Select Publications

Journal articles

Cooper A; Turney C; Hughen KA; Brook BW; McDonald HG; Bradshaw CJA, 2015, 'Abrupt warming events drove Late Pleistocene Holarctic megafaunal turnover', Science, 349, pp. 602 - 606,

Palmer J; Cook ER; Turney CSM; Allen K; Fenwick P; Cook BI; O’Donnell A; Lough J; Grierson P; Baker P, 2015, 'Drought variability in the eastern Australia and New Zealand summer drought atlas (ANZDA, CE 1500–2012) modulated by the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation', Environmental Research Letters, 10, pp. 1 - 12,

Turney CSM; Jones RT; Thomas ZA; Palmer J; Brown D, 2015, 'Extreme wet conditions coincident with Bronze Age abandonment of upland areas in Britain', Anthropocene, 13, pp. 69 - 79,

Turney CSM; Thomas ZA; Hutchinson DK; Bradshaw CJA; Brook BW; England MH; Fogwill CJ; Jones RT; Palmer J; Hughen KA; Cooper A, 2015, 'Obliquity-driven expansion of North Atlantic sea ice during the last glacial', Geophysical Research Letters, 42, pp. 10-382-10-390 - 10-382-10-390,

Palmer JG; Turney CSM; Hogg AG; Lorrey AM; Jones RJ, 2015, 'Progress in refining the global radiocarbon calibration curve using New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis) tree-ring series from Oxygen Isotope Stage 3', Quaternary Geochronology, 27, pp. 158 - 163,

O’donnell AJ; Cook ER; Palmer J; Turney CSM; Page GFM; Grierson PF, 2015, 'Tree Rings Show Recent High Summer-Autumn Precipitation in Northwest Australia Is Unprecedented within the Last Two Centuries.', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0128533 - e0128533,

Turney CSM; Fogwill CJ; Klekociuk A; van Ommen TD; Curran MAJ; Moy AD; Palmer JG, 2015, 'Tropical and mid-latitude forcing of continental Antarctic temperatures', The Cryosphere Discussions, 9, pp. 4019 - 4042,

Fogwill CJ; Turney CSM; Golledge NR; Rood DH; Hippe K; Wacker L; Wieler R; Rainsley EB; Jones RS, 2014, 'Drivers of abrupt Holocene shifts in West Antarctic ice stream direction determined from combined ice sheet modelling and geologic signatures', Antarctic Science, 26, pp. 674 - 686,

Rouillard A; Skrzypek G; Dogramaci S; Turney C; Grierson PF, 2014, 'Impacts of a changing climate on a century of extreme flood regime of northwest Australia', ,

Turney C, 2014, 'Captain Scott's secret', History Today, 64

Turney C, 2014, 'This was no antarctic pleasure cruise', Nature, 505, pp. 133,

Fogwill CJ; Turney CSM; Meissner KJ; Golledge NR; Spence P; Roberts JL; England MH; Jones RT; Carter L, 2014, 'Erratum to Testing the sensitivity of the East Antarctic ice sheet to southern ocean dynamics: Past changes and future implications [Journal of Quaternary Science, 29 91-98]', Journal of Quaternary Science, 29, pp. 508 - 508,

Fogwill CJ; Turney CSM; Meissner KJ; Golledge NR; Spence P; Roberts JL; England MH; Jones RT; Carter L; Spence P, 2014, 'Testing the sensitivity of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet to Southern Ocean dynamics: Past changes and future implications', Journal of Quaternary Science, 29, pp. 91 - 98,

Roland TP; Caseldine CJ; Charman DJ; Turney CSM; Amesbury MJ, 2014, 'Was there a '4.2ka event' in Great Britain and Ireland? Evidence from the peatland record', Quaternary Science Reviews, 83, pp. 11 - 27,

Lough JM; Llewellyn LE; Lewis SE; Turney CSM; Palmer JG; Cook CG; Hogg AG, 2014, 'Evidence for suppressed mid-Holocene northeastern Australian monsoon variability from coral luminescence', PALEOCEANOGRAPHY, 29, pp. 581 - 594,

Palmer J; Turney C; Hogg A; Hilliam N; Watson M; van Sebille E; Cowie W; Jones R; Petchey F, 2014, 'The discovery of New Zealand's oldest shipwreck – possible evidence of further Dutch exploration of the South Pacific', Journal of Archaeological Science, 42, pp. 435 - 441,

Turney C; Fogwill C; Van Ommen TD; Moy AD; Etheridge D; Rubino M; Curran MAJ; Rivera A, 2013, 'Late Pleistocene and early Holocene change in the Weddell Sea: A new climate record from the Patriot Hills, Ellsworth Mountains, West Antarctica', Journal of Quaternary Science, 28, pp. 697 - 704,

