Select Publications

Journal articles

Ha L; Mizrahi D; Cohn RJ; Simar D; Wakefield CE; Signorelli C, 2021, 'Accuracy of perceived physical activity and fitness levels among childhood cancer survivors', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 68, pp. e29134,

Edge R; Meyers J; Tiernan G; Li Z; Schiavuzzi A; Chan P; Vassallo A; Morrow A; Mazariego C; Wakefield CE; Canfell K; Taylor N; Mazariego-Jones C, 2021, 'Cancer care disruption and reorganisation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia: A patient, carer and healthcare worker perspective', PLoS ONE, 16, pp. e0257420,

Gerstl B; Signorelli C; Wakefield CE; D'Souza C; Deans R; Vaishnav T; Johnston K; Neville KA; Cohn RJ; Anazodo A, 2021, 'Feasibility, acceptability and appropriateness of a reproductive patient reported outcome measure for cancer survivors', PLoS ONE, 16, pp. e0256497,

McLoone J; Wakefield CE; Sansom-Daly UM; Thornton-Benko E; Govender D; Gabriel M; Walwyn T; Signorelli C; Johnston K; Cohn RJ; Thornton E, 2021, 'The lived experience of children and adolescents with cancer', Australian Journal of General Practice, 50, pp. 545 - 549,

Bell L; Anderson K; Girgis A; Aoun S; Cunningham J; Wakefield CE; Shahid S; Smith AB; Diaz A; Lindsay D; Masa A; Garvey G; Smith B, 2021, '“We Have to Be Strong Ourselves”: Exploring the Support Needs of Informal Carers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People with Cancer', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, pp. 7281,

Stafford L; Sinclair M; Rauch P; Turner J; Mann GB; Newman L; Wakefield CE; Gilham L; Mason K; Cannell J; Little R; Schofield P, 2021, 'Feasibility of Enhancing Parenting in Cancer, a psychoeducational intervention for communicating with children about parental cancer', Psycho-Oncology, 30, pp. 1172 - 1177,

Marchak JG; Devine KA; Hudson MM; Jacobson LA; Michel G; Peterson SR; Schulte F; Wakefield CE; Sands SA, 2021, 'Systematic Review of Educational Supports of Pediatric Cancer Survivors: Current Approaches and Future Directions', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 39, pp. 1813 - 1823,

Sansom‐daly UM; Wakefield CE; Ellis SJ; McGill BC; Donoghoe MW; Butow P; Bryant RA; Sawyer SM; Patterson P; Anazodo A; Plaster M; Thompson K; Holland L; Osborn M; Maguire F; O’dwyer C; Lourenco RDA; Cohn RJ; Sansom-Daly U, 2021, 'Online, group‐based psychological support for adolescent and young adult cancer survivors: Results from the recapture life randomized trial', Cancers, 13, pp. 2460,

Anazodo AC; Choi S; Signorelli C; Ellis S; Johnston K; Wakefield CE; Deans R; Neville KA; Cohn RJ, 2021, 'Reproductive Care of Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Survivors: A 12-Year Evaluation', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 10, pp. 131 - 141,

Burns MA; Fardell JE; Wakefield CE; Cohn RJ; Marshall GM; Lum A; Ellis SJ; Donnan B; Walwyn T; Carter A; Barton B; Lah S, 2021, 'School and educational support programmes for paediatric oncology patients and survivors: A systematic review of evidence and recommendations for future research and practice', Psycho-Oncology, 30, pp. 431 - 443,

Clarke K; Patterson P; McDonald FEJ; Wakefield CE; Sansom-Daly U; Zebrack B, 2021, 'The Development and Process Evaluation of a 3-Day Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Group Program for Adolescent Cancer Survivors', Child and Youth Care Forum, 50, pp. 229 - 246,

Kariyawasam DST; D'Silva AM; Vetsch J; Wakefield CE; Wiley V; Farrar MA, 2021, '“We needed this”: perspectives of parents and healthcare professionals involved in a pilot newborn screening program for spinal muscular atrophy', EClinicalMedicine, 33, pp. 100742,

