Select Publications


Prior DD; Buttle F; Maklan S, 2024, CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT: Concepts, Applications, and Technologies, Fifth Edition,

Prior DD, 2023, B2B Customer Engagement Strategy An Introduction to Managing Customer Experience, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK,

Prior D, 2021, Organisational Buying: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, Palgrave, London, UK,

Book Chapters

Paranavithana IR; Rupasinghe TD; Prior DD, 2023, 'A Machine-Learnt Approach to Market Segmentation and Purchase Prediction Using Point-Of-Sale (POS) Data', in , pp. 49 - 61,

Paranavithana IR; Rupasinghe TD; Prior D, 2022, 'A Machine-Learnt Approach to Market Segmentation and Purchase Prediction Using Point-Of-Sale (POS) Data', in Ao S-I; Gelman L (ed.), Transactions on Engineering Technologies Proceedings of World Congress on Engineering 2021, Springer, pp. 49 - 62,

Nailer C; Prior DD; Keränen J, 2019, 'A dynamic process theory of public value', in Koenig-Lewis N; Kitchener M; Brewer J; Moore M; Meynhardt T (ed.), Public Value: Deepening, Enriching, and Broadening the Theory and Practice, Routledge

Dhawan P; Prior D, 2017, 'Internal branding and leader-member exchange: Role of cultural capital in employee’s service delivery behaviour in healthcare sector: An abstract', in Marketing Transformation: Marketing Practice in an Ever Changing World Proceedings of the 2017 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress (WMC), Springer,

Prior DD; Mazanov J, 2017, 'Marketing, integrity management and drugs in sport', in Managing Drugs in Sport, edn. Routledge Research in Sport Business and Management, Routledge, London, UK, pp. 157 - 172,

Prior DD, 2016, 'A social identity perspective of customer value heterogeneity in complex industrial solutions', in Campbell C; Ma JJ (ed.), , SPRINGER INT PUBLISHING AG, pp. 133 - 142,

Prior DD, 2015, 'Transactional, Project-Based and Ongoing Service Delivery in the B2B Context', in Deeter-Schmelz DR (ed.), Proceedings of the 2010 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, Springer, pp. 60 - 64

Marcos-Cuevas J; Prior DD; Enz MG, 2015, 'Value co-destruction in complex B2B relations: conceptualization and mechanisms', in Kubacki K (ed.), Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. Ideas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old, Springer, pp. 153 - 153,

Prior D, 2014, 'Considering the nature of value capturing mechanisms in industrial buyer-supplier exchange — A structured abstract', in Marketing Dynamism & Sustainability: Things Change, Things Stay the Same... Proceedings of the 2012 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, Springer,

Prior D, 2014, 'Ok, we have the Resources, But what Next? A Conceptual Model of the Effects of Project Team Activities on Customer Perceived Value', in Marketing Dynamism & Sustainability: Things Change, Things Stay the Same... Proceedings of the 2012 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, Springer,

Prior D, 2014, 'Examining project management through a marketing lens: A literature review and research agenda', in Proceedings of the 2010 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, Springer,

Journal articles

Aboutorab H; Hussain OK; Saberi M; Hussain FK; Prior D, 2024, 'Adaptive identification of supply chain disruptions through reinforcement learning', Expert Systems with Applications, 248, pp. 123477,

Prior DD; Mysore Seshadrinath S; Zhang M; McCormack M, 2024, 'Measuring sustainable development goals (SDGs) in higher education through semantic matching', Studies in Higher Education,

Aboutorab H; Hussain OK; Saberi M; Hussain FK; Prior D, 2023, 'Reinforcement Learning-Based News Recommendation System', IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 16, pp. 4493 - 4502,

Bui HT; Hussain OK; Prior D; Hussain FK; Saberi M, 2023, 'SIAEF/PoE: Accountability of Earnestness for encoding subjective information in Blockchain', Knowledge-Based Systems, 269, pp. 110501,

Janjua NK; Nawaz F; Prior DD, 2023, 'A fuzzy supply chain risk assessment approach using real-time disruption event data from Twitter', Enterprise Information Systems, 17, pp. 1959652,

Bui HT; Hussain OK; Prior D; Hussain FK; Saberi M, 2022, 'Proof by Earnestness (PoE) to determine the authenticity of subjective information in blockchains - application in supply chain risk management', Knowledge-Based Systems, 250, pp. 108972,

Prior DD; Hitihami Mudiyanselage LK; Hussain OK, 2022, 'Does formalization or centralization mitigate uncertainty in knowledge-intensive procurement?', Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 37, pp. 433 - 446,

Prior DD; Saberi M; Janjua NK; Jie F, 2022, 'Can i trust you? incorporating supplier trustworthiness into supplier selection criteria', Enterprise Information Systems, 16,

Prior DD; Hitihami Mudiyanselage LK; Hussain OK, 2021, 'Buying centre members’ information control and complex organizational buying', Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 36, pp. 125 - 136,

Prior DD; Keränen J, 2020, 'Revisiting contemporary issues in B2B marketing: It's not just about artificial intelligence', Australasian Marketing Journal, 28, pp. 83 - 89,

