Select Publications

Journal articles

Pan J; Loughland T; Collie RJ; Kingsford-Smith AA; Ryan M; Mansfield C; Davey R; Monteleone C; Tanti M, 2025, 'The impact of practicum job demands and resources on pre-service teachers’ occupational commitment and job intent', Teaching and Teacher Education, 153,

Collie RJ; Hascher T, 2024, 'Student well-being: Advancing knowledge of the construct and the role of learning and teaching factors', Learning and Instruction, 94,

Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2024, 'Students' perceived competence across academic and social-emotional domains: Unique roles in relation to autonomy-supportive teaching, academic engagement, and well-being', Learning and Individual Differences, 116,

Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Gasevic D, 2024, 'Teachers’ generative AI self-efficacy, valuing, and integration at work: Examining job resources and demands', Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 7,

Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Malmberg LE, 2024, 'Exploring the roles of academic, personal, and cultural demands and resources in immigrant students' motivation, engagement, and achievement', Learning and Instruction, 92,

Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Flesken A; McCourt B, 2024, 'Personal agency among students from low socio-economic backgrounds: An examination of student profiles, perceived teaching support, and achievement', Social Psychology of Education, 27, pp. 1705 - 1736,

Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2024, 'The academic and social-emotional flourishing framework', Learning and Individual Differences, 114,

Granziera H; Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2024, 'The role of personal best goal setting and teaching styles in homework behavior: An academic demands-resources perspective', Social Psychology of Education, 27, pp. 2129 - 2142,

Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Stephan M; Flesken A; Halcrow F; McCourt B, 2024, 'What is the role of teaching support in students’ motivation and engagement trajectories during adolescence? A four-year latent growth modeling study', Learning and Instruction, 92,

Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2024, 'Teachers’ motivation and engagement to harness generative AI for teaching and learning: The role of contextual, occupational, and background factors', Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 6,

Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Holliman AJ, 2024, 'The role of health demands, health resources, and adaptability in psychological strain and life satisfaction', Stress and Health, 40,

Collie RJ; Caldecott-Davis K; Martin AJ, 2024, 'Academic buoyancy among female secondary school students: An examination of predictors and outcomes up to age 22', Social Psychology of Education, 27, pp. 363 - 388,

Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Renshaw L; Caldecott-Davis K, 2024, 'Students’ perceived social-emotional competence: The role of autonomy-support and links with well-being, social-emotional skills, and behaviors', Learning and Instruction, 90,

Collie RJ, 2024, 'The Tripartite Occupational Well-Being Scale: Evidence of Validity Among Teachers', Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 42, pp. 46 - 59,

Bostwick KCP; Burns EC; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Durksen TL, 2024, 'A Bifactor Exploratory Structural Equation Model of Students’ Growth-Focused Motivation', Journal of Experimental Education,

Granziera H; Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Caldecott-Davis K, 2024, 'Adaptability and buoyancy: investigating their unique associations with students’ wellbeing and academic achievement', Educational Psychology, 44, pp. 927 - 945,

Nagy RP; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2024, 'Corrigendum: Disentangling motivation and engagement: Exploring the role of effort in promoting greater conceptual and methodological clarity(Front. Psychol., (2022), 13, (1045717), 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1045717)', Frontiers in Psychology, 15,

Collie RJ, 2024, 'Social-emotional need satisfaction and students’ academic engagement and social-emotional skills', Educational Psychology, 44, pp. 117 - 135,

Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Stephan M; Flesken A; Halcrow F; McCourt B, 2024, 'The role of teaching support in assisting students' transition to high school', Learning and Individual Differences, 109,

Collie RJ, 2023, 'Teachers’ work motivation: Examining perceived leadership practices and salient outcomes', Teaching and Teacher Education, 135,

Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2023, 'Teacher well-being and sense of relatedness with students: Examining associations over one school term', Teaching and Teacher Education, 132,

Kingsford-Smith AA; Collie RJ; Loughland T; Nguyen HTM, 2023, 'Teacher wellbeing in rural, regional, and metropolitan schools: Examining resources and demands across locations', Teaching and Teacher Education, 132, pp. 104229,

Collie RJ, 2023, 'Teacher well-being and turnover intentions: Investigating the roles of job resources and job demands', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, pp. 712 - 726,

Collie RJ; Carroll A, 2023, 'Autonomy-pressure profiles among teachers: Changes over a school term, leadership predictors, and workplace outcomes', Teaching and Teacher Education, 124,

Martin AJ; Ginns P; Collie RJ, 2023, 'University students in COVID-19 lockdown: The role of adaptability and fluid reasoning in supporting their academic motivation and engagement', Learning and Instruction, 83,

Collie RJ, 2023, 'Job demands and resources, teachers’ subjective vitality, and turnover intentions: an examination during COVID-19', Educational Psychology, 43, pp. 452 - 471,

Martin AJ; Ginns P; Nagy RP; Collie RJ; Bostwick KCP, 2023, 'Load reduction instruction in mathematics and English classrooms: A multilevel study of student and teacher reports', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 72,

