Select Publications

Journal articles

Hou J; Lee JF; Doherty S, 2025, 'State-of-the-Art of Eye Tracking in Mobile-Assisted Learning Studies: A Review of Twenty Years of Empirical Studies', Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 41,

Hou J; Lee JF; Doherty S, 2024, 'What is next in mobile-assisted reading? Insights from a decade of eye tracking research into cognitive processes', Educational Research Review, 45,

Jiang Q; Doherty S, 2024, 'A corpus-based study on the English-Chinese swearwords produced by amateur (fansubbing) and professional (prosubbing) subtitling', Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 27,

Jiang Q; Doherty S, 2024, 'An eye-tracking study on the cognitive processing, reception,and perception of swearword translation in films', Translation Spaces (The Netherlands), 13, pp. 293 - 329,

Hou J; Lee JF; Doherty S, 2024, 'Attentional differences in L2 learners’ word learning strategies between mobile-assisted and in-print reading: An eye tracking study', Computer Assisted Language Learning,

Hou J; Lee JF; Doherty S, 2024, 'The effects of mobile-assisted reading on incidental L2 word learning: a processing perspective', Computer Assisted Language Learning, 37, pp. 2254 - 2289,

Cao L; Doherty S; Lee JF, 2023, 'The process and product of translation revision: empirical data from student translators using eye tracking and screen recording', Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 17, pp. 548 - 565,

Hale S; Goodman-Delahunty J; Martschuk N; Doherty S, 2022, 'The effects of mode on interpreting performance in a simulated police interview', Translation and Interpreting Studies, 17, pp. 264 - 286,

Chan WS; Kruger JL; Doherty S, 2022, 'An investigation of subtitles as learning support in university education', Journal of Specialised Translation, pp. 155 - 179

Doherty S; Martschuk N; Goodman-Delahunty J; Hale S, 2022, 'An eye-movement analysis of overt visual attention during consecutive and simultaneous interpreting modes in a remotely interpreted investigative interview', Frontiers in Psychology, 13, pp. 764460,

Hou J; Lee J; Doherty S, 2022, 'A study of the effects of mobile media on L2 text processing: Beyond offline comprehension accuracy measures', Computers and Education,

Doherty S, 2021, 'Introduction Advancing experimental research in audiovisual translation', Translation, Cognition and Behavior, 4, pp. 244 - 252,

Sasamoto R; Doherty S; O’Hagan M, 2021, 'The ‘hookability’ of multimodal impact captions', Translation, Cognition & Behavior,

Doherty S, 2021, 'Advancing experimental research in audiovisual translation', Translation, Cognition & Behavior, 4, pp. 244 - 252,

Doherty S; Ford L; McKenzie K; Parkinson N; Roberts D; Halliday P; Laidlaw Z; Lester A; Stern P, 2021, 'Inquiring into the corpus of empire', Journal of World History: official journal of the World History Association, 32,

Chen S; Kruger JL; Doherty S, 2021, 'Reading patterns and cognitive processing in an eye-tracking study of note-reading in consecutive interpreting', Interpreting, 23, pp. 76 - 102,

Parkinson N; Doherty S; Ford L, 2021, 'A Commissioner’s Day: Quantitative approaches to the study of evidence in royal commissions of inquiry', Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 37, pp. 185 - 201,

Malovrh PA; Lee J; Doherty S; Nichols A, 2020, 'A self-paced reading study of language processing and retention comparing guided induction and deductive instruction', Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 4,

Lee J; Doherty S, 2020, 'Prior knowledge and other individual differences in the development of accuracy over the time-course of a pre-test/treatment/post-test study of instructed second language acquisition', Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 4,

Castro-Meneses L; Kruger JL; Doherty S, 2020, 'Validating theta power as an objective measure of cognitive load in educational video', Educational Technology Research and Development, 68, pp. 181 - 202,

Lee J; Malovrh P; Doherty S; Nichols A, 2020, 'A self-paced reading (SPR) study of the effects of processing instruction on the L2 processing of active and passive sentences', Language Teaching Research, 26, pp. 1133 - 1157,

