Select Publications

Journal articles

Tobias JA; Sheard C; Seddon N; Meade A; Cotton AJ; Nakagawa S, 2016, 'Territoriality, social bonds, and the evolution of communal signaling in birds', Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 4,

Senior AM; Johnson SL; Nakagawa S, 2016, 'Sperm traits of masculinized fish relative to wild-type males: A systematic review and meta-analyses', Metroeconomica, 67, pp. 143 - 164,

Vanderpham JP; Nakagawa S; Senior AM; Closs GP, 2016, 'Habitat-related specialization of lateral-line system morphology in a habitat-generalist and a habitat-specialist New Zealand eleotrid', Journal of Fish Biology, 88, pp. 1631 - 1641,

Lagisz M; Mercer AR; de Mouzon C; Santos LLS; Nakagawa S, 2016, 'Association of Amine-Receptor DNA Sequence Variants with Associative Learning in the Honeybee', Behavior Genetics, 46, pp. 242 - 251,

Mourocq E; Bize P; Bouwhuis S; Bradley R; Charmantier A; de la Cruz C; Drobniak SM; Espie RHM; Herényi M; Hötker H; Krüger O; Marzluff J; Møller AP; Nakagawa S; Phillips RA; Radford AN; Roulin A; Török J; Valencia J; van de Pol M; Warkentin IG; Winney IS; Wood AG; Griesser M, 2016, 'Life span and reproductive cost explain interspecific variation in the optimal onset of reproduction', Evolution, 70, pp. 296 - 313,

Holtmann B; Grosser S; Lagisz M; Johnson SL; Santos ESA; Lara CE; Robertson BC; Nakagawa S, 2016, 'Population differentiation and behavioural association of the two 'personality' genes DRD4 and SERT in dunnocks (Prunella modularis)', Molecular Ecology, 25, pp. 706 - 722,

Smith JF; Parker TH; Nakagawa S; Gurevitch J, 2016, 'Promoting transparency in evolutionary biology and ecology', Systematic Botany, 41,

Mills JA; Teplitsky C; Arroyo B; Charmantier A; Becker PH; Birkhead TR; Bize P; Blumstein DT; Bonenfant C; Boutin S; Bushuev A; Cam E; Cockburn A; Côté SD; Coulson JC; Daunt F; Dingemanse NJ; Doligez B; Drummond H; Espie RHM; Festa-Bianchet M; Frentiu FD; Fitzpatrick JW; Furness RW; Gauthier G; Grant PR; Griesser M; Gustafsson L; Hansson B; Harris MP; Jiguet F; Kjellander P; Korpimäki E; Krebs CJ; Lens L; Linnell JDC; Low M; McAdam A; Margalida A; Merilä J; Møller AP; Nakagawa S; Nilsson JÅ; Nisbet ICT; van Noordwijk AJ; Oro D; Pärt T; Pelletier F; Potti J; Pujol B; Réale D; Rockwell RF; Ropert-Coudert Y; Roulin A; Thébaud C; Sedinger JS; Swenson JE; Visser ME; Wanless S; Westneat DF; Wilson AJ; Zedrosser A, 2016, 'Solutions for Archiving Data in Long-Term Studies: A Reply to Whitlock et al.', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 31, pp. 85 - 87,

O'Dea RE; Noble DWA; Johnson SL; Hesselson D; Nakagawa S; O'Dea R, 2016, 'The role of non-genetic inheritance in evolutionary rescue: Epigenetic buffering, heritable bet hedging and epigenetic traps', Environmental Epigenetics, 2, pp. dvv014,

Nakagawa S; Johnson P; Schielzeth H, 2016, 'The coefficient of determinationR2and intra-class correlation coefficient from generalized linear mixed-effects models revisited and expanded', ,

Lagisz M; Blair H; Kenyon P; Uller T; Raubenheimer D; Nakagawa S, 2015, 'Little appetite for obesity: Meta-analysis of the effects of maternal obesogenic diets on offspring food intake and body mass in rodents', International Journal of Obesity, 39, pp. 1669 - 1678,

Samia DSM; Nakagawa S; Nomura F; Rangel TF; Blumstein DT, 2015, 'Increased tolerance to humans among disturbed wildlife', Nature Communications, 6,

Santos ESA; Santos LLS; Lagisz M; Nakagawa S, 2015, 'Conflict and cooperation over sex: The consequences of social and genetic polyandry for reproductive success in dunnocks', Journal of Animal Ecology, 84, pp. 1509 - 1519,

