Select Publications


Mintzes A; Demirbilek OR; Sweatman P; Davey S; Bridge C, 2015, Co-Design Report, Livable Bathrooms for Older People, Blurb Books, Sydney,

Demirbilek OR; Carnemolla PK, 2012, Sacred Geoms: Exploration of Sacred Geometry and Jewellery, Blurb Books, USA,

Judd B; Olsberg D; Quinn J; Groenhart L; Demirbilek O, 2010, Dwelling, land and neighbourhood use by older home owners, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Sydney,

Demirbilek OR; Demirbilek N, 2008, Comfort and Light, Lewis M, (ed.), Frances Lincoln Publishers, Sydney

Quinlan AM; Demirbilek OR, 2005, FBE Design Research Group 03-04 Report on Activities, Design Research Group. Faculty of the Built Environment, Sydney Australia

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