Select Publications

Journal articles

Sui D; Deghat M, 2024, 'Collision-free zero-communication finite-time target localization and circumnavigation by multiple agents using bearing-only measurements', Journal of the Franklin Institute, 361,

Cheah HL; Deghat M, 2024, 'Bearing-Based Leader-Follower Formation Tracking Control Using Elevation Angle', IEEE Access, pp. 1 - 1,

Sui D; Deghat M; Sun Z; Greiff M, 2024, 'Unbiased Bearing-Only Localization and Circumnavigation of a Constant Velocity Target', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, pp. 1 - 15,

Thumiger N; Deghat M, 2022, 'A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Practical Decentralized UAV Collision Avoidance', IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6, pp. 2174 - 2179,

Deghat M; Ahmadizadeh S; Nešić D; Manzie C, 2021, 'Practical exponential stability and closeness of solutions for singularly perturbed systems via averaging', Automatica, 126, pp. 109449,

Greiff M; Deghat M; Sun Z; Robertsson A, 2021, 'Target localization and circumnavigation with integral action in R2', IEEE Control Systems Letters,

Deghat M; Ugrinovskii V; Shames I; Langbort C, 2019, 'Detection and mitigation of biasing attacks on distributed estimation networks', AUTOMATICA, 99, pp. 369 - 381,

Sun Z; Anderson BDO; Deghat M; Ahn HS, 2017, 'Rigid formation control of double-integrator systems', International Journal of Control, 90, pp. 1403 - 1419,

Jiang B; Deghat M; Anderson BDO, 2017, 'Simultaneous velocity and position estimation via distance-only measurements with application to multi-agent system control', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62, pp. 869 - 875,

Deghat M; Anderson B; Lin Z, 2016, 'Combined Flocking and Distance-Based Shape Control of Multi-Agent Formations', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61, pp. 1824 - 1837,

Bishop AN; Deghat M; Anderson BDO; Hong Y, 2015, 'Distributed formation control with relaxed motion requirements', International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 25, pp. 3210 - 3230,

Sun, Z ; Mou, S ; Deghat M; Anderson, BDO , 2015, 'Finite time distributed distance-constrained shape stabilization and flocking control for d-dimensional undirected rigid formations', International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,

Deghat M; Xia L; Anderson BDO; Hong Y, 2015, 'Multi-target localization and circumnavigation by a single agent using bearing measurements', International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 25, pp. 2362 - 2374,

Deghat M; Shames I; Anderson BDO, 2015, 'Safe autonomous agent formation operations via obstacle collision avoidance', Asian Journal of Control, 17, pp. 1473 - 1483,

Deghat M; Shames I; Anderson BDO; Yu C, 2014, 'Localization and circumnavigation of a slowly moving target using bearing measurements', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 59, pp. 2182 - 2188,

Deghat M; Xia L; Anderson BDO; Hong Y, 2014, 'Multi-target localization and circumnavigation by a single agent using bearing measurements', International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,

Deghat M; Karimaghaee P, 2008, 'A Level Measurement Method based on Acoustic Resonance using Unscented Kalman Filter', IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 41, pp. 1426 - 1431,

Deghat M; Karimaghaee P, 2007, 'A new method for integrating analog to digital conversion based on error reduction', Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 40, pp. 919 - 927,

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