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Select Publications
2018, 'Pulsed electrodeposition of an ultrathin ZnOx interlayer for stabilizing Cu2O-based photocathodes for photoelectrochemical applications', in ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, MA, Boston, Vol. 256, presented at 256th National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS) - Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Beyond, MA, Boston, 19 August 2018 - 23 August 2018, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000447600005281&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
,2016, 'HPSEC application as a new indicator of nitrification occurrence in water distribution systems.', in World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index, Environmental and Ecological Engineering, presented at ICWPT 2016 : 18th International Conference on Water Pollution and Treatment