Select Publications
Book Chapters
2023, 'Need satisfaction and links with social-emotional motivation and outcomes among students', in Self-Determination Theory and Socioemotional Learning, pp. 19 - 37,
,2022, 'Adaptability and educational transitions', in Overcoming Adversity in Education, Routledge, pp. 54 - 65,
,2022, 'Indigenous (Aboriginal, First Nations) students overcoming academic adversity', in Overcoming Adversity in Education, Routledge, pp. 211 - 222,
,2022, 'The Academic and Cultural Demands-Resources (ACD-R) framework', in Overcoming Adversity in Education, Routledge, pp. 249 - 261,
,2022, 'The social and emotional foundations of learning', in Education and the learning experience in reimagining education: The international science and evidence based education assessment, UNESCO MGIEP,
,2022, 'Students' growth orientation: Implications for their academic flourishing', in Handbook of Positive Psychology in Schools: Supporting Process and Practice, pp. 309 - 318,
,2022, 'Students' Growth Orientation', in Handbook of Positive Psychology in Schools, Routledge, pp. 309 - 318,
,2021, 'Teacher wellbeing', in Building Better Schools with Evidence-based Policy: Adaptable Policy for Teachers and School Leaders, Taylor & Francis, pp. 169 - 175,
,2021, 'Motivation theory and its yields for promoting students’ social and emotional competence', in Motivating the SEL Field Forward Through Equity, Emerald, pp. 43 - 59,
,2020, 'Understanding Teacher Wellbeing Through Job Demands-Resources Theory', in Cultivating Teacher Resilience International Approaches, Applications and Impact, Springer
,2020, 'Adaptability and academic development', in Hupp S; Jewell JD (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development, Wiley-Blackwell, London, pp. 1 - 11,
,2020, 'Implicit Theories of Intelligence', in Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer International Publishing, pp. 2184 - 2190,
,2019, 'Adaptability and academic development', in Jewell J (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development, Wiley, London,
,2019, 'Motivation and engagement in learning', in Zhang L (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, Oxford University Press, New York,
,2017, 'School context and educational system factors impacting educator stress', in McIntyre TM; McIntyre SE; Francis DJ (ed.), Educator Stress An Occupational Health Perspective, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 3 - 22
,2017, 'Social and emotional learning: A brief overview and issues relevant to Australia and the Asia-Pacific', in Frydenberg E; Martin A; Collie R (ed.), Social and emotional learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific, Springer, New York,
,2017, 'Teachers’ social and emotional competence: Links with social and emotional learning and positive workplace outcomes', in Social and emotional learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific, Springer, New York, pp. 167 - 184,
,2017, 'Social and emotional learning, social and emotional competence, and students’ academic outcomes: The roles of psychological need satisfaction, adaptability, and buoyancy', in Social and Emotional Learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific: Perspectives, Programs and Approaches, Springer, pp. 17 - 37,
,2017, 'Social and emotional learning: Lessons learned and opportunities going forward', in Social and Emotional Learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific: Perspectives, Programs and Approaches, Springer, pp. 459 - 471,
,2016, 'The role of teacher-student relationships in unlocking students’ academic potential: Exploring motivation, engagement, resilience, adaptability, goals, and instruction', in Wentzel KR; Ramani GB (ed.), Handbook of Social Influences in School Contexts Social-Emotional, Motivation, and Cognitive Outcomes, Routledge, New York, pp. 158 - 177
,2016, 'Implicit Theories of Intelligence', in Zeigler-Hill V; Shackelford T (ed.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer, New York, pp. 1 - 7,
,2015, 'Motivation and engagement in music: Theory, research, practice, and future directions', in Fleming J; Gibson R; Anderson, M. (ed.), How Arts Education Makes a Difference: Research Examining Successful Classroom Practice and Pedagogy, Routledge, London, pp. 169 - 185,
,2015, 'Teachers’ Psychological Needs, Motivation, and Autonomy-Support: Impacts on Students’ Growth Goals and Achievement Outcomes', in Goal Setting and Personal Development: Teachers' Perspectives, Behavioral Strategies and Impact on Performance, Nova, New York, NY, pp. 1 - 14,
,2014, 'Validity evidence in the Journal of Educational Psychology: Documenting current practice and a comparison with earlier practice', in Zumbo BD; Chan EKH (ed.), Validity and Validation in Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences, Springer, New York, NY, pp. 113 - 135,
,Edited Books
Frydenberg E; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, (eds.), 2017, Social and emotional learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific, Springer, Singapore
Journal articles
2025, 'The impact of practicum job demands and resources on pre-service teachers’ occupational commitment and job intent', Teaching and Teacher Education, 153,
,2024, 'Student well-being: Advancing knowledge of the construct and the role of learning and teaching factors', Learning and Instruction, 94,
,2024, 'Students' perceived competence across academic and social-emotional domains: Unique roles in relation to autonomy-supportive teaching, academic engagement, and well-being', Learning and Individual Differences, 116,
,2024, 'Teachers’ generative AI self-efficacy, valuing, and integration at work: Examining job resources and demands', Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 7,
,2024, 'Exploring the roles of academic, personal, and cultural demands and resources in immigrant students' motivation, engagement, and achievement', Learning and Instruction, 92,
,2024, 'Personal agency among students from low socio-economic backgrounds: An examination of student profiles, perceived teaching support, and achievement', Social Psychology of Education, 27, pp. 1705 - 1736,
,2024, 'The academic and social-emotional flourishing framework', Learning and Individual Differences, 114,
,2024, 'The role of personal best goal setting and teaching styles in homework behavior: An academic demands-resources perspective', Social Psychology of Education, 27, pp. 2129 - 2142,
,2024, 'What is the role of teaching support in students’ motivation and engagement trajectories during adolescence? A four-year latent growth modeling study', Learning and Instruction, 92,
,2024, 'Teachers’ motivation and engagement to harness generative AI for teaching and learning: The role of contextual, occupational, and background factors', Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 6,
,2024, 'The role of health demands, health resources, and adaptability in psychological strain and life satisfaction', Stress and Health, 40,
,2024, 'Academic buoyancy among female secondary school students: An examination of predictors and outcomes up to age 22', Social Psychology of Education, 27, pp. 363 - 388,
,2024, 'Students’ perceived social-emotional competence: The role of autonomy-support and links with well-being, social-emotional skills, and behaviors', Learning and Instruction, 90,
,2024, 'The Tripartite Occupational Well-Being Scale: Evidence of Validity Among Teachers', Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 42, pp. 46 - 59,
,2024, 'A Bifactor Exploratory Structural Equation Model of Students’ Growth-Focused Motivation', Journal of Experimental Education,
,2024, 'Adaptability and buoyancy: investigating their unique associations with students’ wellbeing and academic achievement', Educational Psychology,
,2024, 'Corrigendum: Disentangling motivation and engagement: Exploring the role of effort in promoting greater conceptual and methodological clarity(Front. Psychol., (2022), 13, (1045717), 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1045717)', Frontiers in Psychology, 15,
,2024, 'Social-emotional need satisfaction and students’ academic engagement and social-emotional skills', Educational Psychology, 44, pp. 117 - 135,
,2024, 'The role of teaching support in assisting students' transition to high school', Learning and Individual Differences, 109,
,2023, 'Teachers’ work motivation: Examining perceived leadership practices and salient outcomes', Teaching and Teacher Education, 135,
,2023, 'Teacher well-being and sense of relatedness with students: Examining associations over one school term', Teaching and Teacher Education, 132,
,2023, 'Teacher wellbeing in rural, regional, and metropolitan schools: Examining resources and demands across locations', Teaching and Teacher Education, 132, pp. 104229,
,2023, 'Teacher well-being and turnover intentions: Investigating the roles of job resources and job demands', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, pp. 712 - 726,
,2023, 'Autonomy-pressure profiles among teachers: Changes over a school term, leadership predictors, and workplace outcomes', Teaching and Teacher Education, 124,
,2023, 'University students in COVID-19 lockdown: The role of adaptability and fluid reasoning in supporting their academic motivation and engagement', Learning and Instruction, 83,