Human Research Closing Dates

Greater than Low Risk: Human Research Ethics Committee - Initial Applications

New applications: Applications are to be submitted by no later than 5 pm on the closing date and are reviewed monthly. If the deadline falls on a public holiday, the submission closing date will be 5 p.m. on the next working day. Outcomes following the meeting will be released to the research team within 10 working days.

Closing Dates

2025 - Review by full HREC

Initial review of new human research submissions, responses to deferred outcomes, and significant modifications must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the relevant closing date. If the deadline falls on a public holiday, the submission closing date will be 5 p.m. on the next working day.

Outcomes following the meeting will be released to the research team within 10 working days.

Closing Date Meeting Date Committee
Monday 3 March Tuesday 18 March Committee C
Monday 17 March Tuesday 1 April Committee A
Monday 24 March  Tuesday 8 April Committee B
Monday 31 March Tuesday 15 April Committee C
Monday 21 April Tuesday 6 May Committee A
Monday 28 April Tuesday 13 May Committee B
Monday 5 May Tuesday 20 May Committee C
Monday 19 May Tuesday 3 June Committee A
Monday 26 May Wednesday 11 June* Committee B
Monday 2 June Tuesday 17 June Committee C
Monday 16 June Tuesday 1 July Committee A
Monday 23 June Tuesday 8 July Committee B
Monday 30 June Tuesday 15 July Committee C
Monday 21 July Tuesday 5 August Committee A
Monday 28 July Tuesday 12 August Committee B
Monday 4 August Tuesday 19 August Committee C
Monday 18 August Tuesday 2 September Committee A
Monday 25 August Tuesday 9 September Committee B
Monday 1 September Tuesday 16 September Committee C
Monday 22 September Wednesday 8 October* Committee A
Monday 29 September Tuesday 14 October Committee B
Monday 6 October Tuesday 21 October Committee C
Monday 20 October Tuesday 4 November Committee A
Monday 27 October Tuesday 11 November Committee B
Monday 3 November Tuesday 13 November Committee C
Monday 17 November Tuesday 2 December

Committee A

Committee B

Committee C

Greater than Low Risk: HREC - Modifications, Responses, Monitoring Reports
2025 - Review by the HREC Executive

Review of initial application responses (Subject To outcomes), modifications, protocol deviations, conditions of approval, external ethics approvals and incident reports. If the deadline falls on a public holiday the submission closing date will be 5pm the next working day. Outcomes following the meeting will be released to the research team within 10 working days.

  • 2025: First submission deadline 5pm 13 January 2025.

  • 2025: Final submission deadline 5pm 9 December 2025.

Closing Date Meeting Date Committee
Weekly on a Monday at 5pm Weekly on a Thursday HREC Executive 
Low Risk Research - Human Research Advisory Panel Closing Dates

Low Risk research must be submitted to the panel responsible for your school or faculty. Submission closing dates and requirements for each school or faculty vary slightly. For information on closing dates or submission requirements, select the relevant panel from the list below.

Minimal Risk Research - HREAP Executive Closing Dates

Minimal Risk: Applications are to be submitted by no later than 5pm on a Tuesday and are reviewed weekly, on the following Tuesday. The final Submission deadline of 2024 is the 3rd of December. The first submission deadline of 2025 is the 21st of January.

Modification requests, personnel modification requests and responses: Submissions must be provided by no later than 5pm on a Tuesday and are reviewed weekly, on the following Tuesday. Items received after the submission closing will be processed for the next available meeting.

Extensions to Submission Deadlines and Late Applications
  • Extensions for new applications to submission deadlines must be requested in writing to before the submission deadline.
  • Requests will be granted based on the number of applications listed on the meeting agenda for the submission deadline and whether the maximum number of applications has been exceeded. 
  • An extension of two working days will be provided for all requests granted, after this time the meeting agenda will be circulated and additional submissions will not be added.  
  • Submissions received after the deadline without an approved extension request will be processed for the next available submission closing date.
  • Extension requests are not provided for modifications, personnel requests or responses.