Liao S; Kruger J-L; Doherty S, 2020, 'The impact of monolingual and bilingual subtitles on visual attention, cognitive load, and comprehension', JoSTrans : the Journal of Specialised Translation,

Chan WS; Kruger JL; Doherty S, 2019, 'Comparing the impact of automatically generated and corrected subtitles on cognitive load and learning in a first- and second-language educational context', Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series-Themes in Translation Studies, 18, pp. 237 - 272,

Lee J; Doherty S, 2018, 'Native and nonnative processing of active and passive sentence: The effects of processing instruction on the allocation of visual attention', Studies in Second Language Acquisition,

Orero P; Doherty S; Kruger JL; Matamala A; Pedersen J; Perego E; Romero-Fresco P; Rovira-Esteva S; Soler-Vilageliu O; Szarkowska A, 2018, 'Conducting experimental research in audiovisual translation (AVT): A position paper', JoSTrans : the Journal of Specialised Translation, pp. 105 - 126,

Doherty SM, 2018, 'Jakobsen, Arnt Lykke and Mesa-Lao, Bartolomé (eds) (2017). Translation in transition: Between cognition, computing and technology. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 243, €90/$128. ISBN: 9789027258809 (HB), 9789027265371 (e-book)', Journal of Specialised Translation, pp. 353 - 355

Doherty SM, 2018, 'Jakobsen, Arnt Lykke and Mesa-Lao, Bartolomé (eds) (2017). Translation in transition: Between cognition, computing and technology. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 243, €90/$128. ISBN: 9789027258809 (HB), 9789027265371 (e-book)', Journal of Specialised Translation, pp. 353 - 355

Kruger JL; Doherty S; Ibrahim R, 2017, 'Electroencephalographic beta coherence as an objective measure of psychological immersion in film', International Journal of Translation, 19, pp. 99 - 112,

Kruger JL; Doherty S; Sato-Sanfiel M, 2017, 'Original language subtitles: Their effects on the native and foreign viewer', Comunicar, 50, pp. 23 - 32,

Kruger JL; Doherty S; Soto-Sanfiel MT, 2017, 'Subtítulos en lengua original: sus efectos en el espectador nativo y extranjero', Comunicar: Revista científica iberoamericana de comunicación y educación, pp. 23 - 32,

Kruger JL; Doherty S, 2016, 'Measuring cognitive load in the presence of educational video: Towards a multimodal methodology', The Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 32, pp. 19 - 31,

Sasamoto R; O'Hagan M; Doherty S, 2016, 'Telop, affect and media design: A multimodal analysis of a Japanese TV programme', Television and New Media, 18, pp. 427 - 440,

Doherty S, 2016, 'The impact of translation technologies on the process and product of translation', International Journal of Communication, 10, pp. 947 - 969,

Gaspari F; Almaghout H; Doherty S, 2015, 'A survey of machine translation usage and competencies: Insights for translation technology educators and practitioners', Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 23, pp. 333 - 358,

Kenny D; Doherty S, 2014, 'Statistical machine translation in the translation curriculum: Overcoming obstacles and empowering translators', The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 8, pp. 276 - 294,

Doherty S; Kenny D, 2014, 'The design and evaluation of a statistical machine translation syllabus for translation students', The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 8, pp. 295 - 315,

Doherty S; O'Brien S, 2014, 'Assessing the usability of raw machine translated output: A user-centered study using eye tracking', International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 30, pp. 40 - 51,

Doherty S; Moorkens J, 2013, 'Investigating the experience of translation technology labs: Pedagogical implications', JoSTrans : the Journal of Specialised Translation, 19, pp. 122 - 136,

Moorkens J; Doherty S; Kenny D; O'Brien S, 2013, 'A virtuous circle: Laundering translation memory data using statistical machine translation', Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 22, pp. 291 - 303,

Doherty S; O'Brien S; Carl M, 2010, 'Eye tracking as an MT evaluation technique', Machine Translation, 24, pp. 1 - 13,

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