Select Publications

Journal articles

Trieu K; Jan S; Woodward M; Grimes C; Bolam B; Nowson C; Reimers J; Davidson C; Webster J, 2018, 'Protocol for the process evaluation of a complex, statewide intervention to reduce salt intake in Victoria, Australia', Nutrients, 10, pp. 998,

Trieu K; Jan S; Woodward M; Grimes C; Bolam B; Nowson C; Reimers J; Davidson C; Webster J, 2018, 'Protocol for the Process Evaluation of a Complex, Statewide Intervention to Reduce Salt Intake in Victoria, Australia.', Nutrients, 10, pp. E998 - E998,

Crino M; Sacks G; Dunford E; Trieu K; Webster J; Vandevijvere S; Swinburn B; Wu JY; Neal B, 2018, 'Measuring the healthiness of the packaged food supply in Australia', Nutrients, 10, pp. 702,

Webster J; Pillay A; Suku A; Gohil P; Santos JA; Schultz J; Wate J; Trieu K; Hope S; Snowdon W; Moodie M; Jan S; Bell C; Santos JA, 2018, 'Process evaluation and costing of a multifaceted population-wide intervention to reduce salt consumption in Fiji', Nutrients, 10, pp. 155,

Trieu K; Ieremia M; Santos J; Neal B; Woodward M; Moodie M; Bell C; Snowdon W; Faumuina T; Webster J, 2018, 'Effects of a nationwide strategy to reduce salt intake in Samoa', Journal of Hypertension, 36, pp. 188 - 198,

McKenzie B; Santos JA; Trieu K; Thout SR; Johnson C; Arcand JA; Webster J; McLean R, 2018, 'The science of salt: A focused review on salt-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors, and gender differences', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 20, pp. 850 - 866,

Sparks E; Farrand C; Santos JA; McKenzie B; Trieu K; Reimers J; Davidson C; Johnson C; Webster J, 2018, 'Sodium Levels of Processed Meat in Australia: Supermarket Survey Data from 2010 to 2017', ,

Pillay A; Trieu K; Santos JA; Sukhu A; Schultz J; Wate J; Bell C; Moodie M; Snowdon W; Ma G; Rogers K; Webster J; Santos JA, 2017, 'Assessment of a salt reduction intervention on adult population salt intake in Fiji', Nutrients, 9, pp. 1350,

Whalan S; Farnbach S; Volk L; Gwynn J; Lock M; Trieu K; Brimblecombe J; Webster J, 2017, 'What do we know about the diets of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia? A systematic literature review', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 41, pp. 579 - 584,

Barberio AM; Sumar N; Trieu K; Lorenzetti DL; Tarasuk V; Webster J; Campbell NRC; McLaren L, 2017, 'Population-level interventions in government jurisdictions for dietary sodium reduction: A Cochrane Review', International Journal of Epidemiology, 46, pp. 1551 - 1563,

Johnson C; Santos JA; McKenzie B; Thout SR; Trieu K; McLean R; Petersen KS; Campbell NRC; Webster J; Santos JA, 2017, 'The Science of Salt: A regularly updated systematic review of the implementation of salt reduction interventions (September 2016–February 2017)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 19, pp. 928 - 938,

Arcand JA; Wong MMY; Santos JA; Leung AA; Trieu K; Thout SR; Webster J; Campbell NRC; Santos JA, 2017, 'More evidence that salt increases blood pressure and risk of kidney disease from the Science of Salt: A regularly updated systematic review of salt and health outcomes (April–July 2016)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 19, pp. 813 - 823,

Webster J; Waqanivalu T; Arcand JA; Trieu K; Cappuccio FP; Appel LJ; Woodward M; Campbell NRC; McLean R, 2017, 'Understanding the science that supports population-wide salt reduction programs', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 19, pp. 569 - 576,

Santos JA; Trieu K; Raj TS; Arcand JA; Johnson C; Webster J; McLean R, 2017, 'The Science of Salt: A regularly updated systematic review of the implementation of salt reduction interventions (March–August 2016)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 19, pp. 439 - 451,

