The Baker Lab - Force Generation and Sensing in Biology
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Dr Matt Baker's research group in the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Science (BABS) currently focuses on two streams of research:
Visitors and Visiting Fellows to SARCCM
Visitors and Visiting Fellows for 2019 and 2020:
Dr Chunhui Li, College of Marine Science, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, P.R. China , 18 May 2020 to 17 May 2021
Assessing quality in medical translation: a comparison between back translations and translation/checking methodologies
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This study will help to critically examine a methodology of back-translation that has come to be widely used in scientific, particularly medical research.
Nanoparticle interactions with the vasculature
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Nanoparticles are extensively explored for many cell contacting application such as drug delivery and diagnostic imaging with their safety a topic of much debate and largely related to accumulation within cells.
Training in tobacco cessation: current and future medical and nursing professionals
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Medical Education
Service to Medical Education: teaching undergraduate medical students and postgraduate students, training doctors and other health professions in Australia and globally
Towards a more accountable United Nations Security Council: why, to whom, for what, and how
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Reform discourse about the United Nations Security Council gives every reason to believe that flaws in its legal and institutional design prevent the Council from adequately meeting its responsibility to maintain or restore international peace and security, in part by allowing the Council to act
A study of the health and lifestyles of Australian centenarians
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The UNSW Australian Centenarian Study
Modelling of Cardiac Electrical and Mechanical Function
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2D simplified computational model of cardiac contraction with mitral valve leaflet motion.
Complementary protection
'Complementary protection' describes the obligations that States have under international human rights law to protect people who are at risk of serious human rights violations if removed, but who do not qualify as ‘refugees’ under the 1951 Refugee Convention.
Stent Design Optimisation using fluid dynamics and mechanical testing
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Stents are meshed wired scaffolds implanted into narrowed arteries to prevent heart attacks and strokes. They still fail in 1 in 10 patients besides being the most common treatment for the largest cause of death world-wide.
Dr Fiacre Rougieux research project
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Nature of defects in silicon for very high efficiency solar cells
Identification of novel biomarkers in exhaled breath of patients with respiratory disease
In patients with inflammatory diseases affecting the lungs, a variety of cytokines and mediators are present in the lining lining the airways. These biomarkers can provide a wealth of information about the disease including severity, activity and response to treatment.
Analysis of microRNA expression by nasal epithelial cells to predict which patients with COPD are likely to experience frequent exacerbations
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disabling respiratory condition which affects approximat
Soot-radiation interaction
Despite its many advantages and potential to be the dominant source of sustainable energy in the long term, the use of concentrated solar radiation (CSR) in thermal power generation remains costlier than many alternative energy sources.
Award under the Research Centre Funding Scheme (EWI) to establish the Advanced Environmental Biotechnology Centre (AEBC)
The AEBC is based at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and is jointly run by the Nanyang and Environmental Water Research Institute (NEWRI) at NTU and CMB at UNSW.
Mechanism of action of an anti-inflammatory compound which targets alternatively activated macrophages
Our laboratory has identified alternatively activated macrophages as cells that have a key role in acute allergic inflammation. This project focuses on the mechanism by which a novel anti-inflammatory compound suppresses the activity of these cells.