Keränen J; Prior DD, 2020, 'Opportunities for ethnographic methodologies in B2B service research', Journal of Services Marketing, 34, pp. 78 - 86,

Abeza G; O’Reilly N; Prior D; Huybers T; Mazanov J, 2020, 'The impact of scandal on sport consumption: do different scandal types have different levels of influence on different consumer segments?', European Sport Management Quarterly, 20, pp. 130 - 150,

Prior DD; Keränen J; Koskela S, 2019, 'Customer participation antecedents, profiles and value-in-use goals in complex B2B service exchange', Industrial Marketing Management, 82, pp. 131 - 147,

Prior DD; Keränen J; Koskela S, 2018, 'Sensemaking, sensegiving and absorptive capacity in complex procurements', Journal of Business Research, 88, pp. 79 - 90,

Marcos J; Prior DD, 2017, 'Buyer-supplier relationship decline: A norms-based perspective', Journal of Business Research, 76, pp. 14 - 23,

Prior DD; Mazanov J; Meacheam D; Heaslip G; Hanson J, 2016, 'Attitude, digital literacy and self efficacy: Flow-on effects for online learning behavior', Internet and Higher Education, 29, pp. 91 - 97,

Prior DD, 2016, 'Boundary spanning and customer service styles in business solutions implementation', Industrial Marketing Management, 56, pp. 120 - 129,

Prior DD, 2016, 'Incorporating exchange governance in service-dominant logic: Lessons from transaction cost economics', Marketing Theory, 16, pp. 553 - 560,

Chang E; Prior DD; Cannon S, 2016, 'Intelligent situational awareness powered by Internet of Things and human-centred recommender systems', International Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications, pp. 40 - 40,

Prior DD, 2016, 'The impact of service worker personal resources on relationship quality in business solutions', Industrial Marketing Management, 53, pp. 216 - 225,

Chang E; Prior DD; Gottwalt F; Others , 2016, 'Towards an integrated system for Army logistics management', Australian Army Journal, 13, pp. 105 - 105,

Prior DD; Marcos-Cuevas J, 2016, 'Value co-destruction in interfirm relationships: The impact of actor engagement styles', Marketing Theory, 16, pp. 533 - 552,

Prior DD, 2013, 'Supplier representative activities and customer perceived value in complex industrial solutions', Industrial Marketing Management, 42, pp. 1192 - 1201,

Prior DD; O’ Reilly N; Mazanov J; Huybers T, 2013, 'The impact of scandal on sport consumption: a conceptual framework for future research', International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 14, pp. 188 - 188,

Prior DD, 2012, 'The effects of buyer‐supplier relationships on buyer competitiveness', Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 27, pp. 100 - 114,

Prior DD; Miller LM, 2012, 'Webethnography: Towards a typology for quality in research design', International Journal of Market Research, 54, pp. 503 - 520,

Prior DD, 2010, 'Reconciling Managerial and Economic Views in Competitive Advantage Research', Management ONline Review, pp. 1 - 8,

Kong E; Prior D, 2008, 'An intellectual capital perspective of competitive advantage in nonprofit organisations', International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 13, pp. 119 - 128,

Prior DD, 2006, 'Integrating stakeholder management and relationship management: Contributions from the relational view of the firm', Journal of General Management, 32, pp. 17 - 30,

Conference Papers

Prior D; Marcos J; Sun L, 2023, 'Key Account Management Maturity: A Preliminary Framework', in Thyne M; Biggemann S (ed.), ANZMAC 2023 Marketing for Good Conference Proceedings, Dunedin, New Zealand, presented at ANZMAC 2023 Marketing for Good, Dunedin, New Zealand, 04 December 2023 - 06 December 2023,

Prior D, 2022, 'Service Exchange Governance Through Service-dominant Contracts', in Harrigan P; Brush G (ed.), ANZMAC Conference 2022, Perth, Western Australia, presented at ANZMAC Conference 2022, Perth, Western Australia, 05 December 2022 - 07 December 2022,

Prior D, 2022, 'The impact of macro-level politics on Defence-related B2G solutions implementations', in Harrigan P; Brush G (ed.), ANZMAC Conference 2022, Perth, Western Australia, presented at ANZMAC Conference 2022, Perth, Western Australia, 05 December 2022 - 07 December 2022,

Sun L; Marcos J; Prior D, 2022, 'The capabilities for Implementing Key Account Management: A Systematic Review', in Johnson CM; Wengler S; Hildmann G; Vossebein U (eds.), Frankfurt, Germany, presented at Global Sales Science Institute 15th Annual Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, 08 June 2022 - 11 June 2022,

Randika Paranavithana MPI; Rupanasinge T; Prior D, 2021, 'Unsupervised learning and market basket analysis in market segmentation', in World Congress on Engineering 2021, London, UK, presented at World Congress on Engineering 2021, London, UK, 01 July 2021

Prior DD; Keränen J, 2020, 'Value narratives: Communicating complex value propositions', in SERVSIG 2020 American Marketing Association, Brisbane, presented at 11th SERVSIG, Brisbane, 09 July 2020,

Prior DD; Karunarathne HMLP, 2019, 'Complex organizational buying and actor bounded reliability: Effects on procurement performance', in European Marketing Academy Conference

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