Reimer PJ; Bard E; Bayliss A; Beck JW; Blackwell PG; Bronk Ramsey C; Buck CE; Cheng H; Edwards RL; Friedrich M; Grootes PM; Guilderson TP; Haflidason H; Hajdas I; Hatté C; Heaton TJ; Hoffmann DL; Hogg AG; Hughen KA; Kaiser KF; Kromer B; Manning SW; Niu M; Reimer RW; Richards DA; Scott EM; Southon JR; Staff RA; Turney CSM; van der Plicht J, 2013, 'IntCal13 and Marine13 radiocarbon age calibration curves 0-50,000 years cal BP', Radiocarbon, 55, pp. 1869 - 1887,

Reimer PJ; Bard E; Bayliss A; Beck JW; Blackwell PG; Bronk Ramsey C; Brown DM; Buck CE; Edwards RL; Friedrich M; Grootes PM; Guilderson TP; Haflidason H; Hajdas I; Hatté C; Heaton TJ; Hogg AG; Hughen KA; Kaiser KF; Kromer B; Manning SW; Reimer RW; Richards DA; Scott EM; Southon JR; Turney CSM; van der Plicht J, 2013, 'Selection and treatment of data for radiocarbon calibration: An update to the international calibration (IntCal) criteria', Radiocarbon, 55, pp. 1923 - 1945,

Tennant RK; Jones R; Brock F; Cook CD; Turney C; Love JD; Lee R, 2013, 'A new flow cytometry method enabling rapid purification of fossil pollen from terrestrial sediments for AMS radiocarbon dating', Journal of Quaternary Science, 28, pp. 229 - 236,

Ahmed M; Anchukaitis KJ; Asrat A; Borgaonkar HP; Braida M; Buckley BM; Büntgen U; Chase BM; Christie DA; Cook ER; Curran MAJ; Diaz HF; Esper J; Fan ZX; Gaire NP; Ge Q; Gergis J; González-Rouco JF; Goosse H; Grab SW; Graham N; Graham R; Grosjean M; Hanhijärvi ST; Kaufman DS; Kiefer T; Kimura K; Korhola AA; Krusic PJ; Lara A; Lézine AM; Ljungqvist FC; Lorrey AM; Luterbacher J; Masson-Delmotte V; McCarroll D; McConnell JR; McKay NP; Morales MS; Moy AD; Mulvaney R; Mundo IA; Nakatsuka T; Nash DJ; Neukom R; Nicholson SE; Oerter H; Palmer JG; Phipps SJ; Prieto MR; Rivera A; Sano M; Severi M; Shanahan TM; Shao X; Shi F; Sigl M; Smerdon JE; Solomina ON; Steig EJ; Stenni B; Thamban M; Trouet V; Turney CSM; Umer M; van Ommen T; Verschuren D; Viau AE; Villalba R; Vinther BM; von Gunten L; Wagner S; Wahl ER; Wanner H; Werner JP; White JWC; Yasue K; Zorita E, 2013, 'Continental-scale temperature variability during the past two millennia', Nature Geoscience, 6, pp. 339 - 346,

Hogg A; Turney C; Palmer J; Cook E; Buckley B, 2013, 'Is there any Evidence for Regional Atmospheric 14C Offsets in the Southern Hemisphere?', Radiocarbon, 55, pp. 2029 - 2034,

Hogg A; Turney C; Palmer J; Cook E; Buckley B, 2013, 'Is there any Evidence for Regional Atmospheric 14C Offsets in the Southern Hemisphere?', Radiocarbon, 55, pp. 2029 - 2034,

Hogg AG; Turney CSM; Palmer JG; Southon J; Kromer B; Ramsey CB; Boswijk G; Fenwick P; Noronha A; Staff R; Jones R, 2013, 'The New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis) research project: a radiocarbon dating intercomparison of Younger Dryas wood and implications for INTCAL13', Radiocarbon, 55, pp. 2035 - 2048,

Chen MT; Yamamoto M; Sun Y; Turney C, 2012, 'Western Pacific paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology: Land-Sea linkage and variability of centennial to orbital scales', Journal of Quaternary Science, 27, pp. 865,

Stenson A; Morris J; Miller S, 2012, 'RESPONSE', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHILDBIRTH, 2, pp. 67 - 67,

Cook C; Turney C; Jones RT, 2012, 'Catchment instability and Asian summer monsoon variability during the early Holocene in southwestern China', Boreas, 42, pp. 224 - 235,

Turney C, 2012, 'Contrasting Northern and Southern Hemisphere Tempe-rature Variations During Last Millennium', Quaternary International, 279-280, pp. 505 - 505,

Jones RT; Cook C; Zhang E; Langdon PG; Jordan J; Turney C, 2012, 'Holocene environmental change at Lake Shudu, Yunnan Province, southwestern China', Hydrobiologia, 693, pp. 223 - 235,

