Select Publications

Journal articles

Louie AM; Ostry AS; Quinlan M; Keegel T; Shoveller J; LaMontagne AD, 2007, 'Empirical Study of Employment Arrangements and Precariousness in Australia', Relations industrielles, 61, pp. 465 - 489,

Quinlan MG, 2007, 'Organisational Restructuring/downsizing, OHS regulation and worker health and wellbeing', International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 30, pp. 385 - 399

James P; Johnstone R; Quinlan MG; Walters D, 2007, 'Regulating Supply chains to Improve Health and Safety', Industrial Law Journal, 36, pp. 163 - 187

Quinlan MG; Johnstone R; James P; Nossar I, 2007, 'Supply chain regulation to protect the occupational health and safety of vulnerable workers', Revista brasileira de saúde ocupacional, 32, pp. 145 - 152,

Quinlan MG; Mayhew CR, 2006, 'Economic pressure, multi-tiered subcontracting and occupational health and safety in Australian long haul trucking', Employee Relations, 28, pp. 212 - 229

Quinlan MG; Louie AM; Ostry AS; Keegel T; LaMontagne AD; Shoveller J, 2006, 'Empirical Study of Employment Arrangements and Precariousness in Australia', Relations Industrielles - Industrial Relations, 61, pp. 456 - 489,

Quinlan MG; Johnstone R, 2006, 'The OHS regulatory challenges posed by agency workers: Evidence from Australia', Employee Relations, 28, pp. 273 - 289

Quinlan MG; Gardner M; Akers PR, 2005, 'A Failure of Voluntarism: Shop Assistants and the Struggle to Restrict Trading Hours in the Colony of Victoria, 1850-85', Labour History, 88, pp. 165 - 182,

Quinlan MG; Goodwin ML, 2005, 'Combating the tyranny of flexibility: shop assistants and the struggle to regulate closing hours in the Australian colony of Victoria, 1880-1900', Social History, 30, pp. 342 - 365

Bohle PL; Quinlan MG, 2005, 'Editorial: Long working hours and OHS: what have we learned?', Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Australia and New Zealand, 21, pp. 275 - 278

Johnstone R; Quinlan MG; Walters D, 2005, 'Statutory Occupationsl Health and Safety Workplace Arrangements for the Modern Labour Market', Journal of Industrial Relations, 47 (1), pp. 93 - 116

Quinlan MG, 2005, 'Tasmania Trade Unions in the Nineteenth Century', Tasmanian Historical Research Association: Papers and Proceedings, 52, pp. 150 - 174

Quinlan MG; Guthrie R, 2005, 'The occupational safety and health rights and workers` compensation entitlements of illegal immigrants: an emerging challenge', Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 03, pp. 41 - 62

Guthrie R; Quinlan M, 2005, 'The Occupational Safety and Health Rights and Workers’ Compensation Entitlements of Illegal Immigrants: An Emerging Challenge', Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 3, pp. 41 - 61,

Mayhew CR; McCarthy P; Chappell D; Quinlan MG; Barker M; Sheehan M, 2004, 'Measuring the Extent of Impact from Occupational Violence and Bullying on Traumatised Workers', Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 16, pp. 117 - 134

Nossar I; Johnstone R; Quinlan MG, 2004, 'Regulating Supply-Chains to Address the Occupational Health and Safety Problems Associated with Precarious Employment: The Case of Home-Based Clothing Workers in Australia', Australian Journal of Labour Law, 17, pp. 137 - 160

Quinlan MG, 2004, 'Regulatory responses to OHS problems posed by direct-hire temporary workers in Australia', Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Australia and New Zealand, 20, pp. 241 - 254

Quinlan MG, 2004, 'Workers` compensation and the challenges posed by changing patterns of work: evidence from Australia', Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 02, pp. 25 - 52

Bohle PL; Quinlan MG; Kennedy DJ; Williamson AM, 2004, 'Working hours, worklife conflict and health in precarious and `permanent` employment', Revista de Saude Publica, 38, pp. 19 - 25

Quinlan MG; Gardner M; Akers PR, 2003, 'Reconsidering the collective impulse: Formal organization and informalassociations among workers in the Australian colonies, 1795-1850', Labour - Le Travail, pp. 137 - 180

Quinlan MG; Saksvik PO, 2003, 'Regulating Systematic Occupational Health and Safety Management: Comparing the Norwegian and Australian Experience', Relations Industrielles - Industrial Relations, 58, pp. 33 - 56,

Quinlan M, 2002, 'Book Review', Economic and Industrial Democracy, 23, pp. 585 - 587,

Quinlan MG, 2002, 'Editorial: Ethical Research', Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Australia and New Zealand, 18, pp. 203 - 206

Quinlan MG; Mayhew CR, 2002, 'Fordism in the Fast Food Industry', Sociology of Health and Illness, 24, pp. 261 - 284