Signorelli C; Wakefield CE; McLoone JK; Mateos MK; Aaronson NK; Lavoipierre A; Cohn RJ; Alvaro F; Corbett R; Downie P; Egan K; Ellis S; Emery J; Fardell J; Foreman T; Gabriel M; Girgis A; Graham K; Johnston K; Jones J; Lockwood L; Maguire A; McCarthy M; Mechinaud F; Molloy S; Moore L; Osborn M; Skeen J; Tapp H; Till T; Truscott J; Turpin K; Walwyn T; Williamson J; Yallop K, 2021, 'A cost-effective approach to increasing participation in patient-reported outcomes research in cancer: A randomized trial of video invitations', International Journal of Cancer, 148, pp. 971 - 980,

Burns MA; Aralova M; Ellis SJ; Aslanyan KS; Egorkina T; Wakefield CE, 2021, 'Pediatric psycho-oncology in Russia: Caregiver mental health and sleep outcomes on the oncology wards', Psycho-Oncology, 30, pp. 185 - 193,

Ha L; Mizrahi D; Wakefield CE; Cohn RJ; Simar D; Signorelli C, 2021, 'The Use of Activity Trackers in Interventions for Childhood Cancer Patients and Survivors: A Systematic Review', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 10, pp. 1 - 14,

Fawcett LK; Wakefield CE; Sivam S; Middleton PG; Wark P; Widger J; Jaffe A; Waters SA, 2021, 'Avatar acceptability: Views from the australian cystic fibrosis community on the use of personalised organoid technology to guide treatment decisions', ERJ Open Research, 7, pp. 1 - 10,

Heathcote LC; Loecher N; Spunt SL; Simon P; Tutelman PR; Wakefield CE; Ach E; Schapira L, 2021, 'Do qualitative interviews cause distress in adolescents and young adults asked to discuss fears of cancer recurrence?', Psycho-Oncology, 30, pp. 123 - 126,

Hsu J; Sansom-Daly UM; Hetherington K; Ellis SJ; Donoghoe MW; Cohn RJ; Zentella-Tusie A; Wakefield CE, 2021, 'Health service and medication use of parents of childhood cancer survivors: a controlled comparison study', Acta Oncologica, 60, pp. 1325 - 1334,

Robertson EG; Wakefield CE; Tsoli M; Kellie SJ; Alvaro F; Gifford AJ; Weber MA; Rodriguez M; Kirby M; Ziegler DS, 2021, 'Parents' experiences of postmortem tumor donation for high-grade gliomas: Benefits and suggested improvements', Neuro-Oncology Advances, 3, pp. vdab087,

Kelada L; Wakefield CE; Muppavaram N; Lingappa L; Chittem M, 2021, 'Psychological outcomes, coping and illness perceptions among parents of children with neurological disorders', Psychology and Health, 36, pp. 1480 - 1496,

Donovan LA; Wakefield CE; Russell V; Fardell J; Mallitt KA; Hetherington K; Cohn R, 2021, 'Variables associated with grief and personal growth following the death of a child from cancer: A mixed method analysis', Death Studies, 45, pp. 702 - 713,

Nevin SM; McLoone J; Wakefield CE; Kennedy SE; McCarthy HJ, 2020, 'Genetic Testing in the Pediatric Nephrology Clinic: Understanding Families' Experiences', JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC GENETICS, 11, pp. 117 - 125,

Taylor N; Healey E; Morrow A; Greening S; Wakefield CE; Warwick L; Williams R; Tucker KM, 2020, 'Aligning intuition and theory: enhancing the replicability of behaviour change interventions in cancer genetics', Implementation Science Communications, 1, pp. 90,

Michel G; Brinkman TM; Wakefield CE; Grootenhuis M, 2020, 'Psychological Outcomes, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Neurocognitive Functioning in Survivors of Childhood Cancer and Their Parents', Pediatric Clinics of North America, 67, pp. 1103 - 1134,

