu & Student Exp

Tom Sear is one of Australia leading commentators, researchers and advisers on democratic resilience in an era of cyber conflict and social media manipulation.
Professor Jeremy Moss

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Environmental Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Political Theory and Political Philosophy
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Professor Moss’s main research interests are in political philosophy and applied philosophy.
Dr Chris Martin

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Housing markets, development and management, Housing policy, Political economy and social change, Criminology
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Chris is a Senior Research Fellow in the City Futures Research Centre.  Chris's research interests are in rental housing and housing affordability, with special interest in:
Professor Emma Kirby

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Sociology, Sociology of health, Studies in Human Society

Emma (she/her) is a Professor of Sociology in the School of Social Sciences, and the Associate Dean Societal Impact, Equity and Engagement for the Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture (ADA).
Professor Joel Pearson

Faculty: Science

Joel Pearson
Dr Baran Yildiz

Faculty: Engineering

Baran is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering (SPREE), UNSW. He completed his PhD in load forecasting & smart home energy systems, M.Sc.