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Professor Mina Roces

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Historical studies
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A Phd graduate from The University of Michigan, Mina Roces is a Professor of History in the School of Humanities and Languages in the Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture.
Miss Madeleine Clare Powell

Faculty: Medicine & Health

I am a Doctoral Student and part-time Project Officer at UNSW's School of Population health. I have over 5 years of experience in research, collaborating on diverse research projects in both h
Associate Professor Fiona Morrison

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Literary Studies

Fiona Morrison is an Associate Professor in the School of the Arts and Media at UNSW, where she teaches and supervises in the areas of postcolonial and world literatures, Australian lit
Emeritus Professor Brian John Boyle

Faculty: Research & Enterprise
Fields of Research (FoR): Astronomy and Astrophysics
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Professor Brian Boyle PSM FAA joined UNSW in July 2015. Professor Brian Boyle has published over 150 referred research papers in astronomy.
Dr Joanna Richmond

Faculty: Research & Enterprise

Dr Joanna Biazik-Richmond is a cell biologist specialising in electron microscopy (EM). Joanna graduated from the University of Sydney in 2008 with a PhD in Anatomy and Histology in 2008.
Dr Ling Zhong

Faculty: Research & Enterprise
Fields of Research (FoR): Medical Biochemistry: Proteins and Peptides (incl. Medical Proteomics)

I have over 10 years of hands-on experiences with a variety of sophisticated mass spectrometers. I am recognized for strong mass spectrometry based proteomics expertise.
Dr Julia Muenchhoff

Faculty: Research & Enterprise

As Program Manager in the Office of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure), I provide support to the PVC in planning, managing and delivering infrastructure programs and support structur
Dr Andre Bongers

Faculty: Research & Enterprise
Fields of Research (FoR): Medical Physics, Biological Physics, Biomedical Instrumentation, Human Biophysics, Animal Physiology - Biophysics, Radiology and Organ Imaging

Dr Andre Bongers is a Senior Research Fellow and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scientist at UNSW, managing the high-field MRI research facility at UNSW's Biological Resources Imaging Laboratory (BRIL)
Emeritus Professor Bob Fox

Faculty: Div Edu & Student Exp

Emeritus Professor Bob Fox.
Dr Carl Andrew Power

Faculty: Research & Enterprise

Dr Carl Power heads multiple facilities in the Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre including the Biol