Select Publications

Journal articles

Olson R; Fan Y; Evans JP, 2016, 'A simple method for Bayesian model averaging of regional climate model projections: Application to southeast Australian temperatures', Geophysical Research Letters, 43, pp. 7661 - 7669,

Argüeso D; Di Luca A; Perkins-Kirkpatrick SE; Evans JP, 2016, 'Seasonal mean temperature changes control future heat waves', Geophysical Research Letters, 43, pp. 7653 - 7660,

Di Luca A; Evans JP; Pepler AS; Alexander LV; Argüeso D, 2016, 'Evaluating the representation of Australian East Coast Lows in a regional climate model ensemble', Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth System Science, 66, pp. 108 - 124,

Di Luca A; Argüeso D; Evans JP; De Elía R; Laprise R, 2016, 'Quantifying the overall added value of dynamical downscaling and the contribution from different spatial scales', Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, pp. 1575 - 1590,

Pepler AS; Di Luca A; Ji F; Alexander LV; Evans JP; Sherwood SC, 2016, 'Projected changes in east Australian midlatitude cyclones during the 21st century', Geophysical Research Letters, 43, pp. 334 - 340,

Barlow M; Zaitchik B; Paz S; Black E; Evans J; Hoell A, 2016, 'A review of drought in the Middle East and southwest Asia', Journal of Climate, 29, pp. 8547 - 8574,

Di Luca A; Evans JP; Pepler AS; Alexander LV; Argueso D, 2016, 'Evaluating the representation of Australian East Coast Lows in a regional climate model ensemble', Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 66, pp. 108 - 124

Ji F; Evans JP; Teng J; Scorgie Y; Argüeso D; Di Luca A, 2016, 'Evaluation of long-term precipitation and temperature Weather Research and Forecasting simulations for southeast Australia', Climate Research, 67, pp. 99 - 115,

Olson R; Evans JP; Di Luca A; Argüeso D, 2016, 'The NARCliM project: Model agreement and significance of climate projections', Climate Research, 69, pp. 209 - 227,

Pepler AS; Alexander LV; Evans JP; Sherwood SC, 2016, 'Zonal winds and southeast Australian rainfall in global and regional climate models', Climate Dynamics, 46, pp. 123 - 133,

Luca AD; Evans JP; Pepler AS; Alexander LV; Argüeso D, 2016, 'Evaluating the representation of Australian East Coast Lows in a regional climate model ensemble', Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 66, pp. 108 - 108,

Simpson CC; Sharples JJ; Evans JP, 2016, 'Sensitivity of atypical lateral fire spread to wind and slope', Geophysical Research Letters, 43, pp. n/a - n/a,

Ji F; Evans JP; Argueso D; Fita L; Di Luca A, 2015, 'Using large-scale diagnostic quantities to investigate change in East Coast Lows', Climate Dynamics, 45, pp. 2443 - 2453,

Kala J; Evans JP; Pitman AJ, 2015, 'Influence of antecedent soil moisture conditions on the synoptic meteorology of the Black Saturday bushfire event in southeast Australia', Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 141, pp. 3118 - 3129,

Li J; Sharma A; Johnson F; Evans J, 2015, 'Evaluating the effect of climate change on areal reduction factors using regional climate model projections', Journal of Hydrology, 528, pp. 419 - 434,

Ajami H; McCabe MF; Evans JP, 2015, 'Impacts of model initialization on an integrated surface water-groundwater model', Hydrological Processes, 29, pp. 3790 - 3801,

Jha SK; Mariethoz G; Evans J; McCabe MF; Sharma A, 2015, 'A space and time scale-dependent nonlinear geostatistical approach for downscaling daily precipitation and temperature', Water Resources Research, 51, pp. 6244 - 6261,

Ershadi A; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Wood EF, 2015, 'Impact of model structure and parameterization on Penman-Monteith type evaporation models', Journal of Hydrology, 525, pp. 521 - 535,

Liu YY; Van Dijk AIJM; De Jeu RAM; Canadell JG; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Wang G, 2015, 'Recent reversal in loss of global terrestrial biomass', Nature Climate Change, 5, pp. 470 - 474,

Cai MY; Wang L; Parkes SD; Strauss J; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Griffiths AD, 2015, 'Stable water isotope and surface heat flux simulation using ISOLSM: Evaluation against in-situ measurements', Journal of Hydrology, 523, pp. 67 - 78,

Argüeso D; Evans JP; Pitman AJ; Luca AD; Di Luca A; Argüeso Barriga D, 2015, 'Effects of city expansion on heat stress under climate change conditions', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0117066,

Teng J; Potter NJ; Chiew FHS; Zhang L; Wang B; Vaze J; Evans JP, 2015, 'How does bias correction of regional climate model precipitation affect modelled runoff?', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, pp. 711 - 728,

Grose MR; Bhend J; Argueso D; Ekström M; Dowdy AJ; Hoffmann P; Evans JP; Timbal B, 2015, 'Comparison of various climate change projections of eastern Australian rainfall', Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal, 65, pp. 72 - 89,

Pepler AS; Di Luca A; Ji F; Alexander LV; Evans JP; Sherwood SC, 2015, 'Impact of identification method on the inferred characteristics and variability of Australian east coast lows', Monthly Weather Review, 143, pp. 864 - 877,

Di Luca A; Evans JP; Pepler A; Alexander L; Argüeso D, 2015, 'Resolution sensitivity of cyclone climatology over Eastern Australia using six reanalysis products', Journal of Climate, 28, pp. 9530 - 9549,

Deng L; Mccabe MF; Stenchikov G; Evans JP; Kucera PA, 2015, 'Simulation of flash-flood-producing storm events in Saudi Arabia using the weather research and forecasting model', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 16, pp. 615 - 630,

