Sanders, K., Jorgensen, F., Shipton, H., Van Rossenberg, Y., Cunha, R., Li, X., Rodrigues, R., Wong, S.I. & Dysvik, A. (2018). Performance-based rewards and innovative behavior. Human Resource Management, 57, 1455-1468. One of the two finalists for the 2019 International Human Resource Management Scholarly Research Award from the Human Resource Division of the Academy of Management.
Bednall, T.C., & Sanders, K. (2017) Do Opportunities for Formal Learning Stimulate Follow-up Participation in Informal Learning. A three-wave study. Human Resource Management. Best Publication in 2016. Department of Management and Marketing. Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia.
Sanders, K. (2017; 2018). Nominated for the 5 years’ officer track Human Resource (HR) Division, Academy of Management.
Sanders, K. (2017). Service Award Human Resource (HR) Division, Academy of Management.
Guest, D., Rodrigues, R. & Sanders, K. (2017). Presenters’ symposium "Manager HR Attribution and Employee Outcomes: Considering HR Implementation" recommended for inclusion in the All-Academy Theme (AAT) program for the 2017 Academy of Management Meeting 4-8 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Sanders, K. Jorgensen, F., & Lin, C.H.V., (2016). HRM Process Approach: Advancing the Field. Organizers of a Showcase Symposium. Academy of Management, annual meeting, August 5 – 9 2016, Anaheim, U.S.
Cogin, J., Kase, R. & Sanders, K. (2016). The Juggle of Resources to Enhance Managerial Performance: The Effects and Interplay of Managers’ Utilization of High-Performance Work Practices and Their Social Network Position. Best Paper Award at the HR Division International Conference, February 20-22, 2016
Lin, V.C. (2016). “Putting People First Matters: The Contribution of Human Resource Management to Strategy Implementation and Organizational Performance’ Best Thesis Award at the HR Division International Conference, February 20-22, 2016 (Supervisor)
Sanders, K. Jorgenson, F., Van Rossenberg, Wang, Y., Shipton, H., Li, X., Dysvik, A., Rodrigues, R., Cunha, R., Wong, I., (2015). HPWPs and innovative behaviour: Do HR strength and national culture matter. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting. August 7-12, 2015. Carolyn Dexter Award Nominee (Academy of Management Proceedings).
Caihui (Veronica) Lin, Karin Sanders, Jian Min (James) Sun, Helen Shipton & Erik Mooi (2014). The missing link between HRM and Organizational Performance: An Examination of Customer Linking Capabilities. Best Paper Award of the British Academy of Management, HRM Group, in Belfast, September 2014.
Sanders, K. Shipton, H., & Gomes (2015). Past, present and future of HR process research. Human Resource Management. Best Paper for 2014; Nottingham Business School, Nottingham, UK.
Bednall, T. & Sanders, K. (2014). The influence of LMX and LGO in Facilitating Knowledge Sharing and Innovation. Best Paper Award of the First International Conference of the HR Division, in Beijing, June 14-17.
Bednall, T. & Sanders, K. (2014). Formal training stimulates follow-up participation in informal learning: A three-wave study, Best Paper Notification for the 2014 Academy of Management Meeting, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US, August 1-5
Reinoud Tiel Groenestege (2013). Examining and revising the Vocational Rating Scale using Principal Component Analysis and Mokken scale analysis. University Twente. Award for best master thesis Faculty Behavioral (supervisor, together with Diederick Stoel)
Sanders, K., Dorenbosch, L., & Reuver, R. de (2008). The impact of individual and shared employee perceptions of HRM on affective commitment: Considering the climate strength. Personnel Review, 37, 412-425. Highly Commended Award Winner; Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence, 2009.
Lambooij, M,. Sanders, K., Koster, F., & Zwiers, M. (2005). Effects of Consistent Human Resource Practices on organisational performance. Best paper award, HRM conference, November 4-5, 2005, Twente, The Netherlands.
Luijken-Dilven van, L. (2004). Opleidingseffectiviteit. Management Development award 2004 (doctoral thesis; supervisor).