Mayhew C; Quinlan M, 2002, 'Fordism in the fast food industry: pervasive management control and occupational health and safety risks for young temporary workers', Sociology of Health & Illness, 24, pp. 261 - 284,

Quinlan MG, 2001, 'Book review of `Injury and the New World of Work`', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 12, pp. 165 - 167

Quinlan MG, 2001, 'Book review of `Negotiating Flexibility: The Role of Social Partners and the State`', Labour and Industry, 11, pp. 128 - 131,

Quinlan MG, 2001, 'Book review of `Research on Work, Employment and Industrial Relations`', International Journal of Employment Studies, 9, pp. 153 - 157

Mayhew C; Quinlan M, 2001, 'Occupational Violence in Long Distance Road Transport: a Study of 300 Australian Truck Drivers', Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 13, pp. 36 - 46,

Quinlan MG; Mayhew CR, 2001, 'Occupational Violence in the Long Distance Transport Industry: A Case Study of 300 Truck Drivers', Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 13, pp. 36 - 46

Quinlan M; Mayhew C; Bohle P, 2001, 'The global expansion of precarious employment, work disorganization, and consequences for occupational health: a review of recent research.', Int J Health Serv, 31, pp. 335 - 414,

Quinlan MG; Mayhew CR; Bohle PL, 2001, 'The Gobal Expansion of Precarious Employment, Work Disorganisation and Occupational Health: A Review of REcent Research', International Journal of Health Services, pp. 335 - 414

Bohle PL; Quinlan MG; Mayhew CR, 2001, 'The Health and Safety Effects of Job Insecurity: An Evaluation of the Evidence', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 12, pp. 32 - 60

Nytro K; Saksvik PO; Mikkelsen A; Bohle PL; Quinlan MG, 2000, 'An appraisal of key factors in the implementation of occupational stress intervnetions', Work & Stress, 14, pp. 213 - 225

Quinlan MG, 2000, 'Forget evidence: the demise of research involvement by NOHSC since 1996', Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Australia and New Zealand, 16, pp. 213 - 227

Quinlan MG; Mayhew C, 1999, 'Precarious Employment and Workers` Compensation', International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, pp. 491 - 520

Quinlan MG, 1999, 'Promoting Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems: a pathway to success - maybe', Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Australia and New Zealand, 15, pp. 535 - 542

Quinlan MG, 1999, 'The Art of Academic Revenge', AIRAANZ Review, 1, pp. 3 - 19

Quinlan MG; Mayhew C, 1999, 'The Effects of Outsourcing on OHS: A comparative study of factory-based and outworkers in the garment industry', International Journal of Health Services, 29, pp. 83 - 107,

Quinlan MG, 1999, 'The implications of Labour Market Restructuring in industrialized societies for Occupational Health and Safety', Economic and Industrial Democracy, 20, pp. 427 - 460,

Quinlan MG, 1998, 'Industrial Relations Policy Developments in Australia, 1977-98: A Critical Review', Journal of Australian Political Economy, 42, pp. 76 - 106

Quinlan MG, 1998, 'Labour Market Restructuring in Industrialised Societies: An Overview', Economic and Labour Relations Review, pp. 1 - 30

Quinlan MG, 1998, 'Regulating Labour in a Colonial Context: Maritime Labour Legislation in the Australian Colonies 1788-1850', Australian Historical Studies, 29, pp. 303 - 324

Quinlan MG, 1997, 'Balancing Trade and Labour Control: Imperial/Colonial Tensions in Relation to the Regulation of Seamen in the Australian Colonies 1788-1865', International Journal of Maritime History, pp. 19 - 56

QUINLAN M; LÖFGREN H; WOLCOTT I; ALLAN C; McDONALD KEVIN, 1997, 'Book Reviews', Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work, 8, pp. 117 - 128,

Quinlan MG, 1997, 'Review of Theo Nichols 'The Sociology of Industrial Injury' Mansell Publishing, 1997', Labour and Industry, 8, pp. 117 - 119

Quinlan MG; Mayhew C, 1997, 'Subcontracting and Occupational Health and Safety in Residential Building', Industrial Relations Journal, 28, pp. 192 - 205,

Quinlan MG; Mayhew C; Ferris R, 1997, 'The Effects of Subcontracting/Outsourcing on Occupational Health and Safety: Survey Evidence from Four Australian Industries', Safety Science, pp. 163 - 178

Quinlan MG; Mayhew C, 1997, 'The Management of Occupational Health and Safety Where Subcontractors are Employed', Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Australia and New Zealand, 13, pp. 161 - 169

Quinlan MG, 1997, 'The Toll from Toil Does Matter: Occupational Health and Labour History', Labour History, 73, pp. 1 - 29,

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