Select Publications


Gendera S; Purcal C; Fisher K; Robinson S; Kayess R, 2017, Skilled to Thrive: Support to make decisions that promote personal safety and prevent harm, Project research plan,,

Smyth CA; Gendera S; Giuntoli G; Hill T; Katz I; Asante D, 2017, Evaluation of Settlement Grants - Final report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, SPRC Report 12/17,,

Vizel I; Laragy C; Gendera S; Fisher KR; Jenkinson S; Hill T; Finch K; Shaw W; Bridge C, 2016, Addressing the housing needs of participants is critical to NDIS success, 205,

Vizel I; Laragy C; Gendera S; Fisher KR; Jenkinson S; Hill T; Finch K; Shaw W; Bridge C, 2015, Moving to my home: housing aspirations, transitions and outcomes of people with disability, AHURI, Melbourne, 246,

Wilczynski A; Lo S; Gendera S; Adamson E; Purcal C; Fisher KR, 2015, Evaluation of the Community Justice Program: Final Evalution Report

Gendera S; Fisher KR; Clements N; Rose G, 2014, Evaluation of the Time Out House Initiative in Queensland Final Report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, 20/2014,,

Fisher KR; Gendera S; Purcal C; Hill T, 2014, Evaluation of outcomes for people nominated to the Integrated Services Program Evaluation Plan, Social Policy Research Centre UNSW, Sydney, 2/2014,,

Hilferty F; Muir K; Katz I; Wong M; Eastman C; Gendera S; Griffiths A, 2013, Independent evaluation of the headspace program: Stage 1 Report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney

Fisher KR; Gendera ; Gadow ; Lutz ; Kayess ; Meltzer A; Robinson , 2013, Closure of Grosvenor, Peat Island and Lachlan Large Residential Centres: post implementation review summary report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, 17/2013,,

Katz I; Powell A; Gendera S; Deasy T; Okerstrom E, 2013, The experiences of Irregular Maritime Arrivals detained in immigration detention facilities: Final report for the Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney,,

Eardley T; Gendera S; Abello D; Bradbury B; Flaxman S, 2012, Better Practice in Financial Management Program Services Review of Effectiveness and Efficiency, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney

Robinson S; Gendera S; Fisher KR; Clements N; Eastman C; Ramia I, 2012, Evaluation of the Self Directed Support Pilot Final Report, 9/12,,

Gendera ; Fisher KR; Clements N; Rose G, 2012, Evaluation of the Time Out House initiative in Queensland, 14/2012,

Gendera S; Fisher KR; Robinson S; Clements N, 2012, Evaluation of the Time Out House Initiative Queensland Baseline Report, SPRC, Sydney, 3/12

Parker S; Owen R; Gendera S; Katz I; Goldblatt B, 2011, Early Intervention regarding Economic and Social Participation for Disability Benefit Recipients: an international review

Parker S; Parker S; Gendera S; Katz I; Goldblatt BA, 2011, Early Intervention Regarding Economic and Social Participation for Disability Benefit Recipients: an international review, SPRC, UNSW, Sydney,

Powell A; Muir K; Adamson E; Flaxman S; Gendera S; Heese K; Oprea I; Zhu A; Vespignani J; Behrend Z; Malins T; Lind L; Williams B; Holmes J, 2011, A Picture of NSW Children, NSW Commission for Children and Young People, Sydney,

Gendera S; Fisher KR; Robinson S; Clements N; Eastman C, 2011, Evaluation of the Self Directed Support Pilot for Children and Young Adults with a Physical Disability. Baseline Report, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, 6

Gendera S; Fisher KR; Robinson S; Clements N, 2011, Evaluation Plan of the Time Out House Initiative Queensland, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, 7,

Gendera S; Fisher KR; Robinson S; Clements N, 2010, Evaluation of the Self Directed Support Pilot for Children and Young Adults with a Physical Disability: Evaluation Plan, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, 10/10,

Pe-Pua R; Gendera S; Katz I; O'Connor A, 2010, Meeting the Needs of Australian Muslim Families: Exploring Marginalisation, Family Issues and ‘Best Practice’ in Service Provision, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, Report 9, 2010,

Hamilton M; Gendera S; Muir K, 2009, Stakeholder consultation report: implementation and evaluation of NSW CAP, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney

Muir K; Powell A; Patulny RV; Flaxman S; McDermott SC; Gendera S; Abello D; Katz I, 2009, Headspace Evaluation Report Independent Evaluation of headspace: the National Youth Mental Health Foundation, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, 19/09,

Muir K; McDermott SC; Gendera S; Flaxman S; Patulny RV; Abello D; Katz I, 2009, Independent evaluation of headspace: the National Youth Mental Health Foundation: interim evaluation report, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, Report 5/09,

Muir K; McDermott SC; Katz I; Patulny RV; Flaxman S; Gendera S, 2008, Independent evaluation of headspace: evaluation plan, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, SPRC Report 20/08,

Bilger V; Gendera S; Hollomey C; Jandl M; Stepien A, 2006, Migration und Irreguläre Beschäftigung in Österreich: Ergebnisse einer Delphi-Studie

Theses / Dissertations

Gendera S, 2007, Transnational Care Space Central Europe: working and living conditions of live-in migrant workers employed in private homes (Transnational Care Space Zentraleuropa. Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen von irregulär beschäftigten Migrantinnen in der häuslichen Pflege), University of Vienna,


Wiesel I; Gendera S; Fisher KR, 2016, Addressing the housing needs of participants is critical to NDIS success, ,

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