Find your prospective supervisor, research project or research group, collaborator or expert by searching UNSW Sydney Researcher Profiles. Use keywords to view their research interests, publications and areas of expertise.

Dr Yao-Tai Li

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Sociology, Social policy, Sociology of migration, ethnicity and multiculturalism, Culture, representation and identity, Migration

Yao-Tai is Senior Lecturer of Sociology and Social Policy in the School of Social Sciences at UNSW. His research interests include Race and Ethnicity, Identity, Migr
Professor Karen Raewyn Fisher

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Social policy, Social program evaluation
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Karen Fisher is a Professor at the Social Policy Research Centre.
Mr Rafal Chomik

Faculty: Medicine & Health
Fields of Research (FoR): Social policy, Population trends and policies, Health equity, Health geography, Health policy, Health systems, Health economics

Raf is a Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the International Centre for Future Health Sys
Dr Ciara Anne Smyth

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Social policy

Dr Ciara Smyth is a
Dr Claire Wilkinson

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Policy and administration, Public health, Social policy, Health policy, Public health not elsewhere classified, Public policy

Dr Claire Wilkinson is a NHMRC Senior Research Fellow at the Drug Policy Modelling Program (DPMP) at UNSW, and an Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for Alcohol Po
Dr Trish Hill

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Social policy, Gender, policy and administration, Social program evaluation, Policy and administration

Trish's research employs a feminist economic and social policy lens to examine issues in the fields of poverty and inequality, informal care across the lifecourse and ageing and aged care.
Professor Alison Ritter

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Policy and administration, Public health, Social policy, Public policy
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Professor Alison Ritter, AO is an internationally recognised drug policy scholar and the Director of the Drug Policy Modelling Program (DPMP) at the University of New South Wales.
Dr Megan Blaxland

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Policy and administration, Social policy, Early childhood education
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Dr Megan Blaxland, B Soc Sci (Hons), PhD, is a Senior Research Fellow at the Soc
Dr Elizabeth Anne Adamson

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Policy and administration, Social policy, Sociology of gender, Sociology of family and relationships
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Elizabeth Adamson (PhD in Social Policy, UNSW; MSc Policy Studies, University of Edinburgh) is a Research Fellow at the Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC).