Select Publications

Journal articles

Horváthová T; Nakagawa S; Uller T, 2011, 'Strategic female reproductive investment in response to male attractiveness in birds', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279, pp. 163 - 170,

Grueber CE; Laws RJ; Nakagawa S; Jamieson IG, 2010, 'Inbreeding depression accumulation across life-history stages of the endangered takahe', Conservation Biology, 24, pp. 1617 - 1625,

Laws RJ; Townsend SM; Nakagawa S; Jamieson IG, 2010, 'Limited inbreeding depression in a bottlenecked population is age but not environment dependent', Journal of Avian Biology, 41, pp. 645 - 652,

Nakagawa S; Schielzeth H, 2010, 'Repeatability for Gaussian and non-Gaussian data: A practical guide for biologists', Biological Reviews, 85, pp. 935 - 956,

Cleasby IR; Nakagawa S; Gillespie DOS; Burke T, 2010, 'The influence of sex and body size on nestling survival and recruitment in the house sparrow', Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 101, pp. 680 - 688,

English S; Nakagawa S; Clutton-Brock TH, 2010, 'Consistent individual differences in cooperative behaviour in meerkats (Suricata suricatta)', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23, pp. 1597 - 1604,

Hadfield JD; Nakagawa S, 2010, 'General quantitative genetic methods for comparative biology: Phylogenies, taxonomies and multi-trait models for continuous and categorical characters', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23, pp. 494 - 508,

Coats J; Poulin R; Nakagawa S, 2010, 'The consequences of parasitic infections for host behavioural correlations and repeatability', Behaviour, 147, pp. 367 - 382,

Ninnes CE; Waas JR; Ling N; Nakagawa S; Banks JC; Bell DG; Bright A; Carey PW; Chandler J; Hudson QJ; Ingram JR; Lyall K; Morgan DKJ; Stevens MI; Wallace J; Möstl E, 2010, 'Comparing plasma and faecal measures of steroid hormones in Adelie penguins Pygoscelis adeliae', Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology, 180, pp. 83 - 94,

Garamszegi LZ; Calhim S; Dochtermann N; Hegyi G; Hurd PL; Jørgensen C; Kutsukake N; Lajeunesse MJ; Pollard KA; Schielzeth H; Symonds MRE; Nakagawa S, 2009, 'Changing philosophies and tools for statistical inferences in behavioral ecology', Behavioral Ecology, 20, pp. 1363 - 1375,

Chapman JR; Nakagawa S; Coltman DW; Slate J; Sheldon BC, 2009, 'A quantitative review of heterozygosity-fitness correlations in animal populations', Molecular Ecology, 18, pp. 2746 - 2765,

Jones KS; Nakagawa S; Sheldon BC, 2009, 'Environmental sensitivity in relation to size and sex in birds: Meta-regression analysis', American Naturalist, 174, pp. 122 - 133,

Suzuki M; Nakagawa S; Kamide Y; Kobayashi K; Ohyama K; Hashinokuchi H; Kiuchi R; Saito K; Muranaka T; Nagata N, 2009, 'Complete blockage of the mevalonate pathway results in male gametophyte lethality', JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, 60, pp. 2055 - 2064,

Knowles SCL; Nakagawa S; Sheldon BC, 2009, 'Elevated reproductive effort increases blood parasitaemia and decreases immune function in birds: A meta-regression approach', Functional Ecology, 23, pp. 405 - 415,

Nakagawa S; Lee JW; Woodward BK; Hatchwell BJ; Burke T, 2008, 'Differential selection according to the degree of cheating in a status signal', Biology Letters, 4, pp. 667 - 669,

Nakagawa S; Freckleton RP, 2008, 'Missing inaction: the dangers of ignoring missing data', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 23, pp. 592 - 596,

Nakagawa S; Burke T, 2008, 'The mask of seniority? A neglected age indicator in house sparrows Passer domesticus', Journal of Avian Biology, 39, pp. 222 - 225,

Nakagawa S; Cuthill IC, 2007, 'Effect size, confidence interval and statistical significance: A practical guide for biologists', Biological Reviews, 82, pp. 591 - 605,

Nakagawa S; Ockendon N; Gillespie DOS; Hatchwell BJ; Burke T, 2007, 'Assessing the function of house sparrows' bib size using a flexible meta-analysis method', Behavioral Ecology, 18, pp. 831 - 840,

Nakagawa S; Ockendon N; Gillespie DOS; Hatchwell BJ; Burke T, 2007, 'Does the badge of status influence parental care and investment in house sparrows? An experimental test', Oecologia, 153, pp. 749 - 760,

Nakagawa S; Gillespie DOS; Hatchwell BJ; Burke T, 2007, 'Predictable males and unpredictable females: Sex difference in repeatability of parental care in a wild bird population', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 20, pp. 1674 - 1681,

Nakagawa S; Foster TM, 2004, 'The case against retrospective statistical power analyses with an introduction to power analysis', Acta Ethologica, 7, pp. 103 - 108,

Nakagawa S; Etheredge RJM; Foster TM; Sumpter CE; Temple W, 2004, 'The effects of changes in consequences on hens' performance in delayed-matching-to-sample tasks', Behavioural Processes, 67, pp. 441 - 451,

Nakagawa S, 2004, 'A farewell to Bonferroni: The problems of low statistical power and publication bias', Behavioral Ecology, 15, pp. 1044 - 1045,

Nakagawa S, 2004, 'Is avian sex determination unique?: Clues from a warbler and from chickens', Trends in Genetics, 20, pp. 479 - 480,

Nakagawa S; Gemmell NJ; Burke T, 2004, 'Measuring vertebrate telomeres: Applications and limitations', Molecular Ecology, 13, pp. 2523 - 2533,