Hope SF; Webster J; Trieu K; Pillay A; Ieremia M; Bell C; Snowdon W; Neal B; Moodie M, 2017, 'A systematic review of economic evaluations of population-based sodium reduction interventions', PLoS ONE, 12, pp. e0173600,

Trieu K; McMahon E; Santos JA; Bauman A; Jolly KA; Bolam B; Webster J; Santos JA, 2017, 'Review of behaviour change interventions to reduce population salt intake', International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14, pp. 17,

Vedanthan R; Bernabe-Ortiz A; Herasme OI; Joshi R; Lopez-Jaramillo P; Thrift AG; Webster J; Webster R; Yeates K; Gyamfi J; Peiris D; Praveen P; Trieu K; Johnson C, 2017, 'Innovative approaches to hypertension control in low-and middle-income countries', Cardiology clinics, 35, pp. 99 - 115,

Trieu K; McMahon E; Santos JA; Webster J, 2017, 'Review of behaviour change interventions to reduce population salt intake', Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, 8, pp. 118 - 118,

Trieu K; McLean R; Johnson C; Santos JA; Raj TS; Campbell NRC; Webster J, 2016, 'The Science of Salt: A Regularly Updated Systematic Review of the Implementation of Salt Reduction Interventions (November 2015 to February 2016)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 1194 - 1204,

Do HTP; Santos JA; Trieu K; Petersen K; Le MB; Lai DT; Bauman A; Webster J; Santos JA, 2016, 'Effectiveness of a Communication for Behavioral Impact (COMBI) Intervention to Reduce Salt Intake in a Vietnamese Province Based on Estimations From Spot Urine Samples', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 1135 - 1142,

Wong MMY; Arcand JA; Leung AA; Raj TS; Trieu K; Santos JA; Campbell NRC, 2016, 'The Science of Salt: A Regularly Updated Systematic Review of Salt and Health Outcomes (August to November 2015)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 1054 - 1062,

Mclaren L; Sumar N; Barberio AM; Trieu K; Lorenzetti DL; Tarasuk V; Webster J; Campbell NRC, 2016, 'Population-level interventions in government jurisdictions for dietary sodium reduction', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016,

Webster J; Su'a SAF; Ieremia M; Bompoint S; Johnson C; Faeamani G; Vaiaso M; Snowdon W; Land MA; Trieu K; Viali S; Moodie M; Bell C; Neal B; Woodward M, 2016, 'Salt Intakes, Knowledge, and Behavior in Samoa: Monitoring Salt-Consumption Patterns Through the World Health Organization's Surveillance of Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factors (STEPS)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 884 - 891,

Johnson C; Raj TS; Trieu K; Arcand JA; Wong MMY; McLean R; Leung A; Campbell NRC; Webster J, 2016, 'The Science of Salt: A Systematic Review of Quality Clinical Salt Outcome Studies June 2014 to May 2015', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 832 - 839,

Trieu K; McLean R; Johnson C; Santos JA; Angell B; Arcand JA; Raj TS; Campbell NRC; Wong MMY; Leung AA; Neal B; Webster J, 2016, 'The Science of Salt: A Regularly Updated Systematic Review of the Implementation of Salt Reduction Interventions (June–October 2015)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 487 - 494,

Christoforou A; Trieu K; Land MA; Bolam B; Webster J, 2016, 'State-level and community-level salt reduction initiatives: A systematic review of global programmes and their impact', Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 70, pp. 1140 - 1150,

Arcand J; Wong MMY; Trieu K; Leung AA; Campbell NRC; Webster J; Johnson C; Raj TS; Mclean R; Neal B, 2016, 'The Science of Salt: A Regularly Updated Systematic Review of Salt and Health Outcomes (June and July 2015)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 371 - 377,

Arcand J; Webster J; Johnson C; Raj TS; Neal B; Mclean R; Trieu K; Wong MMY; Leung AA; Campbell NRC, 2016, 'Announcing "Up to Date in the Science of Sodium"', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 85 - 88,

Trieu K; Neal B; Hawkes C; Dunford E; Campbell N; Rodriguez-Fernandez R; Legetic B; Mclaren L; Barberio A; Webster J, 2015, 'Salt reduction initiatives around the world-A systematic review of progress towards the global target', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0130247,

