Select Publications

Journal articles

Schroeder J; Cleasby I; Dugdale HL; Nakagawa S; Burke T, 2013, 'Social and genetic benefits of parental investment suggest sex differences in selection pressures', Journal of Avian Biology, 44, pp. 133 - 140,

Lagisz M; Poulin R; Nakagawa S, 2013, 'You are where you live: Parasitic nematode mitochondrial genome size is associated with the thermal environment generated by hosts', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26, pp. 683 - 690,

Nakagawa S; Schielzeth H, 2013, 'A general and simple method for obtaining R2 from generalized linear mixed-effects models', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4, pp. 133 - 142,

Vanderpham JP; Nakagawa S; Closs GP, 2013, 'Habitat-related patterns in phenotypic variation in a New Zealand freshwater generalist fish, And comparisons with a closely related specialist', Freshwater Biology, 58, pp. 396 - 408,

Vanderpham JP; Nakagawa S; Closs GP, 2013, 'Feeding ability of a fluvial habitat-specialist and habitat-generalist fish in turbulent and still conditions', Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 22, pp. 596 - 606,

Santos ESA; Jamieson IG; Santos LLS; Nakagawa S, 2013, 'Low genetic and morphological differentiation between an introduced population of dunnocks in New Zealand and an ancestral population in England', Biological Invasions, 15, pp. 185 - 197,

Chatterjee A; Ozaki Y; Stockwell PA; Horsfield JA; Morison IM; Nakagawa S, 2013, 'Mapping the zebrafish brain methylome using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing', Epigenetics, 8, pp. 979 - 989,

Schielzeth H; Nakagawa S, 2013, 'Nested by design: Model fitting and interpretation in a mixed model era', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4, pp. 14 - 24,

Cleasby IR; Nakagawa S; Burke T, 2013, 'Providing chicks with extra food lowers male but not female provisioning in the House Sparrow Passer domesticus', Ibis, 155, pp. 857 - 866,

Nomano FY; Browning L; Rollins LA; Nakagawa S; Griffith SC; Russell AF, 2013, 'Feeding nestlings does not function as a signal of social prestige incooperatively breeding chestnut-crowned babblers', Animal Behaviour, 86, pp. 277 - 289,

Dingemanse NJ; Dochtermann NA; Nakagawa S, 2012, 'Defining behavioural syndromes and the role of 'syndrome deviation' in understanding their evolution', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 66, pp. 1543 - 1548,

Senior AM; Nat Lim J; Nakagawa S, 2012, 'The fitness consequences of environmental sex reversal in fish: A quantitative review', Biological Reviews, 87, pp. 900 - 911,

Hector KL; Lagisz M; Nakagawa S, 2012, 'The effect of resveratrol on longevity across species: A meta-analysis', Biology Letters, 8, pp. 790 - 793,

McLean MJ; Bishop PJ; Hero JM; Nakagawa S, 2012, 'Assessing the information content of calls of Litoria chloris: Quality signalling versus individual recognition', Australian Journal of Zoology, 60, pp. 120 - 126,

Leung ES; Chilvers BL; Nakagawa S; Moore AB; Robertson BC, 2012, 'Sexual Segregation in Juvenile New Zealand Sea Lion Foraging Ranges: Implications for Intraspecific Competition, Population Dynamics and Conservation', PLoS ONE, 7,

Nakagawa S; Poulin R, 2012, 'Meta-analytic insights into evolutionary ecology: An introduction and synthesis', Evolutionary Ecology, 26, pp. 1085 - 1099,

Nakagawa S; Santos ESA, 2012, 'Methodological issues and advances in biological meta-analysis', Evolutionary Ecology, 26, pp. 1253 - 1274,

Santos ESA; Nakagawa S, 2012, 'The costs of parental care: A meta-analysis of the trade-off between parental effort and survival in birds', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 25, pp. 1911 - 1917,

Nakagawa S; Schielzeth H, 2012, 'The mean strikes back: Mean-variance relationships and heteroscedasticity', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27, pp. 474 - 475,

Rutkowska J; Lagisz M; Nakagawa S, 2012, 'The long and the short of avian W chromosomes: No evidence for gradual W shortening', Biology Letters, 8, pp. 636 - 638,

McLean MJ; Bishop PJ; Nakagawa S, 2012, 'Male quality, signal reliability and female choice: Assessing the expectations of inter-sexual selection', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 25, pp. 1513 - 1520,

Schroeder J; Nakagawa S; Cleasby IR; Burke T, 2012, 'Passerine birds breeding under chronic noise experience reduced fitness', PLoS ONE, 7,

Nakagawa S; Lagisz M; Hector KL; Spencer HG, 2012, 'Comparative and meta-analytic insights into life extension via dietary restriction', Aging Cell, 11, pp. 401 - 409,

Dawson DA; Horsburgh GJ; Krupa AP; Stewart IRK; Skjelseth S; Jensen H; Ball AD; Spurgin LG; Mannarelli ME; Nakagawa S; Schroeder J; Vangestel C; Hinten GN; Burke T, 2012, 'Microsatellite resources for Passeridae species: A predicted microsatellite map of the house sparrow Passer domesticus', Molecular Ecology Resources, 12, pp. 501 - 523,

Hector KL; Nakagawa S, 2012, 'Quantitative analysis of compensatory and catch-up growth in diverse taxa', Journal of Animal Ecology, 81, pp. 583 - 593,

