Select Publications


Yang Y; Lagisz M; Nakagawa S, 2022, Decline effects are rare in ecology: Comment, ,

Nakagawa S; Noble D; Lagisz M; Spake R; Viechtbauer W; Senior A, 2022, A robust and readily implementable method for the meta-analysis of response ratios with and without missing standard deviations, ,

Anwer H; Mason D; Zajitschek S; Hesselson D; Noble D; Morris M; Lagisz M; Nakagawa S, 2022, Intergenerational effects of overfeeding on aversive learning in zebrafish (Danio rerio), ,

Anwer H; O'Dea R; Mason D; Zajitschek S; Klinke A; Reid M; Hesselson D; Noble D; Morris M; Lagisz M, 2022, The effects of an obesogenic diet on behaviour and cognition in zebrafish (Danio rerio): traits average, variability, repeatability, and behavioural syndromes, ,

Nguyen P-Y; Kanukula R; McKenzie J; Alqaidoom Z; Brennan S; Haddaway N; Hamilton D; Karunananthan S; McDonald S; Moher D; Nakagawa S; Nunan D; Tugwell P; Welch V; Page M, 2022, Changing patterns in reporting and sharing of review data in systematic reviews with meta-analysis of the effects of interventions: a meta-research study, ,

Pottier P; Burke S; Zhang R; Noble D; Schwanz L; Drobniak S; Nakagawa S, 2022, Developmental plasticity in thermal tolerance is insufficient to compensate for rising temperatures: a meta-analysis, ,

Wilson L; Zajitschek S; Lagisz M; Mason J; Haselimashhadi H; Nakagawa S, 2022, Sex differences in allometry for mouse phenotypic traits indicate that females are not scaled males, ,

Davidson A; Barbour G; Nakagawa S; Holcombe A; Fidler F; Glasziou P, 2022, Taxonomy of interventions at academic institutions to improve research quality, ,

Tam J; Lagisz M; Cornwell W; Nakagawa S, 2021, Quantifying research interests in 7,521 mammalian species with h-index: a case study, ,

Pollo P; Nakagawa S; Kasumovic M, 2021, The better, the choosier: a meta-analysis on inter-individual variation of male mate choice, ,

Vendl C; Pottier P; Taylor M; Braeunig J; Gibson M; Hesselson D; Neely G; Lagisz M; Nakagawa S, 2021, Thermal processing reduces PFAS concentrations in blue food – A systematic review and meta-analysis, ,

Yang Y; Hillebrand H; Lagisz M; Cleasby I; Nakagawa S, 2021, Low statistical power and overestimated anthropogenic impacts, exacerbated by publication bias, dominate field studies in global change biology, ,

Chin J; Nakagawa S; Lagisz M, 2021, Where is the evidence in evidence-based law reform?, ,

Anwer H; Morris M; Noble D; Nakagawa S; Lagisz M, 2021, Transgenerational effects of obesogenic diets in rodents: a meta-analysis, ,

Kar F; Nakagawa S; Noble D, 2021, Impact of Developmental Temperatures On The Repeatability of Thermal Plasticity in Metabolic Rate, ,

Foo Y; O'Dea R; Koricheva J; Nakagawa S; Lagisz M, 2021, A practical guide to question formation, systematic searching and study screening for literature reviews in ecology and evolution, ,

Nakagawa S; Lagisz M; Jennions M; Koricheva J; Noble D; Parker T; Sánchez-Tójar A; Yang Y; O'Dea R, 2021, Methods for testing publication bias in ecological and evolutionary meta-analyses, ,

Nakagawa S; Senior A; Viechtbauer W; Noble D, 2021, An assessment of statistical methods for non-independent data in ecological meta-analyses: Comment, ,

Haddaway NR; Dunn AG; Nakagawa S, 2021, A protocol for a Delphi-style workshop to design a minimum standard for data reporting in systematic reviews, ,

Page MJ; Moher D; Fidler FM; Higgins JPT; Brennan SE; Haddaway NR; Hamilton DG; Kanukula R; Karunananthan S; Maxwell LJ; McDonald S; Nakagawa S; Nunan D; Tugwell P; Welch VA; McKenzie JE, 2021, The REPRISE Project: Protocol for an Evaluation of Reproducibility and Replicability in Syntheses of Evidence, ,

Vendl C; Braeunig J; Gibson M; Hesselson D; Neely GG; Lagisz M; Nakagawa S, 2021, Profiling Research on PFAS in Wildlife: Protocol of a Systematic Evidence Map and Bibliometric Analysis, ,

Nolazco S; Delhey K; Nakagawa S; Peters A, 2021, Ornaments are equally informative in males and females: a bivariate meta-analysis in birds, ,

Cinar O; Nakagawa S; Viechtbauer W, 2020, Phylogenetic multilevel meta-analysis: A simulation study on the importance of modeling the phylogeny, ,

Anwer H; Mason D; Zajitschek S; Noble D; Hesselson D; Morris M; Lagisz M; Nakagawa S, 2020, An efficient new assay for measuring zebrafish anxiety: tall tanks that better characterize between-individual differences, ,

