Select Publications

Book Chapters

Boxall P; Bainbridge H; Frenkel S, 2018, 'Styles of HRM in Australia and New Zealand', in Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management: Second Edition, pp. 614 - 630

Boxall P; Bainbridge HTJ; Frenkel S, 2018, 'Styles of human resource management in Australia and New Zealand', in Brewster C; Mayrhofer W; Farndale E (ed.), Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management, edn. 2nd, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 614 - 630

Frenkel SJ, 2018, 'Globalisation and work: processes, practices and consequences', in Wilkinson A; Donaghey J; Colvin A (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Employment Relations, Routledge, London, pp. 321 - 341,

Frenkel SJ; Wright CA, 2016, 'Improving global supply chain governance in garment retailing', in Inter-Organizational Relations, Routledge, London

Frenkel S; Sydow J, 2011, 'Institutional conditions for organizing decent work in global production networks', in China’s Changing Workplace: Dynamism, diversity and disparity, pp. 241 - 258,

Frenkel SJ, 2009, 'Service Workers in Search of Decent Work', in The Oxford Handbook of Work and Organization,

Frenkel SJ, 2009, 'Critical reflections on labour process theory, work and management', in Alvesson M; Bridgman T; Willmott H (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Critical Management Studies, Oxford University Press, Oxford UK, pp. 525 - 535

Frenkel SJ; Li M; Huang A, 2008, 'Theory and Practice of Human Resource Management: A Comparative Analysis of Foreign-owned and Chinese-owned Cosmetic Firms', in Zhao S (ed.), Enteprise Management and Change in a Transitional Economy, edn. 1st, Nanjing University, Nanjing, pp. 166 - 177

Frenkel SJ, 2006, 'Towards a Theory of Dominant Interests, Globalization and Work', in Korczynski M (ed.), Social Theory at Work,, edn. Original, Oxford University Press, 2006., Oxford

Kuruvilla S; Frenkel SJ; Peetz D, 2003, 'MNCs as diffusers of best practices in HRM/LR in developing countries', in Cooke WN (ed.), Multinational Companies and Global Human Resource Strategies, edn. Original, Quorum Books, London, pp. 167 - 193

Frenkel SJ; Royal C, 1999, 'Workers, Union and Change in the global corporation: Contemporary experience and future possibilities', in Globalization and patterns of labour resistance, Mansell Publishing, London, UK, pp. 105 - 130

Frenkel SJ; Royal C, 1997, 'Globalization and Employment Relations', in Globalization of Work, edn. Original, JAI Press Inc, Greenwick, USA, pp. 1 - 39

Frenkel SJ; Harrod J, 1995, 'Labor, management and industrial relations: themes and issues in international perspective', in Industrialization and labour relations: contemporary research in seven countries, edn. Original, ILR Press, Ithaca, New York

Frenkel SJ, 1995, 'Workplace relations in the global corporation: a comparative analysis of subsidiaries in Malaysia and Taiwan', in Industrialization and labour relations: contemporary research in seven countries, edn. Original, ILR Press, Ithaca, New York

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