Nakagawa S; Parker TH, 2015, 'Replicating research in ecology and evolution: Feasibility, incentives, and the cost-benefit conundrum', BMC Biology, 13,

Mills JA; Teplitsky C; Arroyo B; Charmantier A; Becker PH; Birkhead TR; Bize P; Blumstein DT; Bonenfant C; Boutin S; Bushuev A; Cam E; Cockburn A; Côté SD; Coulson JC; Daunt F; Dingemanse NJ; Doligez B; Drummond H; Espie RHM; Festa-Bianchet M; Frentiu F; Fitzpatrick JW; Furness RW; Garant D; Gauthier G; Grant PR; Griesser M; Gustafsson L; Hansson B; Harris MP; Jiguet F; Kjellander P; Korpimäki E; Krebs CJ; Lens L; Linnell JDC; Low M; McAdam A; Margalida A; Merilä J; Møller AP; Nakagawa S; Nilsson JÅ; Nisbet ICT; van Noordwijk AJ; Oro D; Pärt T; Pelletier F; Potti J; Pujol B; Réale D; Rockwell RF; Ropert-Coudert Y; Roulin A; Sedinger JS; Swenson JE; Thébaud C; Visser ME; Wanless S; Westneat DF; Wilson AJ; Zedrosser A, 2015, 'Archiving Primary Data: Solutions for Long-Term Studies', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30, pp. 581 - 589,

Simons MJP; Winney I; Nakagawa S; Burke T; Schroeder J, 2015, 'Limited catching bias in a wild population of birds with near-complete census information', Ecology and Evolution, 5, pp. 3500 - 3506,

Kohn YY; Symonds JE; Kleffmann T; Nakagawa S; Lagisz M; Lokman PM, 2015, 'Proteomic analysis of early-stage embryos: implications for egg quality in hapuku (Polyprion oxygeneios)', Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 41, pp. 1403 - 1417,

Nakagawa S; de Villemereuil P, 2015, 'A simple and general method for accounting for phylogenetic uncertainty via Rubin’s rules in comparative analysis', ,

Hinks AE; Cole EF; Daniels KJ; Wilkin TA; Nakagawa S; Sheldon BC, 2015, 'Scale-dependent phenological synchrony between songbirds and their caterpillar food source', American Naturalist, 186, pp. 84 - 97,

Miyazaki M; Nakagawa S, 2015, 'Geographical variation in male calls and the effect on female response in little penguins', Acta Ethologica, 18, pp. 227 - 234,

Grimaldi WW; Seddon PJ; Lyver PO’; Nakagawa S; Tompkins DM, 2015, 'Infectious diseases of Antarctic penguins: current status and future threats', Polar Biology, 38, pp. 591 - 606,

Winney I; Nakagawa S; Hsu YH; Burke T; Schroeder J, 2015, 'Troubleshooting the potential pitfalls of cross-fostering', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6, pp. 584 - 592,

Hsu YH; Schroeder J; Winney I; Burke T; Nakagawa S, 2015, 'Are extra-pair males different from cuckolded males? A case study and a meta-analytic examination', Molecular Ecology, 24, pp. 1558 - 1571,

Schroeder J; Nakagawa S; Rees M; Mannarelli ME; Burke T, 2015, 'Reduced fitness in progeny from old parents in a natural population', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112, pp. 4021 - 4025,

Mcnair A; Lokman PM; Closs GP; Nakagawa S, 2015, 'ECOLOGICAL AND EVOLUTIONARY APPLICATIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SEX REVERSAL OF FISH', The Quarterly review of biology, 90, pp. 23 - 44,

Karlsson M; Schroeder J; Nakagawa S; Smith HG; Burke T; Westerdahl H, 2015, 'House sparrow Passer domesticus survival is not associated with MHC-I diversity, but possibly with specific MHC-I alleles', Journal of Avian Biology, 46, pp. 167 - 174,

Lamatsch DK; Adolfsson S; Senior AM; Christiansen G; Pichler M; Ozaki Y; Smeds L; Schartl M; Nakagawa S, 2015, 'A transcriptome derived female-specific marker from the invasive western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis)', PLoS ONE, 10,

Nakagawa S; Poulin R; Mengersen K; Reinhold K; Engqvist L; Lagisz M; Senior AM, 2015, 'Meta-analysis of variation: Ecological and evolutionary applications and beyond', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6, pp. 143 - 152,

Moore F; Tomkins S; Nakagawa S; Lara CE, 2015, 'Accidental or intentional eggshell breakage? A report of intriguing observations in dunnocks (Prunella modularis)', Notornis, 62, pp. 99 - 101

