Select Publications

Book Chapters

Johnson F; Sharma A, 2016, 'Design Rainfalls', in Chow's Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Education

Bates B; McLuckie D; Westra S; Johnson FM; Green J; Mummery J; Abbs D, 2016, 'Climate Change Considerations', in Ball J; Babister M; Nathan R; Weeks B; Weinmann E; Retallick M; Testoni I (ed.), Australian Rainfall and Runoff: A Guide to Flood Estimation,

Green J; Johnson FM; Beesley C; The C, 2016, 'Design Rainfalls', in Ball J; Babister M; Nathan R; Week B; Weinmann E; Retallick M; Testoni I (ed.), Australian Rainfall and Runoff: A Guide to Flood Estimation

Sharma A; Mehrotra R; Johnson FM, 2013, 'A New Framework for Modeling Future Hydrologic Extremes: Nested Bias Correction as a Precursor to Stochastic Rainfall Downscaling', in Surampalli RY; Gurjar BR; Zhang TC; Ojha CSP (ed.), Climate Change Modeling, Mitigation, and Adaptation, ASCE, USA, pp. 357 - 386,,+Eds:+Rao+Y.+Surampalli+and+C.S.P.+Ojha,+American+Society+of+Civil+Engineers+(ASCE),+USA&oq=Green+House+Gas+Emissions+and+Climate+Change,+Eds:+Rao+Y.+Surampalli+and+C.S.P.+Ojha,+American+Society+of+Civil+Engineers+(ASCE),+USA&gs_l=serp.2..0i13j0i8i13i30.7321.14219.0.14263.;..0.16...1c.1.2.serp.gxHOhVnePWc&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=3ee548857202bff9&biw=1477&bih=778

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