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Current strategic metropolitan planning is compromised by limited access to information from the diverse sources of geospatial data required for reliable analysis and effective decision making.
Strata is the fastest growing form of residential property ownership in Australia. Over half the new dwellings to be built in our metropolitan areas over the next decades will be strata titled.
Utilising our geographically abundant solar energy and through designing novel photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic systems, the research provides an ultimately clean solution by efficiently harnessing and converting the solar energy to hydrogen while remediating wastewater.
The proposed project aims to develop strategic and integrated approaches to address the impact of variability in water characteristics caused by climate change on Australian water treatment processes (WTPs).
The aim of this work is to identify the factors responsible for the emerging problem of catastrophic stress corrosion cracking failure of rock bolts in underground mines and to develop strategies for resisting rock bolt failure.
Injecting drug use is a behaviour strongly associated with other highly marginalised characteristics such as imprisonment, blood borne virus infections, homelessness and mental illness.
Recent changes in Australian living arrangements and household compositions have seen significant and sustained numbers of adult offspring continuing to reside in the parental home.
Current Projects
The projects below are ongoing and I would welcome the participation of new students! (My current team should appear at the bottom of this page).
This project investigates the structures of heparan sulphate proteoglycans that control the tissue development and aging including liver, heart, kidney, palate and brain by studying genetically modified mice.
Diabetes is a world-wide health issue that affects approximately 1.7 million Australians. Diabetes causes changes throughout the body including impairing the ability to heal wounds that are typically located on the feet and lower legs.