Select Publications

Journal articles

Colledge-Frisby S; Rathnayake K; Nielsen S; Stoove M; Maher L; Agius PA; Higgs P; Dietze P, 2023, 'Injection Drug Use Frequency before and after Take-Home Naloxone Training', JAMA Network Open, 6, pp. E2327319,

Rathnayake K; Agius PA; Ward B; Hickman M; Maher L; Stoové M; Doyle JS; Hellard M; Wilkinson A; Quinn B; Crawford S; Sutton K; Dietze P, 2023, 'The impacts of COVID-19 measures on drug markets and drug use among a cohort of people who use methamphetamine in Victoria, Australia', Addiction, 118, pp. 1557 - 1568,

Price O; Maher L; Dietze PM; Bruno R; Crawford S; Sutherland R; Salom C; Dore GJ; Peacock A, 2023, 'COVID-19 vaccine attitudes and facilitators among people in Australia who inject drugs', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, pp. 1066 - 1077,

Brookfield S; Selvey L; Fitzgerald L; Maher L, 2023, '“More human”: Using ethnographic insights to develop a posthuman framework of ‘extended recovery’ for harmful drug use', SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 3,

van Santen DK; Lodi S; Dietze P; van den Boom W; Hayashi K; Dong H; Cui Z; Maher L; Hickman M; Boyd A; Prins M, 2023, 'Comprehensive needle and syringe program and opioid agonist therapy reduce HIV and hepatitis c virus acquisition among people who inject drugs in different settings: A pooled analysis of emulated trials', Addiction, 118, pp. 1116 - 1126,

Artenie A; Stone J; Fraser H; Stewart D; Arum C; Lim AG; McNaughton AL; Trickey A; Ward Z; Abramovitz D; Alary M; Astemborski J; Bruneau J; Clipman SJ; Coffin CS; Croxford S; DeBeck K; Emanuel E; Hayashi K; Hermez JG; Low-Beer D; Luhmann N; Macphail G; Maher L; Palmateer NE; Patel EU; Sacks-Davis R; Van Den Boom W; van Santen DK; Walker JG; Hickman M; Vickerman P; Aladashvili M; Azim T; Dietze P; Dumchev K; Havens JR; Hellard M; Hutchinson S; Iversen J; Judd A; Kåberg M; Kurth AE; Mehta SH; Mravčík V; Prins M; Solomon SS; Strathdee SA; Sypsa V; Todd CS; Valencia J; Wisse E, 2023, 'Incidence of HIV and hepatitis C virus among people who inject drugs, and associations with age and sex or gender: a global systematic review and meta-analysis', The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 8, pp. 533 - 552,

Storer D; Prestage G; McManus H; Maher L; Bavinton BR; Ellard J; Jin F; Philpot S; Holt M; Saxton P; Haire B; Murphy D; Hammoud MA, 2023, 'Relationship Between Sexual Behaviors with Non-committed Relationship Partners and COVID-19 Restrictions and Notification Rates: Results from a Longitudinal Study of Gay and Bisexual Men in Australia', Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 20, pp. 825 - 836,

Iversen J; Wand H; McManus H; Dore GJ; Maher L, 2023, 'Incidence of primary hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs in Australia pre- and post-unrestricted availability of direct acting antiviral therapies', Addiction, 118, pp. 901 - 911,

Dertadian GC; Caruana T; Maher L, 2023, 'Injection drug use in an affluent beachside community in Sydney: An exploratory qualitative study', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, pp. 544 - 554,

Stone J; Lim AG; Dore GJ; Borquez A; Geddes L; Gray R; Grebely J; Hajarizadeh B; Iversen J; Maher L; Valerio H; Martin NK; Hickman M; Lloyd AR; Vickerman P, 2023, 'Prison-based interventions are key to achieving HCV elimination among people who inject drugs in New South Wales, Australia: A modelling study', Liver International, 43, pp. 569 - 579,

Madden A; Olsen A; Higgs P; Ward G; Gough C; Hudson S; Maher L, 2023, 'Vale Jude Byrne', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, pp. 505 - 506,

O'Keefe D; Jacka D; Maher L, 2023, 'Changes in needle and syringe presentations point to the successes of Australian harm reduction policy and practice', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 47,

Murphy D; Ellard J; Maher L; Saxton P; Holt M; Haire B; Grulich A; Bavinton B; Philpot S; Bourne A; Storer D; Jin F; Hammoud M; Prestage G, 2023, 'How to have sex in a pandemic: the development of strategies to prevent COVID-19 transmission in sexual encounters among gay and bisexual men in Australia', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 25, pp. 271 - 286,

Curtis SJ; Colledge-Frisby S; Stewardson AJ; Doyle JS; Higgs P; Maher L; Hickman M; Stoové MA; Dietze PM, 2023, 'Prevalence and incidence of emergency department presentations and hospital separations with injecting-related infections in a longitudinal cohort of people who inject drugs', Epidemiology and Infection,

Underwood AP; Gupta M; Wu B-R; Eltahla AA; Boo I; Wang JJ; Agapiou D; Abayasingam A; Reynaldi A; Keoshkerian E; Zhao Y; Brasher N; Walker MR; Bukh J; Maher L; Gordon T; Davenport M; Luciani F; Drummer HE; Lloyd AR; Bull RA, 2023, 'B Cell Signatures and Antibody Imprinting Define HCV Reinfection Outcome', ,

Hill PL; Stoové M; Agius PA; Maher L; Hickman M; Crawford S; Dietze P, 2022, 'Mortality in the SuperMIX cohort of people who inject drugs in Melbourne, Australia: a prospective observational study', Addiction, 117, pp. 3091 - 3098,

Iversen J; Wand H; Kemp R; Bevan J; Briggs M; Patten K; Heard S; Maher L, 2022, 'Uptake of COVID-19 vaccination among people who inject drugs', Harm Reduction Journal, 19,

OAM KC; Whitelaw J; Maher L; McLean A; Powers K; Caldicott D, 2022, 'Re: Letter to the Editor, Regarding the pre-proof of “Implementation of a successful infection prevention and control governance structure and capacity building strategies during COVID-19 pandemic—A brief report”', American Journal of Infection Control, 50, pp. 1277 - 1278,

Brookfield S; Selvey L; Maher L; Fitzgerald L, 2022, '“There’s No Sense to It”: A Posthumanist Ethnography of Agency in Methamphetamine Recovery', Contemporary Drug Problems, 49, pp. 278 - 298,

Brookfield S; Selvey L; Maher L; Fitzgerald L, 2022, '‘Making Ground’: An Ethnography of ‘Living With’ Harmful Methamphetamine Use and the Plurality of Recovery', Journal of Drug Issues, 52, pp. 366 - 388,

Price O; Dietze PM; Maher L; Crawford S; Peacock A, 2022, 'COVID-19 vaccine acceptability among people in Australia who inject drugs: Update from the 2021 Illicit Drug Reporting System interviews', Drug and Alcohol Review, 41, pp. 1025 - 1028,

Iversen J; Wand H; Chan PL; Le LV; Maher L, 2022, 'Systematic Review of Hepatitis C Virus Prevalence in the WHO Western Pacific Region', Viruses, 14,

Van Den Boom W; Quiroga MDM; O'keefe D; Kumar D; Hill PL; Scott N; Agius PA; Higgs P; Kerr T; Maher L; Hickman M; Stoové M; Dietze P, 2022, 'Cohort Profile: The Melbourne Injecting Drug User Cohort Study (SuperMIX)', International Journal of Epidemiology, 51, pp. E123 - E130,

Boyd J; Maher L; Austin T; Lavalley J; Kerr T; McNeil R, 2022, 'Mothers Who Use Drugs: Closing the Gaps in Harm Reduction Response Amidst the Dual Epidemics of Overdose and Violence in a Canadian Urban Setting', American Journal of Public Health, 112, pp. S191 - S198,

Prestage G; Storer D; Jin F; Haire B; Maher L; Philpot S; Bavinton B; Saxton P; Murphy D; Holt M; Bourne A; Hammoud MA, 2022, 'COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake and Its Impacts in a Cohort of Gay and Bisexual Men in Australia', AIDS and Behavior, 26, pp. 2692 - 2702,

Dietze PM; Hall C; Price O; Stewart AC; Crawford S; Peacock A; Maher L, 2022, 'COVID-19 vaccine acceptability among people in Australia who inject drugs: Implications for vaccine rollout', Drug and Alcohol Review, 41, pp. 484 - 487,

Hammoud MA; Wells N; Holt M; Bavinton B; Jin F; Maher L; Philpot S; Haire B; Degenhardt L; Bourne A; Saxton P; Keen P; Storer D; Prestage G, 2022, 'COVID-19 Testing in a Weekly Cohort Study of Gay and Bisexual Men: The Impact of Health-Seeking Behaviors and Social Connection', AIDS and Behavior, 27, pp. 948 - 956,

Bavinton BR; Chan C; Hammoud MA; Maher L; Haire B; Degenhardt L; Holt M; Lea T; Bath N; Storer D; Jin F; Grulich AE; Bourne A; Saxton P; Prestage GP; Murphy D; Mackie B; Batrouney C; Ellard J; Grierson J; Pastorelli M, 2022, 'Increase in Depression and Anxiety Among Australian Gay and Bisexual Men During COVID-19 Restrictions: Findings from a Prospective Online Cohort Study', Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51, pp. 355 - 364,

Philpot SP; Prestage G; Holt M; Maher L; Haire B; Bourne A; Hammoud MA, 2022, 'Reasons for not Using HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) among Gay and Bisexual Men in Australia: Mixed-Methods Analyses from a National, Online, Observational Study', Behavioral Medicine, 49, pp. 1 - 12,

Brookfield SJ; Selvey L; Maher L; Fitzgerald L, 2021, '“It Just Kind of Cascades”: A critical ethnography of methamphetamine-related pleasure among people in recovery', International Journal of Drug Policy, 98,

Brookfield S; Fitzgerald L; Selvey L; Maher L, 2021, '“We're supposed to be a family here”: An ethnography of preserving, achieving, and performing normality within methamphetamine recovery', SSM - Population Health, 16,

Iversen J; ul H Qureshi S; Zafar M; Busz M; Maher L, 2021, 'HIV incidence and associated risk factors in female spouses of men who inject drugs in Pakistan', Harm Reduction Journal, 18,

Bardwell G; Austin T; Maher L; Boyd J, 2021, 'Hoots and harm reduction: a qualitative study identifying gaps in overdose prevention among women who smoke drugs', Harm Reduction Journal, 18, pp. 29,

Lafferty L; Smith K; Causer L; Andrewartha K; Whiley D; Badman SG; Donovan B; Anderson L; Tangey A; Mak D; Maher L; Shephard M; Guy R; Bastian L; Ward J; Kaldor J; Comerford C; Bushby T; Moore L; Gunathilake M; Johnson D; Gallant D, 2021, 'Scaling up sexually transmissible infections point-of-care testing in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities: healthcare workers’ perceptions of the barriers and facilitators', Implementation Science Communications, 2, pp. 127,

Philpot SP; Holt M; Murphy D; Haire B; Prestage G; Maher L; Bavinton BR; Hammoud MA; Jin F; Bourne A, 2021, 'Qualitative Findings on the Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on Australian Gay and Bisexual Men: Community Belonging and Mental Well-being', Qualitative Health Research, 31, pp. 2414 - 2425,

van Santen DK; Boyd A; Matser A; Maher L; Hickman M; Lodi S; Prins M, 2021, 'The effect of needle and syringe program and opioid agonist therapy on the risk of HIV, hepatitis B and C virus infection for people who inject drugs in Amsterdam, the Netherlands: findings from an emulated target trial', Addiction, 116, pp. 3115 - 3126,

Iversen J; Qureshi SUH; Zafar M; Busz M; Maher L, 2021, 'Adherence to antiretroviral therapy among HIV positive men who inject drugs in Pakistan', International Journal of Drug Policy, 96,

Geddes L; Iversen J; Darke S; Dietze P; Maher L, 2021, 'Prevalence and correlates of multiple non-fatal opioid overdoses among people who inject drugs who utilise needle syringe programs in Australia', International Journal of Drug Policy, 96, pp. 103245,

Jaffe K; Nosova E; Maher L; Hayashi K; Milloy MJ; Richardson L, 2021, 'Income generation and the patterning of substance use: A gender-based analysis', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 226, pp. 108862,

Palmer AY; Wilkinson A; Aitken C; Dietze P; Dore GJ; Maher L; Sacks-Davis R; Stoove M; Wilson D; Hellard M; Scott N, 2021, 'Estimating the number of new hepatitis C infections in Australia in 2015, prior to the scale-up of direct-acting antiviral treatment', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Australia), 36, pp. 2270 - 2274,

Van Den Boom W; del Mar Quiroga M; Fetene DM; Agius PA; Higgs PG; Maher L; Hickman M; Stoové MA; Dietze PM, 2021, 'The Melbourne Safe Injecting Room Attracted People Most in Need of Its Service', American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 61, pp. 217 - 224,

Haire B; Murphy D; Maher L; Zablotska-Manos I; Vaccher S; Kaldor J, 2021, 'What does PrEP mean for 'safe sex' norms? A qualitative study', PLoS ONE, 16, pp. e0255731,

Iversen J; Peacock A; Price O; Byrne J; Dunlop A; Maher L, 2021, 'COVID-19 vaccination among people who inject drugs: Leaving no one behind', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 517 - 520,

Arum C; Fraser H; Artenie AA; Bivegete S; Trickey A; Alary M; Astemborski J; Iversen J; Lim AG; MacGregor L; Morris M; Ong JJ; Platt L; Sack-Davis R; van Santen DK; Solomon SS; Sypsa V; Valencia J; Van Den Boom W; Walker JG; Ward Z; Stone J; Vickerman P; Cherutich P; Debeck K; Dietze P; Dumchev K; Hayashi K; Hellard M; Hickman M; Hope V; Judd A; Kåberg M; Kurth AE; Leclerc P; Maher L; Mehta SH; Page KA; Prins M; Todd CS; Strathdee SA, 2021, 'Homelessness, unstable housing, and risk of HIV and hepatitis C virus acquisition among people who inject drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis', The Lancet Public Health, 6, pp. e309 - e323,

Palmer A; Higgs P; Scott N; Agius P; Maher L; Dietze P, 2021, 'Prevalence and correlates of simultaneous, multiple substance injection (co-injection) among people who inject drugs in Melbourne, Australia', Addiction, 116, pp. 876 - 888,

Bavinton BR; Hammoud MA; Holt M; Saxton P; Bourne A; MacGibbon J; Jin F; Maher L; Prestage GP, 2021, 'Changes in Sexual Behaviour Following PrEP Initiation Among Australian Gay and Bisexual Men in Relationships: Results from a Prospective Observational Study.', AIDS Behav, 25, pp. 3704 - 3711,

Cutts JC; Quinn B; Seed CR; Kotsiou G; Pearson R; Scott N; Wilson DP; Harrod ME; Maher L; Caris S; Thompson AJ; Farrell M; Pink J; Hellard ME, 2021, 'A Systematic Review of Interventions Used to Increase Blood Donor Compliance with Deferral Criteria', Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy, 48, pp. 118 - 129,

Maher L; Harrod M; Farrell M; Wilson D, 2021, 'A Systematic Review of Interventions Used to Increase Blood Donor Compliance with Deferral Criteria', Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy,

Geddes L; Iversen J; Wand H; Maher L, 2021, 'Incidence and factors associated with discontinuation of opioid agonist therapy among people who inject drugs in Australia', Addiction, 116, pp. 525 - 535,

Evans JL; Couture MC; Carrico A; Stein ES; Muth S; Phou M; Aynar L; Song N; Chhit S; Neak Y; Maher L; Page K, 2021, 'Joint effects of alcohol and stimulant use disorders on self-reported sexually transmitted infections in a prospective study of Cambodian female entertainment and sex workers', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 32, pp. 304 - 313,

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