Ajami H; Evans JP; McCabe MF; Stisen S, 2014, 'Technical Note: Reducing the spin-up time of integrated surface water–groundwater models', HESS, 18, pp. 5169 - 5179,

Rocheta E; Evans JP; Sharma A, 2014, 'Assessing atmospheric bias correction for dynamical consistency using potential vorticity', Environmental Research Letters, 9,

Kala J; Evans JP; Pitman AJ; Schaaf CB; Decker M; Carouge C; Mocko D; Sun Q, 2014, 'Erratum: "Implementation of a soil albedo scheme in the CABLEv1.4b land surface model and evaluation against MODIS estimates over Australia" (Geosci. Model Dev. (2014) 7 (2121-2140))', Geoscientific Model Development, 7, pp. 2501,

Macadam I; Pitman AJ; Whetton PH; Liu DL; Evans JP, 2014, 'The use of uncorrected regional climate model output to force impact models: A case study for wheat simulations', Climate Research, 61, pp. 215 - 229,

Simpson CC; Sharples JJ; Evans JP, 2014, 'Resolving vorticity-driven lateral fire spread using the WRF-Fire coupled atmosphere-fire numerical model', Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14, pp. 2359 - 2371,

Westra S; Fowler HJ; Evans JP; Alexander LV; Berg P; Johnson F; Kendon EJ; Lenderink G; Roberts NM, 2014, 'Future changes to the intensity and frequency of short-duration extreme rainfall', Reviews of Geophysics, 52, pp. 522 - 555,

Hirsch AL; Pitman AJ; Kala J, 2014, 'The role of land cover change inmodulating the soil moisture-temperature land-atmosphere coupling strength over Australia', Geophysical Research Letters, 41, pp. 5883 - 5890,

Bormann KJ; Evans JP; McCabe MF, 2014, 'Constraining snowmelt in a temperature-index model using simulated snow densities', Journal of Hydrology, 517, pp. 652 - 667,

Evans JP; Ji F; Lee C; Smith P; Argüeso D; Fita L; Argüeso Barriga D; Fita Borrell L, 2014, 'Design of a regional climate modelling projection ensemble experiment - NARCliM', Geoscientific Model Development, 7, pp. 621 - 629,

Ershadi A; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Chaney NW; Wood EF; Ershadi Esmaeilabadi A, 2014, 'Multi-site evaluation of terrestrial evaporation models using FLUXNET data', Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 187, pp. 46 - 61,

Hirsch AL; Pitman AJ; Seneviratne SI; Evans JP; Haverd V, 2014, 'Summertime maximum and minimum temperature coupling asymmetry over Australia determined using WRF', Geophysical Research Letters, 41, pp. 1546 - 1552,

Hirsch AL; Kala J; Pitman AJ; Carouge C; Evans JP; Haverd V; Mocko D, 2014, 'Impact of land surface initialization approach on subseasonal forecast skill: A regional analysis in the Southern Hemisphere', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15, pp. 300 - 319,

Meng XH; Evans JP; McCabe MF, 2014, 'The influence of inter-annually varying albedo on regional climate and drought', Climate Dynamics, 42, pp. 787 - 803,

Yilmaz MT; Anderson MC; Zaitchik B; Hain CR; Crow WT; Ozdogan M; Chun JA; Evans J, 2014, 'Comparison of prognostic and diagnostic surface flux modeling approaches over the Nile River basin', Water Resources Research, 50, pp. 386 - 408,

Ji F; Ekström M; Evans JP; Teng J, 2014, 'Evaluating rainfall patterns using physics scheme ensembles from a regional atmospheric model', Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 115, pp. 297 - 304,

Mehrotra R; Evans JP; Sharma A; Sivakumar B, 2014, 'Evaluation of downscaled daily rainfall hindcasts over Sydney, Australia using statistical and dynamical downscaling approaches', Hydrology Research, 45, pp. 226 - 249,

Meng XH; Evans JP; Mccabe MF, 2014, 'The impact of observed vegetation changes on land-atmosphere feedbacks during drought', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15, pp. 759 - 776,

Ajami H; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Stisen S, 2014, 'Assessing the impact of model spin-up on surface water-groundwater interactions using an integrated hydrologic model', Water Resources Research, 50, pp. 2636 - 2656,

Kala J; Evans JP; Pitman AJ; Schaaf CB; Decker M; Carouge C; Mocko D; Sun Q; Lea T; Prestage G; Wilson D; de Wit J, 2014, 'Corrigendum to', Geoscientific Model Development, 7, pp. 2501 - 2501,

Decker M; Pitman A; Evans J, 2014, 'Diagnosing the seasonal land–atmosphere coupling strength over Northern Australia: dependence on soil moisture state and coupling strength definition.', Hydrology & Earth System Sciences Discussions, 11

Kala J; Evans JP; Pitman AJ; Schaaf CB; Decker M; Carouge C; Mocko D; Sun Q, 2014, 'Implementation of a soil albedo scheme in the CABLEv1. 4b land surface model and evaluation against MODIS estimates over Australia', Geoscientific Model Development, 7, pp. 2121 - 2140

Kala J; Decker M; Exbrayat J-F; Pitman AJ; Carouge C; Evans JP; Abramowitz G; Mocko D, 2014, 'Influence of leaf area index prescriptions on simulations of heat, moisture, and carbon fluxes', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15, pp. 489 - 503,

Argüeso D; Evans JP; Fita L; Argüeso Barriga D, 2013, 'Precipitation bias correction of very high resolution regional climate models', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, pp. 4379 - 4388,

Clarke H; Evans JP; Pitman AJ, 2013, 'Fire weather simulation skill by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model over south-east Australia from 1985 to 2009', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 22, pp. 739 - 756,

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