Select Publications

Journal articles

Xiang T; Liu Z; Ji N; Lu L; Clifton DA; Li X; Deen MJ; Lovell NH; Veetil JC; Zhu H; Yan B; Mok V; Zhang Y-T, 2023, 'Towards wearable sensing-based precise and rapid responding system for the early detection of future pandemic', Connected Health And Telemedicine, 2, pp. 200007 - 200007,

Gray R; Indraratna P; Lovell N; Ooi SY, 2022, 'Digital health technology in the prevention of heart failure and coronary artery disease', Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal, 3, pp. S9 - S16,

Dashti H; Dehzangi I; Bayati M; Breen J; Beheshti A; Lovell N; Rabiee HR; Alinejad-Rokny H, 2022, 'Integrative analysis of mutated genes and mutational processes reveals novel mutational biomarkers in colorectal cancer', BMC Bioinformatics, 23,

Ly K; Guo T; Tsai D; Muralidharan M; Shivdasani MN; Lovell NH; Dokos S, 2022, 'Simulating the impact of photoreceptor loss and inner retinal network changes on electrical activity of the retina', Journal of Neural Engineering, 19,

Phan PT; Thai MT; Hoang TT; Davies J; Nguyen CC; Phan HP; Lovell NH; Do TN, 2022, 'Smart textiles using fluid-driven artificial muscle fibers', Scientific Reports, 12,

Rezaie N; Bayati M; Hamidi M; Tahaei MS; Khorasani S; Lovell NH; Breen J; Rabiee HR; Alinejad-Rokny H, 2022, 'Somatic point mutations are enriched in non-coding RNAs with possible regulatory function in breast cancer', Communications Biology, 5,

Afrasiabi A; Alinejad-Rokny H; Khosh A; Rahnama M; Lovell N; Xu Z; Ebrahimi D, 2022, 'The low abundance of CpG in the SARS-CoV-2 genome is not an evolutionarily signature of ZAP', Scientific Reports, 12, pp. 2420,

Knapman F; Cohen M; Kulaga T; Lisowski L; Lovell N; McMullan S; Burke P; Bilston L, 2022, 'O002 A novel, optogenetics based therapy for obstructive sleep apnea', SLEEP Advances, 3, pp. A1 - A1,

Bull C; Lovell N; Bilston L, 2022, 'O074 A systematic scoping review of minimally invasive respiratory monitoring', SLEEP Advances, 3, pp. A31 - A32,

Redwood E; Indraratna P; Yu J; Delbaere K; Lovell NH; Ooi SYM; Liu H, 2022, 'Abstract 12373: Process Evaluation of a Vanguard Phase of a Trial for a Smartphone- App Based Model Of Care', Circulation, 146, pp. a12373 - a12373,

Labani M; Beheshti A; Lovell NH; Alinejad-Rokny H; Afrasiabi A, 2022, 'KARAJ: An Efficient Adaptive Multi-Processor Tool to Streamline Genomic and Transcriptomic Sequence Data Acquisition', International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23,

Al Abed A; Wei Y; Almasri RM; Lei X; Wang H; Firth J; Chen Y; Gouailhardou N; Silvestri L; Lehmann T; Ladouceur F; Lovell NH, 2022, 'Liquid crystal electro-optical transducers for electrophysiology sensing applications', Journal of Neural Engineering, 19,

Alharbi Y; Al Abed A; Bakir AA; Lovell NH; Muller DWM; Otton J; Dokos S, 2022, 'Fluid structure computational model of simulating mitral valve motion in a contracting left ventricle', Computers in Biology and Medicine, 148,

Petrides GA; Joy C; Dolk O; Low TH; Lovell N; Eviston TJ, 2022, 'Introduction of a Low-Cost and Automated Four-Dimensional Assessment System of the Face', Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 150, pp. 639E - 643E,

Alqahtani A; Alabed A; Alharbi Y; Bakouri M; Lovell NH; Dokos S, 2022, 'A varying-radius cable equation for the modelling of impulse propagation in excitable fibres', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 38,

Italiano ML; Guo T; Lovell NH; Tsai D, 2022, 'Improving the spatial resolution of artificial vision using midget retinal ganglion cell populations modeled at the human fovea', Journal of Neural Engineering, 19,

Fetanat M; Stevens M; Jain P; Hayward C; Meijering E; Lovell NH, 2022, 'Fully Elman Neural Network: A Novel Deep Recurrent Neural Network Optimized by an Improved Harris Hawks Algorithm for Classification of Pulmonary Arterial Wedge Pressure', IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 69, pp. 1733 - 1744,

