Select Publications

Journal articles

Maher L, 2021, 'Joint effects of alcohol and stimulant use disorders on self-reported sexually transmitted infections in a prospective study of Cambodian female entertainment and sex workers', International Journal of STD and AIDS,

Iversen J; Maher L, 2021, 'Commentary on Hamilton White et al. : Receptive syringe-sharing among people who inject drugs in rural settings', Addiction, 116, pp. 337 - 338,

Hammoud MA; Grulich A; Holt M; Maher L; Murphy D; Jin F; Bavinton B; Haire B; Ellard J; Vaccher S; Saxton P; Bourne A; Degenhardt L; Storer D; Prestage G, 2021, 'Substantial decline in use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) following introduction of COVID-19 physical distancing restrictions in Australia: Results from a prospective observational study of gay and bisexual men.', J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr, 86, pp. 22 - 30,

Bell S; Aggleton P; Lockyer A; Ferguson T; Murray W; Silver B; Kaldor J; Maher L; Ward J, 2021, 'Working with Aboriginal young people in sexual health research: a peer research methodology in remote Australia', Qualitative Health Research, 31, pp. 16 - 28,

Couture MC; Evans JL; Draughon Moret J; Stein ES; Muth S; Phou M; Len A; Ngak S; Sophal C; Neak Y; Carrico AW; Maher L; Page K, 2020, 'Syndemic Psychosocial Health Conditions Associated with Recent Client-Perpetrated Violence Against Female Entertainment and Sex Workers in Cambodia', Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49, pp. 3055 - 3064,

Iversen J; Sabin K; Chang J; Morgan Thomas R; Prestage G; Strathdee SA; Maher L, 2020, 'COVID-19, HIV and key populations: cross-cutting issues and the need for population-specific responses', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 23, pp. e25632,

Iversen J; Dore GJ; Starr M; Catlett B; Cunningham P; Geddes L; Maher L, 2020, 'Estimating the Consensus hepatitis C Cascade of Care among people who inject drugs in Australia: Pre and post availability of direct acting antiviral therapy', International Journal of Drug Policy, 83, pp. 102837,

Hammoud MA; Maher L; Holt M; Degenhardt L; Jin J; Murphy D; Bavinton B; Grulich A; Lea T; Haire B; Bourne A; Saxton P; Vaccher S; Ellard J; Mackie B; Batrouney C; Bath N; Prestage G, 2020, 'Physical distancing due to COVID-19 disrupts sexual behaviours among gay and bisexual men in Australia', JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, Publish Ahead of Print, pp. 309 - 315,

Fleming T; Valleriani J; Ng C; Maher L; Small W; McNeil R, 2020, 'Acceptability of a hypothetical preventative HIV vaccine among people who use drugs in Vancouver, Canada', BMC Public Health, 20, pp. 1081,

Kolstee J; Holt M; Jin J; Hammoud MA; Degenhardt L; Maher L; Lea T; Prestage G, 2020, 'Characteristics of gay and bisexual men who rarely use HIV risk reduction strategies during condomless anal intercourse: Results from the FLUX national online cohort study.', PLoS One, 15, pp. e0233922 - e0233922,

Medland NA; Banys P; Baton VP; Nadela J; Maher L; Tac-An I, 2020, 'Responding to expanding HIV epidemics in Cebu, Philippines', The Lancet HIV, 7, pp. e380 - e381,

Dunlop A; Lokuge B; Masters D; Sequeira M; Saul P; Dunlop G; Ryan J; Hall M; Ezard N; Haber P; Lintzeris N; Maher L, 2020, 'Challenges in maintaining treatment services for people who use drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic', Harm Reduction Journal, 17, pp. 26,

Clackett S; Seed CR; Prestage G; Hammoud MA; Hoad V; Saxton P; Haire B; Holt M; Jin F; Bourne A; Maher L; Kaldor J, 2020, 'Attitudes and willingness to donate blood among gay and bisexual men in Australia', Transfusion, 60, pp. 965 - 973,

Hammoud MA; Jin F; Maher L; Bourne A; Haire B; Saxton P; Vaccher S; Lea T; Degenhardt L; Prestage G, 2020, 'Biomedical HIV Protection Among Gay and Bisexual Men Who Use Crystal Methamphetamine', AIDS and Behavior, 24, pp. 1400 - 1413,