Senior AM; Nakagawa S; Lihoreau M; Simpson SJ; Raubenheimer D, 2015, 'An overlooked consequence of dietary mixing: A varied diet reduces interindividual variance in fitness', American Naturalist, 186, pp. 649 - 659,

Mittell EA; Nakagawa S; Hadfield JD, 2015, 'Are molecular markers useful predictors of adaptive potential?', Ecology Letters, 18, pp. 772 - 778,

Johnson SL; Dunleavy J; Gemmell NJ; Nakagawa S, 2015, 'Consistent age-dependent declines in human semen quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Ageing Research Reviews, 19, pp. 22 - 33,

Senior AMN; Lokman PM; Closs GP; Nakagawa S, 2015, 'Ecological and evolutionary applications for environmental sex reversal of fish', Quarterly Review of Biology, 90, pp. 23 - 44,

Cleasby IR; Nakagawa S; Schielzeth H, 2015, 'Quantifying the predictability of behaviour: Statistical approaches for the study of between-individual variation in the within-individual variance', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6, pp. 27 - 37,

Nakagawa S; Schroeder J; Burke T, 2015, 'Sugar-free extrapair mating: A comment on Arct et al.', Behavioral Ecology, 26, pp. 971 - 972,

Grimaldi WW; Seddon PJ; Lyver PO; Nakagawa S; Tompkins DM, 2014, 'Infectious diseases of Antarctic penguins: current status and future threats', Polar Biology,

Parker TH; Nakagawa S, 2014, 'Mitigating the epidemic of type I error: Ecology and evolution can learn from other disciplines', Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2,

McQuillan HJ; Nakagawa S; Mercer AR, 2014, 'Juvenile hormone enhances aversive learning performance in 2-day old worker honey bees while reducing their attraction to queen mandibular pheromone', PLoS ONE, 9,

Kamiya T; O'Dwyer K; Westerdahl H; Senior A; Nakagawa S, 2014, 'A quantitative review of MHC-based mating preference: The role of diversity and dissimilarity', Molecular Ecology, 23, pp. 5151 - 5163,

Augustine BC; Tredick CA; Bonner SJ, 2014, 'Accounting for behavioural response to capture when estimating population size from hair snare studies with missing data', METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 5, pp. 1154 - 1161,

Teplitsky C; Tarka M; Møller AP; Nakagawa S; Balbontin J; Burke TA; Doutrelant C; Gregoire A; Hansson B; Hasselquist D; Gustafsson L; De Lope F; Marzal A; Mills JA; Wheelwright NT; Yarrall JW; Charmantier A, 2014, 'Assessing multivariate constraints to evolution across ten long-term avian studies', PLoS ONE, 9,

Simons MJP; Stulp G; Nakagawa S, 2014, 'A statistical approach to distinguish telomere elongation from error in longitudinal datasets', Biogerontology, 15, pp. 99 - 103,

Kamiya T; O'Dwyer K; Nakagawa S; Poulin R, 2014, 'What determines species richness of parasitic organisms? A meta-analysis across animal, plant and fungal hosts', Biological Reviews, 89, pp. 123 - 134,

Hadfield JD; Krasnov BR; Poulin R; Nakagawa S, 2014, 'A tale of two phylogenies: Comparative analyses of ecological interactions', American Naturalist, 183, pp. 174 - 187,

Rutkowska J; Dubiec A; Nakagawa S, 2014, 'All eggs are made equal: Meta-analysis of egg sexual size dimorphism in birds', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27, pp. 153 - 160,

Chatterjee A; Stockwell PA; Horsfield JA; Morison IM; Nakagawa S, 2014, 'Base-resolution DNA methylation landscape of zebrafish brain and liver', Genomics Data, 2, pp. 342 - 344,

Hsu YH; Schroeder J; Winney I; Burke T; Nakagawa S, 2014, 'Costly infidelity: Low lifetime fitness of extra-pair offspring in a passerine bird', Evolution, 68, pp. 2873 - 2884,

Forstmeier W; Nakagawa S; Griffith SC; Kempenaers B, 2014, 'Female extra-pair mating: Adaptation or genetic constraint?', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 29, pp. 456 - 464,

Valcu M; Dale J; Griesser M; Nakagawa S; Kempenaers B, 2014, 'Global gradients of avian longevity support the classic evolutionary theory of ageing', Ecography, 37, pp. 930 - 938,

Lim JN; Senior AM; Nakagawa S, 2014, 'Heterogeneity in individual quality and reproductive trade-offs within species', Evolution, 68, pp. 2306 - 2318,

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