Almasri RM; Abed AA; Wei Y; Wang H; Firth J; Poole-Warren LA; Ladouceur F; Lehmann T; Lovell NH, 2022, 'Impedance Properties of Multi-Optrode Biopotential Sensing Arrays', IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 69, pp. 1674 - 1684,

Indraratna P; Biswas U; Liu H; Redmond SJ; Yu J; Lovell NH; Ooi SY, 2022, 'Process Evaluation of a Randomised Controlled Trial for TeleClinical Care, a Smartphone-App Based Model of Care', Frontiers in Medicine, 8,

Indraratna P; Biswas U; McVeigh J; Mamo A; Magdy J; Vickers D; Watkins E; Ziegl A; Liu H; Cholerton N; Li J; Holgate K; Fildes J; Gallagher R; Ferry C; Jan S; Briggs N; Schreier G; Redmond SJ; Loh E; Yu J; Lovell NH; Ooi SY, 2022, 'A Smartphone-Based Model of Care to Support Patients With Cardiac Disease Transitioning From Hospital to the Community (TeleClinical Care): Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 10,

Argha A; Celler BG; Lovell NH, 2022, 'Artificial Intelligence Based Blood Pressure Estimation from Auscultatory and Oscillometric Waveforms: A Methodological Review', IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 15, pp. 152 - 168,

Argha A; Celler BG; Alinejad-Rokny H; Lovell NH, 2022, 'Blood Pressure Estimation From Korotkoff Sound Signals Using an End-to-End Deep-Learning-Based Algorithm', IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 71,

Hasmat S; Suaning GJ; Lovell NH; (Hubert) Low TH; Clark JR, 2022, 'Facial nerve paralysis: A review on the evolution of implantable prosthesis in restoring dynamic eye closure', Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 75, pp. 248 - 257,

Bakir AA; Al Abed A; Lovell NH; Dokos S, 2022, 'Multiphysics Computational Modelling of the Cardiac Ventricles', IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 15, pp. 309 - 324,

Labani M; Afrasiabi A; Beheshti A; Lovell NH; Alinejad-Rokny H, 2022, 'PeakCNV: A multi-feature ranking algorithm-based tool for genome-wide copy number variation-association study', Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 20, pp. 4975 - 4983,

Hoang TT; Phan PT; Thai MT; Davies J; Nguyen CC; Phan H-P; Lovell NH; Do TN, 2022, 'Magnetically Engineered Conductivity of Soft Liquid Metal Composites for Robotic, Wearable Electronic, and Medical Applications', ADVANCED INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, 4,

Hoang TT; Phan PT; Thai MT; Davies J; Nguyen CC; Phan H-P; Lovell NH; Nho T; Do TN, 2022, 'Magnetically Engineered Conductivity of Soft Liquid Metal Composites for Robotic, Wearable Electronic, and Medical Applications', Advanced Intelligent Systems, 4,

Eggenberger SC; James NL; Ho C; Eamegdool SS; Tatarinoff V; Craig NA; Gow BS; Wan S; Dodds CWD; La Hood D; Gilmour A; Donahoe SL; Krockenberger M; Tumuluri K; da Cruz MJ; Grigg JR; McCluskey P; Lovell NH; Madigan MC; Fung AT; Suaning GJ, 2021, 'Implantation and long-term assessment of the stability and biocompatibility of a novel 98 channel suprachoroidal visual prosthesis in sheep', Biomaterials, 279,

Eggenberger SC; James NL; Ho C; Eamegdool SS; Tatarinoff V; Craig NA; Gow BS; Wan S; Dodds CWD; La Hood D; Gilmour A; Donahoe SL; Krockenberger M; Tumuluri K; da Cruz MJ; Grigg JR; McCluskey P; Lovell NH; Madigan MC; Fung AT; Suaning GJ, 2021, 'Safety and biocompatibility of a bionic eye: Imaging, intraocular pressure, and histology data', Data in Brief, 39,

Phan PT; Hoang TT; Thai MT; Low H; Davies J; Lovell NH; Do TN, 2021, 'Smart surgical sutures using soft artificial muscles', Scientific Reports, 11, pp. 22420,

Hoang TT; Sy L; Bussu M; Thai MT; Low H; Phan PT; Davies J; Nguyen CC; Lovell NH; Do TN, 2021, 'A wearable soft fabric sleeve for upper limb augmentation', Sensors, 21, pp. 7638,

Indraratna P; Biswas U; McVeigh J; Mamo A; Magdy J; Briggs N; Gallgher R; Ferry C; Jan S; Schreier G; Redmond S; Loh E; Yu J; Lovell NH; Ooi S, 2021, 'A randomised control trial of TeleClinical Care - a smartphone-app based model of care for heart failure and acute coronary syndromes', EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 42, pp. 3083 - 3083,