Boyd J; Lavalley J; Czechaczek S; Mayer S; Kerr T; Maher L; McNeil R, 2020, '“Bed Bugs and Beyond”: An ethnographic analysis of North America's first women-only supervised drug consumption site', International Journal of Drug Policy, 78, pp. 102733,

Brasher NA; Eltahla AA; Underwood A; Boo I; Rizzetto S; Walker MR; Rodrigo C; Luciani F; Maher L; Drummer HE; Tedla N; Lloyd AR; Bull RA, 2020, 'B cell immunodominance in primary hepatitis C virus infection', Journal of Hepatology, 72, pp. 670 - 679,

Quinn B; Pearson R; Cutts J; Seed C; Scott N; Hoad V; Dietze P; Wilson D; Maher L; Thompson A; Farrell M; Harrod M; Caris S; Pink J; Kotsiou G; Hellard M, 2020, 'Blood donation amongst people who inject drugs in Australia: research supporting policy change', Vox Sanguinis, 115, pp. 162 - 170,

Bajis S; Grebely J; Hajarizadeh B; Applegate T; Marshall AD; Ellen Harrod M; Byrne J; Bath N; Read P; Edwards M; Gorton C; Hayllar J; Cock V; Peterson S; Thomson C; Weltman M; Jefferies M; Wood W; Haber P; Ezard N; Martinello M; Maher L; Dore GJ; Peolim L; How-Chow D; Telenta J; Harvey P; Jones S; Dunlop A; Treloar C; Samuel Y; Poeder F; Crawford S; Baxter A; Keats J; Mowat Y; Silk D; Micallef M; Tamaddoni M; Marks P; Lamoury F; Jayasinghe I; Reid H; Cunningham EB; Bartlett S; Jacka B; Erratt A; Jauncey M; Collie P; Lam T; Gilliver R; Hazelwood S; Houlihan N; Burns C; Lewis R; Morris D; Donohue K; Carthew A; Horasak N; Cherry R; Shin S; Peterson D; Sellwood T; McKeown W; Pritchard-Jones J; Smyth F; Adey S; Clark K; Grebely J; Applegate T; Read P; Hajarizadeh B; Ezard N; Dore G; Edwards M, 2020, 'Hepatitis C virus testing, liver disease assessment and treatment uptake among people who inject drugs pre- and post-universal access to direct-acting antiviral treatment in Australia: The LiveRLife study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 27, pp. 281 - 293,

Lee JY; Page K; Stein E; Evans JL; Sokunny M; Maly P; Sophal C; Ngak S; Maher L; Carrico AW, 2020, 'Who’s that SMARTgirl? Reaching Cambodian Female Entertainment and Sex Workers with HIV Prevention Services', AIDS and Behavior, 24, pp. 738 - 745,

Maher L; Iversen J; Geddes L, 2020, 'Mapping out a research agenda on alcohol and other drug stigma: Commentary on Seear', Drug and Alcohol Review, 39, pp. 114 - 115,

Keen P; Hammoud MA; Bourne A; Bavinton B; Holt M; Vaccher S; Haire B; Saxton P; Jin F; Maher L; Grulich AE; Prestage G, 2020, 'Use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) associated with lower HIV anxiety among gay and bisexual men in Australia who are at high risk of HIV infection', JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 83, pp. 119 - 125,

Philpot S; Prestage G; Holt M; Haire B; Maher L; Hammoud M; Bourne A, 2020, 'Gay and Bisexual Men’s Perceptions of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in a Context of High Accessibility: An Australian Qualitative Study', AIDS and Behavior, 24, pp. 2369 - 2380,

Geddes L; Iversen J; Wand H; Esmaeili A; Tsui J; Hellard M; Dore G; Grebely J; Dietze P; Bruneau J; Prins M; Morris MD; Shoukry NH; Lloyd AR; Kim AY; Lauer G; Cox AL; Page K; Maher L; Lloyd A; Dore G; Dietze P, 2020, 'Sex Discrepancies in the Protective Effect of Opioid Agonist Therapy on Incident Hepatitis C Infection', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 70, pp. 123 - 131,

Vaccher SJ; Hammoud MA; Bourne A; Lea T; Haire BG; Holt M; Saxton P; Mackie B; Badge J; Jin F; Maher L; Prestage G, 2020, 'Prevalence, frequency, and motivations for alkyl nitrite use among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Australia', International Journal of Drug Policy, 76, pp. 102659 - 102659,