Koren L; Nakagawa S; Burke T; Soma KK; Wynne-Edwards KE; Geffen E, 2012, 'Non-breeding feather concentrations of testosterone, corticosterone and cortisol are associated with subsequent survival in wild house sparrows', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279, pp. 1560 - 1566,

Vanderpham JP; Nakagawa S; Closs GP, 2012, 'Diel variation in use of cover and feeding activity of a benthic freshwater fish in response to olfactory cues of a diurnal predator', Environmental Biology of Fishes, 93, pp. 547 - 556,

McQuillan HJ; Nakagawa S; Mercer AR, 2012, 'Mushroom bodies of the honeybee brain show cell population-specific plasticity in expression of amine-receptor genes', Learning and Memory, 19, pp. 151 - 158,

Cleasby IR; Nakagawa S, 2012, 'The influence of male age on within-pair and extra-pair paternity in passerines', Ibis, 154, pp. 318 - 324,

Hector KL; Bishop PJ; Nakagawa S, 2012, 'Consequences of compensatory growth in an amphibian', Journal of Zoology, 286, pp. 93 - 101,

Schroeder J; Burke T; Mannarelli ME; Dawson DA; Nakagawa S, 2012, 'Maternal effects and heritability of annual productivity', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 25, pp. 149 - 156,

Hammond-Tooke CA; Nakagawa S; Poulin R, 2012, 'Parasitism and behavioural syndromes in the fish Gobiomorphus cotidianus', Behaviour, 149, pp. 601 - 622,

Asmad K; Lopez-Villalobos N; Nakagawa S; Keyon PR; Pain SJ; Blair HT, 2012, 'Effects of maternal nutrition during pregnancy on the growth and reproductive development of male sheep: a meta-analysis', Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, 72, pp. 51 - 58,

Cleasby IR; Nakagawa S, 2011, 'Neglected biological patterns in the residuals', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65, pp. 2361 - 2372,

Sutton JT; Nakagawa S; Robertson BC; Jamieson IG, 2011, 'Disentangling the roles of natural selection and genetic drift in shaping variation at MHC immunity genes', Molecular Ecology, 20, pp. 4408 - 4420,

Wehi PM; Nakagawa S; Trewick SA; Morgan-Richards M, 2011, 'Does predation result in adult sex ratio skew in a sexually dimorphic insect genus?', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24, pp. 2321 - 2328,

Watt PJ; Skinner A; Hale M; Nakagawa S; Burke T, 2011, 'Small Subordinate Male Advantage in the Zebrafish', Ethology, 117, pp. 1003 - 1008,

Cleasby IR; Burke T; Schroeder J; Nakagawa S, 2011, 'Food supplements increase adult tarsus length, but not growth rate, in an island population of house sparrows (Passer domesticus)', BMC Research Notes, 4,

Schuett W; Dall SRX; Baeumer J; Kloesener MH; Nakagawa S; Beinlich F; Eggers T, 2011, 'Personality variation in a clonal insect: The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum', Developmental Psychobiology, 53, pp. 631 - 640,

Dean R; Nakagawa S; Pizzari T, 2011, 'The risk and intensity of sperm ejection in female birds', American Naturalist, 178, pp. 343 - 354,

Schroeder J; Nakagawa S; Hinsch M, 2011, 'Behavioural ecology is not an endangered discipline', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 26, pp. 320 - 321,

Grueber CE; Nakagawa S; Laws RJ; Jamieson IG, 2011, 'Corrigendum', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24, pp. 1627,

Santos ESA; Scheck D; Nakagawa S, 2011, 'Dominance and plumage traits: Meta-analysis and metaregression analysis', Animal Behaviour, 82, pp. 3 - 19,

Chapman JR; Nakagawa S; Coltman DW; Slate J; Sheldon BC, 2011, 'Erratum: A quantitative review of heterozygosity-fitness correlations in animal populations (Molecular Ecology (2009) 18 (2746-2765))', Molecular Ecology, 20, pp. 2655,

Schroeder J; Cleasby IR; Nakagawa S; Ockendon N; Burke T, 2011, 'No evidence for adverse effects on fitness of fitting passive integrated transponders (PITs) in wild house sparrows Passer domesticus', Journal of Avian Biology, 42, pp. 271 - 275,

Grueber CE; Nakagawa S; Laws RJ; Jamieson IG, 2011, 'Multimodel inference in ecology and evolution: Challenges and solutions', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24, pp. 699 - 711,

Nakagawa S; Ockendon N; Gillespie DOS; Hatchwell BJ; Burke T, 2011, 'Erratum: Assessing the function of house sparrows' bib size using a flexible metaanalysis method (Behavioral Ecology 18 (831-840))', Behavioral Ecology, 22, pp. 445 - 446,

Ninnes CE; Waas JR; Ling N; Nakagawa S; Banks JC; Bell DG; Bright A; Carey PW; Chandler J; Hudson QJ; Ingram JR; Lyall K; Morgan DKJ; Stevens MI; Wallace J; Möstl E, 2011, 'Environmental influences on Adelie penguin breeding schedules, endocrinology, and chick survival', General and Comparative Endocrinology, 173, pp. 139 - 147,

Nakagawa S; Hauber ME, 2011, 'Great challenges with few subjects: Statistical strategies for neuroscientists', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 35, pp. 462 - 473,

Nakagawa S; Freckleton RP, 2011, 'Model averaging, missing data and multiple imputation: A case study for behavioural ecology', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65, pp. 103 - 116,

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