Fetanat M; Stevens M; Hayward C; Lovell NH, 2021, 'A Sensorless Control System for an Implantable Heart Pump Using a Real-Time Deep Convolutional Neural Network', IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 68, pp. 3029 - 3038,

Indraratna P; Magdy J; Li J; McVeigh J; Briggs N; Mamo A; Biswas U; Yu J; Lovell NH; Ooi S, 2021, 'Patterns and predictors of smartphone ownership in a cardiology inpatient population', EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 42, pp. 3111 - 3111,

Indraratna P; Biswas U; Liu H; Lovell NH; Ooi S, 2021, 'Process evaluation of the TeleClinical Care pilot study', EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 42, pp. 3100 - 3100,

Phan P; Hoang T; Thai MT; Low H; Lovell N; Do TN, 2021, 'Twisting and Braiding Fluid-Driven Soft Artificial Muscle Fibers for Robotic Applications', Soft Robotics,

Sy LW; Lovell NH; Redmond SJ, 2021, 'Estimating Lower Body Kinematics Using a Lie Group Constrained Extended Kalman Filter and Reduced IMU Count', IEEE Sensors Journal, 21, pp. 20969 - 20979,

Thai MT; Phan PT; Hoang TT; Low H; Lovell N; Do TN, 2021, 'Correction to "Design, Fabrication, Hysteresis Modeling of Soft Microtubule Artificial Muscle (SMAM) for Medical Applications', IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,

Allen B; Canuto K; Evans JR; Lewis E; Gwynn J; Radford K; Delbaere K; Richards J; Lovell N; Dickson M; Macniven R, 2021, 'Facilitators and barriers to physical activity and sport participation experienced by aboriginal and torres strait islander adults: A mixed method review', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, pp. 9893,

Afrasiabi A; Keane JT; Ik-Tsen Heng J; Palmer EE; Lovell NH; Alinejad-Rokny H, 2021, 'Quantitative neurogenetics: Applications in understanding disease', Biochemical Society Transactions, 49, pp. 1621 - 1631,

Lv M; Li W; Tao R; H. Lovell N; Yang Y; Tu T; Li W, 2021, 'Spatial-Spectral Density Peaks-Based Discriminant Analysis for Membranous Nephropathy Classification Using Microscopic Hyperspectral Images', IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 25, pp. 3041 - 3051,

Indraratna P; Biswas U; Yu J; Schreier G; Ooi SY; Lovell NH; Redmond SJ, 2021, 'Trials and Tribulations: mHealth Clinical Trials in the COVID-19 Pandemic', Yearbook of medical informatics, 30, pp. 272 - 279,

Rezaie N; Bayati M; Tahaei MS; Hamidi M; Khorasani S; Lovell NH; Breen J; Rabiee HR; Alinejad-Rokny H, 2021, 'Somatic point mutations are enriched in long non-coding RNAs with possible regulatory function in breast cancer', ,

Hasmat S; Cleary J; Suaning GJ; Lovell NH; Low THH; Clark JR, 2021, 'Dynamic facial reanimation using active implantable prosthesis: Restoring blink', Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 74, pp. 1633 - 1701,

Weerasinghe NH; Lovell NH; Welsh AW; Stevenson GN, 2021, 'Multi-Parametric Fusion of 3D Power Doppler Ultrasound for Fetal Kidney Segmentation Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks', IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 25, pp. 2050 - 2057,

Hoang TT; Quek JJS; Thai MT; Phan PT; Lovell NH; Do TN, 2021, 'Soft robotic fabric gripper with gecko adhesion and variable stiffness', Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 323,

Argha A; Celler BG; Lovell NH, 2021, 'A novel automated blood pressure estimation algorithm using sequences of korotkoff sounds', IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 25, pp. 1257 - 1264,

Ji N; Xiang T; Bonato P; Lovell NH; Ooi SY; Clifton DA; Akay M; Ding XR; Yan BP; Mok V; Fotiadis DI; Zhang YT, 2021, 'Recommendation to Use Wearable-Based mHealth in Closed-Loop Management of Acute Cardiovascular Disease Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic', IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 25, pp. 903 - 908,

Thai MT; Phan PT; Hoang TT; Low H; Lovell N; Do TN, 2021, 'Design, Fabrication, Hysteresis Modeling of Soft Microtubule Artificial Muscle (SMAM) for Medical Applications', IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,

Petrides G; Clark JAR; Low H; Lovell N; Eviston TJ, 2021, 'Three-dimensional scanners for soft-tissue facial assessment in clinical practice', Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 74, pp. 605 - 614,

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