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Dr Wenkui Dong

Faculty: Engineering

Wenkui Dong ( got a PhD from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) at the end of 2021, and then he worked at the Institute of Construction Materials, TU Dresden before j
Dr Marzia Hoque Tania

Faculty: Medicine & Health

I am an early-career clinical machine learning researcher, currently working as a Lecturer of Health Data Science at the Centre for Big Data Research in Health, UNSW.
Dr Nina Williams

Faculty: UNSW Canberra

A cultural geographer by training, Nina's research is concept-led a
Professor Nadine Ezard

Faculty: Medicine & Health

Dr Nadine Ezard is an Addiction Medicine Specialist (MBBS, BA, MPH, PhD, FAChAM) and a founding fellow of the Australian Chapter of Addiction Medicine.
Dr Joanne Cherie Danker

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Special education and disability
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Joanne Danker is a lecturer in Special Education in the School of Education at the University of New South Wales.
Dr Mohsen Mousavi

Faculty: Engineering

Dr Mohsen Mousavi is a lecturer at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of New South Wales.
Dr Han Tng

Faculty: Engineering

Dr. Han Tng is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the School of Chemical Engineering and a member of the UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science & Technology.
Ms Natalia Gonzalez Bohórquez

Faculty: Medicine & Health

I am a health services researcher with expertise in qualitative research methods, particularly in rural health, mental health, community health, and liveable and equitable communities.
Dr Braulio Mark Valencia Arroyo

Faculty: Medicine & Health

I am a clinically trained infectious diseases physician and an ECR (1.5-year post PhD) investigating host determinants of severity and outcome of infectious diseases, irrespectively of the pathogen
Mr Zifei Han

Faculty: Engineering

Dr. Zifei Han is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the School of Chemical Engineering at The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney), Australia.
Dr Denny Gunawan

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Chemical engineering, Catalysis and mechanisms of reactions, Photochemistry, Nanomaterials

Denny Gunawan is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Particles and Catalysis Research Group within the School of Chemical Engineering at the University of New South Wales.
Dr Carey Marr

Faculty: Medicine & Health
Fields of Research (FoR): Forensic psychology, Psychiatry (incl. psychotherapy), Mental health services

Dr Carey Marr is a Lecturer in the Discipline of Psychiatry & Mental Health at UNSW Sydney, specializing in legal and forensic psychology.
Dr Miaobing Jazzmin Zheng

Faculty: Medicine & Health
Fields of Research (FoR): Nutritional epidemiology, Public health nutrition, Nutrition and dietetics, Behavioural epidemiology, Infant and child health
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I am an ARC DECRA Fellow and a Senior Lecturer in Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Innovation at the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, UNSW Sydney.
Dr Arslan Siddique

Faculty: Engineering

Arslan is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the School of Chemistry, UNSW Australia.