Nagy RP; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2022, 'Disentangling motivation and engagement: Exploring the role of effort in promoting greater conceptual and methodological clarity', Frontiers in Psychology, 13,

Collie RJ, 2022, 'Perceived social-emotional competence: A multidimensional examination and links with social-emotional motivation and behaviors', Learning and Instruction, 82, pp. 101656,

Martin AJ; Burns EC; Collie RJ; Cutmore M; MacLeod S; Donlevy V, 2022, 'The role of engagement in immigrant students’ academic resilience', Learning and Instruction, 82,

Granziera H; Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2022, 'Teacher well-being: A complementary variable- and person-centered approach harnessing Job Demands-Resources theory', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 71,

Collie RJ; Mansfield CF, 2022, 'Teacher and school stress profiles: A multilevel examination and associations with work-related outcomes', Teaching and Teacher Education, 116, pp. 103759,

Granziera H; Liem GAD; Chong WH; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Bishop M; Tynan L, 2022, 'The role of teachers' instrumental and emotional support in students' academic buoyancy, engagement, and academic skills: A study of high school and elementary school students in different national contexts', Learning and Instruction, 80,

Bostwick KCP; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Durksen TL, 2022, 'Motivation in context: A multilevel examination of growth orientation across one year', Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 81,

Bostwick KCP; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Burns EC; Hare N; Cox S; Flesken A; McCarthy I, 2022, 'Academic Buoyancy in High School: A Cross-Lagged Multilevel Modeling Approach Exploring Reciprocal Effects With Perceived School Support, Motivation, and Engagement', Journal of Educational Psychology, 114, pp. 1931 - 1949,

Collie RJ, 2022, 'Social-emotional need satisfaction, prosocial motivation, and students’ positive behavioral and well-being outcomes', Social Psychology of Education, 25, pp. 399 - 424,

Burns EC; Collie RJ; Bergen PV; Martin AJ, 2022, 'Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Psychosocial Adjustment Resources and Achievement: A Multilevel Latent Profile Analysis of Students and Schools', Journal of Educational Psychology, 114, pp. 1912 - 1930,

Collie RJ, 2022, 'Instructional support, perceived social-emotional competence, and students’ behavioral and emotional well-being outcomes', Educational Psychology, 42, pp. 4 - 22,

Burns EC; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Mainhard T, 2021, 'Perceived classroom disruption undermines the positive educational effects of perceived need-supportive teaching in science', Learning and Instruction, 75,

Granziera H; Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Nassar N, 2021, 'Behavioral Self-Regulation Among Children With Hyperactivity and Inattention in the First Year of School: A Population-Based Latent Profile Analysis and Links With Later ADHD Diagnosis', Journal of Educational Psychology, 115, pp. 523 - 538,

Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Nagy RP, 2021, 'Adaptability and High School Students’ Online Learning During COVID-19: A Job Demands-Resources Perspective', Frontiers in Psychology, 12,

Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Morin AJS; Malmberg LE; Sammons P, 2021, 'A Multilevel Person-Centered Examination of Teachers' Workplace Experiences: Replication and Extension With Links to Instructional Support and Achievement', Frontiers in Psychology, 12, pp. 711173,

Martin AJ; Ginns P; Burns EC; Kennett R; Munro-Smith V; Collie RJ; Pearson J, 2021, 'Assessing Instructional Cognitive Load in the Context of Students' Psychological Challenge and Threat Orientations: A Multi-Level Latent Profile Analysis of Students and Classrooms', Frontiers in Psychology, 12,

Martin AJ; Burns EC; Collie RJ; Bostwick KCP; Flesken A; McCarthy I, 2021, 'Growth Goal Setting in High School: A Large-Scale Study of Perceived Instructional Support, Personal Background Attributes, and Engagement Outcomes', Journal of Educational Psychology, 114, pp. 752 - 771,

Collie RJ, 2021, 'A multilevel examination of teachers’ occupational commitment: the roles of job resources and disruptive student behavior', Social Psychology of Education, 24, pp. 387 - 411,

Holliman AJ; Waldeck D; Jay B; Murphy S; Atkinson E; Collie RJ; Martin A, 2021, 'Adaptability and Social Support: Examining Links With Psychological Wellbeing Among UK Students and Non-students', Frontiers in Psychology, 12,

Burns EC; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2021, 'A future time perspective of secondary school students' academic engagement and disengagement: A longitudinal investigation', Journal of School Psychology, 84, pp. 109 - 123,

Collie RJ, 2021, 'COVID-19 and Teachers’ Somatic Burden, Stress, and Emotional Exhaustion: Examining the Role of Principal Leadership and Workplace Buoyancy', AERA Open, 7, pp. 2332858420986187,

Collie RJ; Granziera H; Martin AJ; Burns EC; Holliman AJ, 2020, 'Adaptability among science teachers in schools: A multi-nation examination of its role in school outcomes', Teaching and Teacher Education, 95,

Burns EC; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2020, 'Supporting and thwarting interpersonal dynamics and student achievement: a multi-level examination of PISA 2015', International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 43, pp. 364 - 378,

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