McLoone J; Wakefield CE; Taylor N; Johnston K; Sansom-Daly UM; Cohen J; O'Brien TA; Cohn RJ; Signorelli C, 2020, 'The COVID-19 pandemic: Distance-delivered care for childhood cancer survivors', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 67,

Buchhorn-White J; Robertson EG; Wakefield CE; Cohen J, 2020, 'A decision aid for nutrition support is acceptable in the pediatric hospital setting', Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 55, pp. 165 - 173,

Nevin SM; Wakefield CE; Schilstra CE; McGill BC; Bye A; Palmer EE; Gok C, 2020, 'The information needs of parents of children with early-onset epilepsy: A systematic review', Epilepsy and Behavior, 112, pp. 107382,

Touyz LM; Cohen J; Garnett SP; Grech AM; Gohil P; Cohn RJ; Wakefield CE, 2020, 'Acceptability and feasibility of a parent-targeted dietary intervention in young survivors of childhood cancer: “Reboot”', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 67,

Bell J; Lingam R; Wakefield CE; Fardell JE; Zeltzer J; Hu N; Woolfenden S; Callander E; Marshall GM; Nassar N, 2020, 'Prevalence, hospital admissions and costs of child chronic conditions: A population-based study', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 56, pp. 1365 - 1370,

Baenziger J; Hetherington K; Wakefield CE; Carlson L; McGill BC; Cohn RJ; Michel G; Sansom-Daly UM, 2020, 'Understanding parents’ communication experiences in childhood cancer: a qualitative exploration and model for future research', Supportive Care in Cancer, 28, pp. 4467 - 4476,

Robertson EG; Cohen J; Signorelli C; Grant DM; Fardell JE; Wakefield CE, 2020, 'What instruments should we use to assess paediatric decision-making interventions? A narrative review', Journal of Child Health Care, 24, pp. 458 - 472,

Signorelli C; Wakefield CE; Johnston KA; Fardell JE; McLoone JK; Brierley MEE; Schaffer M; Thornton-Benko E; Girgis A; Hamish Wallace W; Cohn RJ; Thornton E, 2020, 'Re-engage: A novel nurse-led program for survivors of childhood cancer who are disengaged from cancer-related care', JNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 18, pp. 1067 - 1074,

Mizrahi D; Fardell JE; Cohn RJ; Partin RE; Howell CR; Hudson MM; Robison LL; Ness KK; McBride J; Field P; Wakefield CE; Simar D, 2020, 'The 6-minute walk test is a good predictor of cardiorespiratory fitness in childhood cancer survivors when access to comprehensive testing is limited', International Journal of Cancer, 147, pp. 847 - 855,

Mizrahi D; Wakefield CE; Simar D; Ha L; McBride J; Field P; Cohn RJ; Fardell JE, 2020, 'Barriers and enablers to physical activity and aerobic fitness deficits among childhood cancer survivors', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 67, pp. e28339,

Kelada L; Wakefield CE; Vetsch J; Schofield D; Sansom-Daly UM; Hetherington K; O'Brien T; Cohn RJ; Anazodo A; Viney R; Zeppel MJB, 2020, 'Financial toxicity of childhood cancer and changes to parents’ employment after treatment completion', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 67,

Raharjo CV; Hetherington K; Donovan L; Fardell JE; Russell V; Cohn RJ; Morgan NL; Siddiqui J; Wakefield CE, 2020, 'An Evaluation of By My Side: Peer Support in Written Form is Acceptable and Useful for Parents Bereaved by Childhood Cancer', Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 59, pp. 1278 - 1286,

Sansom-Daly UM; Wakefield CE; Patterson P; Cohn RJ; Rosenberg AR; Wiener L; Fardell JE, 2020, 'End-of-Life Communication Needs for Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer: Recommendations for Research and Practice', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 9, pp. 157 - 165,

Vetsch J; Hetherington K; Wakefield C; Ziegler D, 2020, 'Families’ experiences of a precision medicine trial for childhood cancer', Oncology Central

