Select Publications

Journal articles

Stacey M, 2017, 'The teacher "problem': an analysis of the NSW education policy Great Teaching, Inspired Learning', DISCOURSE-STUDIES IN THE CULTURAL POLITICS OF EDUCATION, 38, pp. 782 - 793,

Stacey M, 2016, 'Middle-class parents' educational work in an academically selective public high school', CRITICAL STUDIES IN EDUCATION, 57, pp. 209 - 223,


Fitzgerald S; McGrath-Champ S; Wilson R; Stacey M, 2019, Understanding Work in WA Public Schools: 2019 Report to the State School Teachers Union of WA

McGrath-Champ S; Wilson R; Stacey M; Fitzgerald S, 2018, Understanding work in schools: The foundation for teaching and learning,

McGrath-Champ S; Wilson R; Stacey M, 2017, Teaching and learning: Review of workload,


McGrath-Champ S; Stacey M; Fitzgerald S; Gavin M; Wilson R, 2023, Teachers’ work and working conditions: Collaborating to drive change, NSW Teachers Federation,

Wilson R; McGrath-Champ S; Fitzgerald S; Gavin M; Stacey M, 2023, Teacher workload and intensifying demands, NSW Teachers Federation,

Gavin M; Fitzgerald S; McGrath-Champ S; Stacey M; Wilson R, 2023, Teachers' voices and their unions, NSW Teachers Federation,

Stacey M; Wilson R; Fitzgerald S; Gavin M; McGrath-Champ S, 2023, Temporary teachers and precarious work,

Fitzgerald S; Gavin M; McGrath-Champ S; Stacey M; Wilson R, 2023, The impact of devolutionary reform on teachers and principals, NSW Teachers Federation,

Stacey M; Thompson G; Hogan A; Mockler N; Creagh S, 2023, 63 minutes in half an hour: the intensity of time in teaching,

Thompson G; Hogan A; Stacey M, 2023, Getting inside the 'heavy hours': Understanding why teachers' work has become so demanding,

Stacey M, 2021, Perspectives - Meghan Stacey,

Wilson R; Stacey M; McGrath-Champ S, 2020, Teachers’ work during the COVID-19 pandemic: Shifts, challenges and opportunities, Centre for Strategic Education, Melbourne, Victoria,

McGrath-Champ S; Wilson R; Stacey M; Fitzgerald S; Gavin M, 2020, Valuing the Teaching Profession Inquiry - Submission from the Teachers’ Work in Schools Research Team,

McGrath-Champ S; Wilson R; Fitzgerald S; Stacey M; Gavin M; Parding K, 2019, Submission to: Valuing Australia’s teachers: Parliamentary Inquiry into the status of the teaching profession,

Fitzgerald S; McGrath-Champ S; Wilson R; Stacey M; Rainnie A; Parding K, 2016, Submission to: Education and Health Standing Committee Inquiry into the Department of Education's Independent Public Schools Initiative,$file/18.pdf

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