Bell S; Ward J; Aggleton P; Murray W; Silver B; Lockyer A; Ferguson T; Fairley CK; Whiley D; Ryder N; Donovan B; Guy R; Kaldor J; Maher L, 2020, 'Young Aboriginal people's sexual health risk reduction strategies: a qualitative study in remote Australia', Sexual Health, 17, pp. 303 - 303,

Bell S; Aggleton P; Ward J; Murray W; Silver B; Lockyer A; Ferguson T; Fairley CK; Whiley D; Ryder N; Donovan B; Guy R; Kaldor J; Maher L, 2020, 'Young Aboriginal people’s engagement with STI testing in the Northern Territory, Australia', BMC Public Health, 20,

Maher L; Neale J, 2019, 'Adding quality to quantity in randomized controlled trials of addiction prevention and treatment: a new framework to facilitate the integration of qualitative research', Addiction, 114, pp. 2257 - 2266,

Walker MR; Leung P; Eltahla AA; Underwood A; Abayasingam A; Brasher NA; Li H; Wu BR; Maher L; Luciani F; Lloyd AR; Bull RA, 2019, 'Clearance of hepatitis C virus is associated with early and potent but narrowly-directed, Envelope-specific antibodies', Scientific Reports, 9, pp. 13300,

Ward J; Guy RJ; Rumbold AR; McGregor S; Wand H; McManus H; Dyda A; Garton L; Hengel B; Silver BJ; Taylor-Thomson D; Knox J; Donovan B; Law M; Maher L; Fairley CK; Skov S; Ryder N; Moore E; Mein J; Reeve C; Ah Chee D; Boffa J; Kaldor JM; Han A, 2019, 'Strategies to improve control of sexually transmissible infections in remote Australian Aboriginal communities: a stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised trial', The Lancet Global Health, 7, pp. e1553 - e1563,

Brookfield S; Fitzgerald L; Selvey L; Maher L, 2019, 'The Blind Men and the Elephant: Meta-Ethnography 30 Years On', Qualitative Health Research, 29, pp. 1674 - 1681,

Southwell M; Shelly S; Macdonald V; Verster A; Maher L, 2019, 'Transforming lives and empowering communities: Evidence, harm reduction and a holistic approach to people who use drugs', Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS, 14, pp. 409 - 414,

Bajis S; Grebely J; Cooper L; Smith J; Owen G; Chudleigh A; Hajarizadeh B; Martinello M; Adey S; Read P; Gilliver R; Applegate T; Treloar C; Maher L; Dore GJ, 2019, 'Hepatitis C virus testing, liver disease assessment and direct-acting antiviral treatment uptake and outcomes in a service for people who are homeless in Sydney, Australia: The LiveRLife homelessness study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 26, pp. 969 - 979,

Abayasingam A; Leung P; Eltahla A; Bull RA; Luciani F; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Applegate T; Page K; Bruneau J; Cox AL; Kim AY; Schinkel J; Shoukry NH; Lauer GM; Maher L; Hellard M; Prins M; Lloyd A; Rodrigo C, 2019, 'Genomic characterization of hepatitis C virus transmitted founder variants with deep sequencing', Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 71, pp. 36 - 41,

Le LVN; O’connor S; Tran TH; Maher L; Kaldor J; Sabin K; Tran HV; Tran QD; Ho VAT; Nguyen TA, 2019, 'High hepatitis C virus infection among female sex workers in Viet Nam: strong correlation with HIV and injection drug use', Western Pacific Surveillance and Response Journal, 10,

Lea T; Hammoud M; Bourne A; Maher L; Jin F; Haire B; Bath N; Grierson J; Prestage G, 2019, 'Attitudes and Perceived Social Norms toward Drug Use among Gay and Bisexual Men in Australia', Substance Use and Misuse, 54, pp. 944 - 954,

Prestage G; Maher L; Grulich A; Bourne A; Hammoud M; Vaccher S; Bavinton B; Holt M; Jin F, 2019, 'Brief Report: Changes in Behavior after PrEP Initiation among Australian Gay and Bisexual Men', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 81, pp. 52 - 56,