Daniel LC; van Litsenburg RRL; Rogers VE; Zhou ES; Ellis SJ; Wakefield CE; Stremler R; Walter L; Crabtree VML, 2020, 'A call to action for expanded sleep research in pediatric oncology: A position paper on behalf of the International Psycho-Oncology Society Pediatrics Special Interest Group', Psycho-Oncology, 29, pp. 465 - 474,

Raber M; Crawford K; Baranowski T; Sharma SV; Schick V; Markham C; Roth M; Wakefield CE; Chandra J, 2020, 'Meal planning values impacted by the cancer experience in families with school-aged survivors—a qualitative exploration and recommendations for intervention development', Supportive Care in Cancer, 28, pp. 1305 - 1313,

Young AL; Butow PN; Tucker KM; Wakefield CE; Healey E; Williams R, 2020, 'When to break the news and whose responsibility is it? A cross-sectional qualitative study of health professionals' views regarding disclosure of BRCA genetic cancer risk', BMJ Open, 10, pp. e033127,

Lin B; Gutman T; Hanson CS; Ju A; Manera K; Butow P; Cohn RJ; Dalla-Pozza L; Greenzang KA; Mack J; Wakefield CE; Craig JC; Tong A, 2020, 'Communication during childhood cancer: Systematic review of patient perspectives', Cancer, 126, pp. 701 - 716,

Russo S; Wakefield CE; Fardell JE; Cohn RJ, 2020, 'Summer sun-exposure in Australian childhood cancer survivors and community reference groups', Seminars in Oncology, 47, pp. 48 - 55,

Wang Y; Logan S; Stern K; Wakefield CE; Cohn RJ; Agresta F; Jayasinghe Y; Deans R; Segelov E; McLachlan RI; Gerstl B; Sullivan E; Ledger WE; Anazodo A, 2020, 'Supportive oncofertility care, psychological health and reproductive concerns: a qualitative study', Supportive Care in Cancer, 28, pp. 809 - 817,

Hill RE; Wakefield CE; Cohn RJ; Fardell JE; Brierley MEE; Kothe E; Jacobsen PB; Hetherington K; Mercieca-Bebber R, 2020, 'Survivorship Care Plans in Cancer: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of Care Plan Outcomes', Oncologist, 25, pp. e351 - e372,

McGill BC; Wakefield CE; Hetherington K; Munro LJ; Warby M; Lau L; Tyrrell V; Ziegler DS; O’brien TA; Marshall GM; Malkin D; Hansford JR; Tucker KM; Vetsch J; O'Brien T, 2020, '“Balancing Expectations with Actual Realities”: Conversations with Clinicians and Scientists in the First Year of a High-Risk Childhood Cancer Precision Medicine Trial', Journal of Personalized Medicine, 10, pp. 9,

Kelada L; Wakefield CE; Cruz Silva MC; Signorelli C, 2020, 'Camps for Children with Cancer and Their Families: A Systematic Review of Psychosocial and Physical Impacts', Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 41, pp. 145 - 156,

Vetsch J; Wakefield CE; Tucker KM; McCarthy M; Signorelli C; Walwyn T; Alvaro F; Cohn RJ, 2020, 'Genetics-related service and information needs of childhood cancer survivors and parents: a mixed-methods study', European Journal of Human Genetics, 28, pp. 6 - 16,

Hill RE; Wakefield CE; Cohn RJ; Fardell JE; Brierley M-EE; Kothe E; Jacobsen PB; Hetherington K; Mercieca-Bebber R, 2020, 'Survivorship Care Plans in Cancer: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of Care Plan Outcomes.', Oncologist, 25, pp. e351 - e372,

Masa AJ; Martinez-Bredeck H; Butler TL; Anderson K; Girgis A; Aoun SM; Cunningham J; Wakefield CE; Shahid S; Smith AB; Garvey G, 2020, 'The experiences of caregivers of Indigenous cancer survivors in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States: a systematic review', Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research & Practice, 2, pp. e040 - e040,

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