Mason D; Zajitschek S; Anwer H; O’Dea RE; Hesselson D; Nakagawa S, 2020, Low Repeatability of Aversive Learning in Zebrafish (Danio rerio), ,

Atsumi K; Lagisz M; Nakagawa S, 2020, Non-additive genetic effects induce novel phenotypic distributions in male mating traits of F1 hybrids, ,

Hennessy EA; Acabchuk R; Arnold PA; Dunn AG; Foo YZ; Johnson BT; Geange SR; Haddaway NR; Nakagawa S; Mapanga W; Mengersen K; Page MJ; Sánchez-Tójar A; Welch V; McGuinness LA, 2020, Ensuring Prevention Science Research is Synthesis-Ready for Immediate and Lasting Scientific Impact, ,

Haddaway NR; Dunn AG; Nakagawa S, 2020, A protocol for a Delphi-style workshop to design a minimum standard for data reporting in systematic reviews, ,

O'Dea R; Noble D; Nakagawa S, 2020, Unifying individual differences in personality, predictability, and plasticity: a practical guide, ,

Stoffel MA; Nakagawa S; Schielzeth H, 2020, partR2: Partitioning R2in generalized linear mixed models, ,

Lagisz M; Zidar J; Nakagawa S; Neville V; Sorato E; Paul E; Bateson M; Mendl M; Løvlie H, 2020, Optimism, pessimism and judgement bias in animals: a systematic review and meta-analysis, ,

Lara C; Holtmann B; Santos E; Nakagawa S, 2020, Tongue spots of dunnock nestlings vary in number and position over time but exert no clear influence on parental allocation, ,

Rutkowska J; Lagisz M; Bonduriansky R; Nakagawa S, 2020, Mapping the past, present and future research landscape of paternal effects, ,

Schielzeth H; Nakagawa S, 2020, Conditional repeatability and the variance explained by reaction norm variation in random slope models, ,

Lara C; Taylor H; Holtmann B; Johnson S; Santos E; Gemmell N; Nakagawa S, 2020, Dunnock social status correlates with sperm speed, but fast sperm does not always equal high fitness, ,

Senior AM; Viechtbauer W; Nakagawa S, 2020, Revisiting and expanding the meta-analysis of variation: The log coefficient of variation ratio, lnCVR, ,

Nakagawa S; Lagisz M; O'Dea R; Rutkowska J; Yang Y; Noble D; Senior A, 2019, The Orchard Plot: Cultivating a Forest Plot for Use in Ecology, Evolution and Beyond, ,

Ralph A; Burke T; Nakagawa S; Sánchez-Tójar A; Schroeder J, 2019, The causes and consequences of ornament variation in a natural population, ,

Sánchez-Tójar A; Moran N; O'Dea R; Reinhold K; Nakagawa S, 2019, Illustrating the importance of meta-analysing variances alongside means in ecology and evolution, ,

Kar F; Nakagawa S; Friesen C; Noble D, 2019, Individual variation in thermal plasticity and its impact on mass-scaling, ,

Neville V; Nakagawa S; Zidar J; Paul ES; Lagisz M; Bateson M; Løvlie H; Mendl M, 2019, Pharmacological manipulations of judgement bias: a systematic review and meta-analysis, ,

Simons MJP; Winney I; Girndt A; Rees M; Nakagawa S; Schroeder J; Burke T, 2019, Ageing in house sparrows is insensitive to environmental effects, ,

Lattore M; Nakagawa S; Burke T; Plaza M; Schroeder J, 2019, No evidence for kin recognition in a passerine bird, ,

Schroeder J; Dugdale H; Nakagawa S; Sparks A; Burke T, 2019, Social genetic effects (IGE) and genetic intra- and intersexual genetic correlation contribute to the total heritable variance in parental care, ,

Mathot K; Dingemanse N; Nakagawa S, 2019, The covariance between metabolic rate and behaviour varies across behaviours and thermal types: meta-analytic insights, ,

Pick J; Khwaja N; Spence M; Ihle M; Nakagawa S, 2019, Counter culture: Causes, extent and solutions of systematic bias in the analysis of behavioural counts, ,

Lara CE; Holtmann B; Santos ESA; Nakagawa S, 2018, Parental feeding decisions in dunnocks from a resource availability perspective: assessing the role of nestling tongue spots and body size, ,

O'Dea R; Lagisz M; Hendry A; Nakagawa S, 2018, Developmental temperature affects phenotypic means and variability: a meta-analysis of fish data, ,

Nakagawa S; Samarasinghe G; Haddaway N; Westgate M; O'Dea R; Noble D; Lagisz M, 2018, Research Weaving: Visualizing the Future of Research Synthesis, ,

Parker T; Greig E; Nakagawa S; Parra M; Dalisio A, 2018, Subspecies status and methods explain strength of response to local versus foreign song by oscine birds in meta-analysis, ,

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