Nakagawa S; Waas JR, 2004, 'The effect of acoustic and visual priming stimuli on the reproductive behaviour of female zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata', Acta Ethologica, 7, pp. 43 - 49,

Nakagawa S; Waas JR, 2004, ''O sibling, where art thou?' - A review of avian sibling recognition with respect to the mammalian literature', Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 79, pp. 101 - 119,

Nakagawa S, 2004, 'Changes in house sparrow population size, breeding success and breeding pattern on Lundy', The Annual Report of the Lundy Field Society,

Nakagawa S; Möstl E; Waas JR, 2003, 'Validation of an enzyme immunoassay to measure faecal glucocorticoid metabolites from Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae): A non-invasive tool for estimating stress?', Polar Biology, 26, pp. 491 - 493,

Nakagawa S; Bannister TD; Jensen FR; McLean DA; Waas JR, 2002, 'Relatedness does not affect the mating effort of Eisenia fetida Sav. (Oligochaeta) despite evidence for outbreeding depression', Biology and Fertility of Soils, 35, pp. 390 - 392,

Nakagawa S; Waas JR; Miyazaki M, 2001, 'Heart rate changes reveal that little blue penguin chicks (Eudyptula minor) can use vocal signatures to discriminate familiar from unfamiliar chicks', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 50, pp. 180 - 188,

Conference Abstracts

Mueller S; Adolfsson S; Senior AM; Kottler V; Pichler M; Schartl M; Nakagawa S; Lamatsch DK, 2019, 'Cytogenomics of a sex specific marker on the W chromosome of the invasive mosquitofish Gambusia affinis', in MOLECULAR CYTOGENETICS, BMC, Vol. 12,


Upadhyay A; Nakagawa-Lagisz L; Samarasinghe G; Nakagawa S; De La Peña Suarez F; Twomey P, 2018, Do green-rated office buildings save operational energy? Rapid review of comparative evidence, SP0008e1,

Working Papers

Lagisz M; Samarasinghe G; Santamouris M; Yenneti K; Upadhyay AK; De La Peña Suarez F; Taunk B; Nakagawa S, 2019, A visualized overview of systematic reviews and meta-analyses on low-carbon built environments: an evidence review map, http://dx.doi.org10.31222/,


Yang Y; Williams C; Senior AM; Morrison K; Ricolfi L; Pan J; Lagisz M; Nakagawa S, 2024, Bivariate multilevel meta-analysis of log response ratio and standardized mean difference for robust and reproducible environmental and biological sciences, ,

Nakagawa S; Lagisz M, 2024, The ABC of academic writing: non-native speakers’ perspective, ,

Lagisz M; Rutkowska J; Aich U; Ross RM; Santana MS; Wang J; Trubanová N; Page MJ; Pua AAY; Yang Y; Amin B; Martinig AR; Barnett A; Surendran A; Zhang J; Borg DN; Elisee J; Wrightson JG; Nakagawa S, 2023, Best Paper awards lack transparency, inclusivity, and support for Open Science, ,

Yang Y; Lagisz M; Nakagawa S, 2023, Enriching meta-analyses through scoping review, bibliometrics, and alternative impact metrics: Visualizing study characteristics, hidden risk of bias, societal influence, and research translation, ,

Drobniak SM; Lagisz M; Yang Y; Nakagawa S, 2023, Realism and robustness require increased sample size when studying both sexes, ,

Sanghvi K; Vega-Trejo R; Nakagawa S; Gascoigne SJL; Johnson S; Salguero-Gómez R; Pizzari T; Sepil I, 2023, No general effects of advancing male age on ejaculates: a meta-analysis across the animal kingdom, ,

Nakagawa S; Lagisz M; Yang Y; Drobniak SM, 2023, Right Power Balance: Better Study Design but Less Emphasis on Power Would Improve Efficacy and Equity in Science, ,

Popovic G; Mason TJ; Marques TA; Potts J; Drobniak SM; Joo R; Altwegg R; Burns CCI; McCarthy MA; Johnston A; Nakagawa S; McMillan L; Devarajan K; Taggart PL; Wunderlich AC; Mair MM; Martínez-Lanfranco JA; Lagisz M; Pottier PP, 2023, Four principles for improved statistical ecology, ,

Pottier P; Lagisz M; Burke S; Drobniak S; Downing P; Macartney E; Martinig AR; Mizuno A; Morrison K; Pollo P; Ricolfi L; Tam J; Williams C; Yang Y; Nakagawa S, 2023, Keywords to success: a practical guide to maximise the visibility and impact of academic papers, ,

Chin J; Growns B; Sebastian J; Page MJ; Nakagawa S, 2022, The transparency and reproducibility of systematic reviews in forensic science, ,

Lagisz M; Aich U; Amin B; Rutkowska J; Sánchez-Mercado A; Lara C; Nakagawa S, 2022, Little transparency and equity in scientific awards for early and mid-career researchers in ecology and evolution, ,

Yang Y; Sánchez-Tójar A; O'Dea R; Noble D; Koricheva J; Jennions M; Parker T; Lagisz M; Nakagawa S, 2022, Publication bias impacts on effect size, statistical power, and magnitude (Type M) and sign (Type S) errors in ecology and evolutionary biology, ,

Lagisz M; Vasilakopoulou K; Bridge C; Santamouris M; Nakagawa S, 2022, Rapid systematic reviews for synthesizing research on built environment, ,

Pottier P; Burke S; Drobniak S; Nakagawa S, 2022, Methodological inconsistencies define thermal bottlenecks in fish life cycle: a comment on Dahlke et al. 2020, ,

Spake R; O'Dea RE; Nakagawa S; Doncaster CP; Ryo M; Callaghan CT; Bullock J, 2022, Improving quantitative synthesis to achieve generality in ecology, ,

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