Select Publications

Working Papers

Buckley RP, 0.05 Percent as an Instrument of Global Justice and Market Efficiency, Elsevier BV, http://dx.doi.org10.2139/ssrn.2293539,

Arner DW; Buckley RP; Charamba K; Sergeev A; Zetzsche DA, BigTech and Platform Finance: Governing FinTech 4.0 for Sustainable Development, Elsevier BV, http://dx.doi.org10.2139/ssrn.3915275,

Arner DW; Barberis JN; Walker J; Buckley RP; Zetzsche DA, Digital Finance & The COVID-19 Crisis, http://dx.doi.org10.2139/ssrn.3558889

Buckley RP; Arner DW; Zetzsche DA, Driving Digital Financial Transformation in Support of the SDGs - A Strategy to Leverage Fin Tech for Financial Inclusion, Development, Stability and Integrity, Elsevier BV, http://dx.doi.org10.2139/ssrn.3387359,

Buckley RP, It's Time to Stop the Blind Leading the Sighted: A Proposal to Improve the Editing of US Law Reviews, Elsevier BV, http://dx.doi.org10.2139/ssrn.981650,

Bailey JV; Richards TM; Fabozzi FJ; Focardi SM; Jonas C; Siegel LB; Pozen RC; Nallareddy S; Rajgopal S; Grable JE; Arner DW; Barberis JN; Buckley RP; Davies GB; Wu A; Pitts C, Research Foundation Review 2017, Elsevier BV, http://dx.doi.org10.2139/ssrn.3483784,

Buckley RP; Arner DW; Zetzsche DA; Selga E, The Dark Side of Digital Financial Transformation: The New Risks of FinTech and the Rise of TechRisk, Elsevier BV, http://dx.doi.org10.2139/ssrn.3478640,

Donald MS; Arnold BR; Bateman H; Buckley RP; Liu K, The Implications of Complexity for Systemic Risk in the Superannuation System, Elsevier BV, http://dx.doi.org10.2139/ssrn.2400817,

Buckley RP, The Institutional Weaknesses in the International Financial System, Elsevier BV, http://dx.doi.org10.2139/ssrn.975015,

Buckley RP, Why the Policy Development Capacity of Some Developing Countries Exceeds that of the International Monetary Fund, Elsevier BV, http://dx.doi.org10.2139/ssrn.2986629,


Buckley R, 2022, Time to Think Big on Regulating the Impacts of the Technological Revolution, ,

Jevglevskaja N; Buckley R, 2022, Australia Leads the Way in Data-Sharing, ,

Buckley R; Jevglevskaja N, 2022, Australia’s World-Leading Reforms in Consumer Data-Sharing, ,

Buckley R; Arner D; Zetzsche D; Charamba K, 2022, Governing BigFintechs for Sustainable Development, ,

Buckley R; Wang H, 2022, China’s Central Bank Digital Currency Will Transform the International Monetary and Financial Systems, ,

Arner D; Buckley R; Lammer T; Zetzsche DA; Gazi S, 2022, Enhancing Efficiency in Cross-Border Payments: Harmonization of Regional Payments Area Through a Single Rule Book,

Buckley R, 2022, Time to Think Big on Regulating the Impacts of the Technological Revolution, ,

Buckley R; Jevglevskaja N, 2022, Australia Leads the Way in Data-Sharing, ,

Buckley R; Jevglevskaja N; Farrell S, 2022, Australia’s Data-Sharing Regime: Six Lessons for Europe, ,

Buckley R; Trzecinski M, 2022, Central Bank Digital Currencies and the Global Financial System: The Dollar Dethroned?, ,

Zetzsche DA; Arner D; Buckley R, 2022, From TechFin to PlatFin to FinTech 4.0: Balancing Digital Finance, Platformisation and Market Dominance, ,

Charamba K; Buckley R; Arner D; Zetzsche DA, 2022, Governing BigFintechs for Sustainable Development, ,

Buckley R; Arner D; Didenko A; Zetzsche DA, 2022, Ukraine, Sanctions and Central Bank Digital Currencies: The Weaponization of Digital Finance and the End of Global Monetary Hegemony?, ,

Buckley R; Farrell S; Jevglevskaja N, 2021, Australia’s Data-sharing Regime: Six Lessons for the World, ,

Buckley R, 2021, Digitalization of Finance, Covid19 and TechRisk, ,

Buckley R; Didenko A, 2021, Central bank digital currencies could solve Pacific banking problems, ,

Buckley R; Farrell S; Jevglevskaja N, 2021, Australia’s Data-sharing Regime: Six Lessons for Europe, ,

Buckley R, 2021, Governing BigTech in Finance: Opportunities and Challenges of FinTech 4.0, ,

Buckley R; Zetzsche D; Arner D, 2021, Enabling Ecosystems: How to Boost Fintech Innovation and Financial Inclusion During and After COVID-19, ,

Mercurio B; Buckley R; Fu E, 2021, Controlling capital during COVID-19, ,

Buckley R; Zetzsche D; Birdthistle W; Arner D, 2021, Digital Finance Platforms: Towards a New Regulatory Paradigm, ,

Buckley R; Mercurio B; Fu E, 2021, The Legality of Capital Controls in a COVID-induced Retreat from Financial Globalisation, ,

Buckley R, 2021, More than banking done right, consumer data rights are set to transform our lives, ,

Buckley R, 2021, Regulating Digital Financial Services to Promote Financial Inclusion, ,

Buckley R; Arner D; Zetzsche D, 2021, The Case for a Best Execution Principle in Cross-Border Payments, ,

Buckley R; Arner D, 2021, The Evolution of Fintech: A New Post-Crisis Paradigm, ,

Zetzsche D; Annunziata F; Arner D; Buckley R, 2020, The Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) and the EU Digital Finance Strategy, ,

Didenko A; Buckley R; Arner D; Zetzsche D, 2020, After Libra, Digital Yuan and COVID-19: Central Bank Digital Currencies and the New World of Money and Payment Systems, Australian Society for Computers & Law (AUSCL), the Digital Law Association and FinTech Summit,

Buckley R; Zetzsche D; Arner D; Kaiser-Yücel A, 2020, FinTech Toolkit: Smart Regulatory and Market Approaches to FinTech Innovation, ,

Buckley R; Zetzsche D; Birdthistle W; Arner D, 2020, Financial Operating Systems, ,

Buckley R; Zetzsche D; Birdthistle W; Arner D, 2020, Operating Systems: How Tech is Changing Asset Management, ,

Buckley R; Zetzsche D; Arner D; Tang B, 2020, Regulating AI in Finance: Putting the Human in the Loop, ,

Buckley R; Arner D; Zetzsche D; Selga E, 2019, The Dark Side of Digital Financial Transformation, ,

Buckley R; Arner D; Veidt R; Zetzsche D, 2019, Building Fintech Ecosystems: Why Regulatory Sandboxes Tend to Get the Plaudits and Innovation Hubs Do the Work of Promoting Development, Innovation and Competition in Financial Services, ,

Buckley R, 2019, Facebook’s foray into the world of banking and finance is an ethical and regulatory minefield, ,

Buckley R; Didenko A; Arner D; Park C-Y; Zhao B, 2019, Distributed Ledger Technology and Digital Assets in Asia, ,

Buckley R; Zetzsche D; Arner D, 2019, Regulating Libra, ,

Buckley R, 2019, Why Australia's banks should fear Facebook's Libra, ,

Buckley R; Panisi F; Arner D, 2019, Can Blockchain Create a Corporate-Governance Revolution at Public Companies?, ,

Buckley R; Didenko A, 2019, Finding the Right Balance: A Toolkit for Regulating Digital Financial Services in Emerging Markets, ,

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