Webster J; Trieu K; Dunford E; Nowson C; Jolly K-A; Greenland R; Reimers J; Bolam B, 2015, 'Salt reduction in Australia: from advocacy to action.', Cardiovasc Diagn Ther, 5, pp. 207 - 218,

Webster J; Trieu K; Dunford E; Hawkes C, 2014, 'Target salt 2025: A global overview of national programs to encourage the food industry to reduce salt in foods', Nutrients, 6, pp. 3274 - 3287,

Conference Papers

Trieu K; Ieremia M; Santos J; Neal B; Woodward M; Moodie M; Bell C; Snowdon W; Faumuina T; Webster J, 2017, 'EFFECTS OF MASIMA: A NATIONWIDE STRATEGY TO REDUCE SALT INTAKE IN SAMOA', in ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, KARGER, pp. 729 - 729,

Trieu K; Eyles H; Webster J, 2016, 'Salt reduction in Australia and New Zealand: How do we compare with the rest of the world?', in Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, Elsevier BV, pp. 26 - 27,

Conference Abstracts

Trieu K; Bhat S; Dai Z; Leander K; Gigante B; Qian F; Korat AA; Sun Q; Pan X; Laguzzi F; Cederholm T; De Faire U; Hellenius M-L; Wu JH; Riserus U; Marklund M, 2021, 'Biomarkers Of Dairy Fat Intake Associated With Lower Cardiovascular Disease Risk: A Cohort Study And Meta-analysis', in CIRCULATION, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, ELECTR NETWORK, Vol. 143, presented at Scientific Sessions of the American-Heart-Association on Epidemiological and Prevention (EPI)/Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health, ELECTR NETWORK, 20 May 2021 - 21 May 2021,

Coyle D; Shahid M; Dunford E; Ni Mhurchu C; McKee S; Santos M; Popkin B; Trieu K; Marklund M; Taylor F; Neal B; Wu J, 2020, 'Contribution of Major Food Companies and Their Products to Household Dietary Sodium Purchases in Australia', in Current Developments in Nutrition, Oxford University Press (OUP), presented at American Society of Nutrition 2020,


Trieu K; Webster J; Jewell J, 2018, Using dietary intake modelling to achieve population salt reduction - A guide to developing a country-specific salt reduction model, The World Health Organization,


Bullen J; Yin X; Kissock K; Fisher L; Neal B; Trieu K, 2023, Health claims, product features and instructions for use on the labels of potassium-enriched salt products: content analysis (Preprint),

Patay D; Trieu K; McKenzie B; Ramanathan S; Hure A; Colin B; Thow A-M; Allender S; Reeve E; Palu A; Woodward M; Waqa G; Webster J, 2022, Research protocol for impact assessment of a project to scale up food policies in the Pacific,

Taylor C; Hoek A; Deltetto I; Peacock A; Ha DTP; Sieburg M; Hoang D; Trieu K; Cobb L; Jan S; Webster J, 2021, The cost-effectiveness of government actions to reduce sodium intake through salt substitutes in Vietnam,

Rosewarne E; Chislett W-K; McKenzie B; Reimers J; Jolly K-A; Corben K; Trieu K; Webster J, 2020, Stakeholder Perspectives on the Effectiveness of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership: A Qualitative Study,

Taylor C; Hoek AC; Deltetto I; Peacock A; Ha DTP; Sieburg M; Hoang D; Trieu K; Cobb LK; Jan S; Webster J, 2020, The cost-effectiveness of government actions to reduce sodium intake through salt substitutes in Vietnam,

Coyle DH; Shahid M; Dunford EK; Mhurchu CN; Mckee S; Santos M; Popkin BM; Trieu K; Marklund M; Taylor F; Neal B; Wu JHY, 2020, Contribution of major food companies and their products to household dietary sodium purchases in Australia,

Taylor C; Hoek A; Deltetto I; Peacock A; Ha DTP; Sieburg M; Hoang D; Trieu K; Cobb L; Jan S; Webster J, 2020, The cost-effectiveness of government actions to reduce sodium intake through salt substitutes in Vietnam,

Coyle DH; Shahid M; Dunford EK; Mhurchu CN; Mckee S; Santos M; Popkin BM; Trieu K; