Select Publications

Book Chapters

Demirbilek RO; Murray A, 2024, 'The Fluid Scale of Design Practice: City of Sydney public domain furniture', in Favaro P; Freestone R (ed.), Adaptive urban architecture and design: Tzannes, Thames & Hudson

Demirbilek O, 2022, 'Remote Caring for Older People: Future Trends and Speculative Design', in Scataglini S; Imbesi S; Marques G (ed.), Internet of Things for Human-Centered Design, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, pp. 293 - 312,

Demirbilek O, 2022, 'Remote Caring for Older People: Future Trends and Speculative Design', in Internet of Things for Human-Centered Design: Application to Elderly Healthcare, pp. 293 - 312,

Demirbilek O, 2017, 'Chapter 14 Evolution of Emotion Driven Design', in Emotions and Affect in Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction, Elsevier, pp. 341 - 357,

Demirbilek OR, 2017, 'Evolution of Emotion Driven Design', in Jeon MP (ed.), Handbook of Affective Sciences in Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction, Academic Press, Elsevier Inc., San Diego, pp. 341 - 557,

Demirbilek OR, 2011, 'Alla Turca: Squatting for Health and Hygiene', in Molenbroek J; Mantas J; de Bruin R (ed.), A Friendly Rest Room: Developing Toilets of the Future for Disabled and Elderly People, New IOS Press Publication, Amsterdam, pp. 271 - 280,

Demirbilek O, 2010, 'Squatting or Sitting', in Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series, CRC Press, pp. 535 - 544,

Demirbilek OR; Tantaro N, 2008, 'The next big thing', in Australian Design Awards: Celebrating 50 Years 1958-2008, Lindsay Yates Group, Sydney, pp. 166 - 167

Demirbilek OR; Tantaro N, 2007, 'More than being tnereffitd: the Bachelor of Industrial Design at the University of New South Wales', in The Australian design Awards Yearbook 2007, Sustaining Design, Sydney, pp. 90 - 91

Quinlan AM; Demirbilek OR, 2007, 'REFLEC[EMO]TIONS: Animating Research: Flesh/Contour/Line', in Tactile Imagination: Design Research Process, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, COFA, Sydney, pp. 24 - 25

Nawangpalupi CB; Demirbilek OR, 2006, 'Investigating pleasurability of a scenario of a sustainable product-service system (framework).', in FBE Design Research Group 05 Report Activities, FBE UNSW, Sydney, pp. 65 - 74

Demirbilek OR, 2005, 'Emotions and design', in Karwowski W (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors, Taylor & Francis, pp. 687 - 693

Aurum A; Demirbilek OR, 2005, 'Virtual Collaborative Design', in Dasgupta S (ed.), Encyclopedia of virtual communities and technologies, Idea Group Reference, Hershey, PA, pp. 482 - 486

Demirbilek OR; Sener B, 2004, 'Emotionally Rich Products: The Influence of Chilhood Heroes, Comics and Cartoon Characters', in McDonagh D; Hekkert P; Erp JV; Gyi D (ed.), Design and Emotion: The Experience of Everyday Things, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 278 - 283

Demirbilek O; Sener B, 2003, 'Emotionally rich products', in Design and Emotion, CRC Press, pp. 278 - 283,

Robinson M; Formosa D; van Dijk M; Konings R; Crossley L; Velázquez V; Givechi R; Mead P; Mottram J; Restivo S; Bennett A; Hollis E; Rodgers P; Keller R; B-N Sanders E; Jan Stappers P; Goatman M; Oltersdorf K; Bruder R; Wellmann K; Kaizuka Y; Eikelenberg N; Ehlhardt H; van der Zande M; Lefeber F; Kalisvaart S; Bonhoure P; Cayol A; Henze L; Kahmann R; Bruseberg A; Wormald P; Kälviäinen M; Miller H; Damodaran L; Olphert W; Downs J; Wallace J; Opperud A; Lumsden C; Kreindler D; Woolridge N; Kristensen T; Gabrielsen G; Hagan S; Holmes F; Eglash R; Bennett A; Baker S; Wilson J; Challis S; Willats J; Ou L-C; Ronnier Luo M; Borisch J; Alenquer D; Brian Stone R; Visch V; Jonsson K; Westergren U; Throop L; Kurvinen E; Kooijman D; Zuo H; Hope T; Jones M; Castle P; Sonneveld M; Bouché N; van Egmond R; Bruder R; Beucker N; DiSalvo C; Forlizzi J; Hanington B; Harker S; Mitchell V; Dixon H; De Angeli A; Johnson G; Taylor V; Taylor A; van Rompay T; Demirbilek O; Sener B; Mark Porter J; Burnett G; Summerskill S; Dudek C; Lindgaard G; Chhibber S; Mark Porter J; Porter S; Maguire M; Woodcock A; Torrens G; Savas Ö; Candy F; Schifferstein H; Mugge R; Thompson J; Battarbee K; Mattelmäki T; Schoormans J; Govers P; Sackett P; Kefallonitis E; Rutherford S; Chalapathi Rao N; Aldrich A; Dias N; Branco J; Ginoulhiac M; Alice Branco R; Branco V; Reavley G; Yagou A; Love T; Lebbon C; Gheerawo R; Illman M; Veen GJVD; Kurtgözü A; Patlar D; Lee S-H; Denton H; Baker S; Wormald P; Reymen I; Hammer D; Clarke R; Montgomery J; Crothers S; Hughes B, 2003, 'Sleeping policemen', in Design and Emotion, CRC Press,

Park M; Demirbilek OR, 2003, 'Design Education with Real Life Projects: LEXON/FBE Corporate Gift Experience', in Collina L; Giuliano S (ed.), Designing Designers: design for a Local Global World, Litogi Edizione Poli.Design, Milan, Italy, pp. 239 - 248

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