Walker M; Lowe JJ; Blockley SPE; Bryant CJ; Coombes P; Davies SM; Hardiman M; Turney C; Watson JE, 2012, 'Lateglacial and early Holocene palaeoenvironmental 'events' in Sluggan Bog, Northern Ireland: Comparisons with the Greenland NGRIP GICC05 event stratigraphy', Quaternary Science Reviews, 36, pp. 124 - 138,

Bradshaw C; Cooper A; Turney C; Brook B, 2012, 'Robust estimates of extinction time in the geological record', Quaternary Science Reviews, 33, pp. 14 - 19,

Blockley SPE; Lane CS; Hardiman M; Rasmussen SO; Seierstad IK; Steffensen J; Svensson A; Lotter AF; Turney C; Bronk Ramsey C, 2012, 'Synchronisation of palaeoenvironmental records over the last 60,000 years, and an extended INTIMATE1 event stratigraphy to 48,000 b2k', Quaternary Science Reviews, 36, pp. 2 - 10,

Roland TP, 2012, 'The ‘4.2 kyr event’ in the British Isles: evidence for an abrupt climate event in the North Atlantic?', Quaternary International, 279-280, pp. 411 - 411,

Rule S; Brook BW; Haberle S; Turney C; Kershaw AP; Johnson CN, 2012, 'The aftermath of megafaunal extinction: Ecosystem transformation in Pleistocene Australia', Science, 335, pp. 1483 - 1486,

Goff J; Chague-Goff C; Archer M; Dominey-Howes D; Turney C, 2012, 'The Eltanin asteroid impact – possible South Pacific palaeotmegasunami footprint and potential implications for the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition', Journal of Quaternary Science, 27, pp. 660 - 670,

Blockley SPE; Lane CS; Turney C; Bronk Ramsey C, 2012, 'The INTegration of Ice core, MArine and TErrestrial records of the last termination (INTIMATE)60,000 to 8000 BP', Quaternary Science Reviews, 36, pp. 1,

, 2012, 'Western Pacific paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology: Land-Sea linkage and variability of centennial to orbital scales', Journal of Quaternary Science, 27, pp. 865 - 865,

Pettitt P, 2011, 'Europe's Lost World: The Rediscovery of Doggerland', ENVIRONMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY, 16, pp. 66 - 67,

Turney C, 2011, 'Editorial', Journal of Quaternary Science, 26, pp. 245 - 246,

Hogg A; Palmer J; Boswijk G; Turney C, 2011, 'High-precision radiocarbon measurements of tree-ring dated wood from New Zealand: 195 BC-AD 995.', Radiocarbon, 53, pp. 529 - 542,

Turney C; Jones RT, 2011, 'Response to Comment on ‘Does the Agulhas Current amplify global temperatures during super-interglacials?', Journal of Quaternary Science, 26, pp. 870 - 871,

Turney C, 2010, 'Europe's lost world: the rediscovery of Doggerland', ANTIQUITY, 84, pp. 899 - 900,

Turney C, 2010, 'Vincent Gaffney, Simon Fitch & David Smith. Europe's lost world: the rediscovery of Doggerland (CBA Research Report 160). xii+202 pages, 119 b&w & colour illustrations, 3 tables. 2009. York: Council for British Archaeology: 978-1-902771-75-5 paperback £15.', Antiquity, 84, pp. 899 - 900,

Caseldine CJ; Turney C; Long AJ, 2010, 'IPCC and palaeoclimate - An evolving story?', Journal of Quaternary Science, 25, pp. 1 - 4,

Watson JE; Brooks SJ; Whitehouse NJ; Reimer PJ; Birks HJB; Turney C, 2010, 'Chironomid-inferred late-glacial summer air temperatures from Lough Nadourcan, Co. Donegal, Ireland', Journal of Quaternary Science, 25, pp. 1200 - 1210,

Turney C; Jones RT, 2010, 'Does the Agulhas Current amplify global temperatures during super-interglacials?', Journal of Quaternary Science, 25, pp. 839 - 843,

Duncan RP; Fenwick P; Palmer J; McGlone MS; Turney CSM, 2010, 'Non-uniform interhemispheric temperature trends over the past 550 years', Climate Dynamics, 35, pp. 1429 - 1438,

Turney C; Gergis J; Lorrey A; Palmer J; Phipps SJ; van Ommen T, 2010, 'The 1st Australasia 2k regional workshop: Towards data synthesis', PAGES News, 18, pp. 91 - 92,

Caseldine CJ; Turney C, 2010, 'The bigger picture: towards integrating palaeoclimate and environmental data with a history of societal change', Journal of Quaternary Science, 25, pp. 88 - 93,

Turney CSM; Fifield LK; Hogg AG; Palmer J; Hughen K; Baillie MGL; Galbraith R; Ogden J; Lorrey A; Tims SG; Jones RT, 2010, 'The potential of New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis) for testing the synchronicity of abrupt climate change during the Last Glacial Interval (60,000–11,700 years ago)', Quaternary Science Reviews, 29, pp. 3677 - 3682,

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