Morris MD; Andrew E; Tan JY; Maher L; Hoff C; Darbes L; Page K, 2019, 'Injecting-related trust, cooperation, intimacy, and power as key factors influencing risk perception among drug injecting partnerships', PLoS ONE, 14, pp. e0217811,

Gunaratnam P; Schierhout G; Brands J; Maher L; Bailie R; Ward J; Guy R; Rumbold A; Ryder N; Fairley CK; Donovan B; Moore L; Kaldor J; Bell S, 2019, 'Qualitative perspectives on the sustainability of sexual health continuous quality improvement in clinics serving remote Aboriginal communities in Australia', BMJ Open, 9, pp. e026679,

Brookfield S; Fitzgerald L; Selvey L; Maher L, 2019, 'Turning points, identity, and social capital: A meta-ethnography of methamphetamine recovery', International Journal of Drug Policy, 67, pp. 79 - 90,

Kwon JA; Iversen J; Law M; Dolan K; Wand H; Maher L; Han A, 2019, 'Estimating the number of people who inject drugs and syringe coverage in Australia, 2005–2016', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 197, pp. 108 - 114,

Rodrigo C; Leung P; Lloyd AR; Bull RA; Luciani F; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Applegate T; Page K; Bruneau J; Cox AL; Osburn W; Kim AY; Shoukry NH; Lauer GM; Maher L; Schinkel J; Prins M; Hellard M; Eltahla AA, 2019, 'Genomic variability of within-host hepatitis C variants in acute infection', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 26, pp. 476 - 484,

Page K; Carrico AW; Stein E; Evans J; Sokunny M; Maly P; Sophal C; Neak Y; Ngak S; McCulloch C; Maher L, 2019, 'Cluster randomized stepped-wedge trial of a multi-level HIV prevention intervention to decrease amphetamine-type stimulants and sexual risk in Cambodian female entertainment and sex workers', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 196, pp. 21 - 30,

Sweeney S; Ward Z; Platt L; Guinness L; Hickman M; Hope V; Maher L; Iversen J; Hutchinson SJ; Smith J; Ayres R; Hainey I; Vickerman P, 2019, 'Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of existing needle and syringe programmes in preventing hepatitis C transmission in people who inject drugs', Addiction, 114, pp. 560 - 570,

Kimber J; Stoové M; Maher L, 2019, 'Mortality among people who inject drugs: Ten-year follow-up of the hepatitis C virus cohort', Drug and Alcohol Review, 38, pp. 270 - 273,

Coupland H; White B; Bates A; Park JN; Iversen J; Maher L, 2019, 'Engaging people who inject drugs in hepatitis C virus testing and prevention through community-based outreach, in Sydney, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 38, pp. 177 - 184,

Coupland H; Page K; Stein E; Carrico A; Evans J; Dixon T; Sokunny M; Phou M; Maher L, 2019, 'Structural interventions and social suffering: Responding to amphetamine-type stimulant use among female entertainment and sex workers in Cambodia', International Journal of Drug Policy, 64, pp. 70 - 78,

Iversen J; Dore GJ; Catlett B; Cunningham P; Grebely J; Maher L, 2019, 'Association between rapid utilisation of direct hepatitis C antivirals and decline in the prevalence of viremia among people who inject drugs in Australia', Journal of Hepatology, 70, pp. 33 - 39,

Kwon JA; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Hajarizadeh B; Guy R; Cunningham EB; Power C; Estes C; Razavi H; Gray RT; Dunlop A; Zekry A; Lloyd A; Duvnjak A; Treloar C; Tyrrell H; George J; Iversen J; Marriott K; Crooks L; Maher L; Douglas M, 2019, 'Australia on track to achieve WHO HCV elimination targets following rapid initial DAA treatment uptake: A modelling study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 26, pp. 83 - 92,

Hammoud MA; Vaccher S; Jin F; Bourne A; Maher L; Holt M; Bavinton BR; Haire B; Degenhardt L; Grulich A; Prestage GP, 2019, 'HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) uptake among gay and bisexual men in Australia and factors associated with the non-use of PrEP among eligible men', JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 81, pp. 1 - 1,

Boyd J; Collins AB; Mayer S; Maher L; Kerr T; McNeil R, 2018, 'Gendered violence and overdose prevention sites: a rapid ethnographic study during an overdose epidemic in Vancouver, Canada', Addiction, 113, pp. 2261 - 2270,

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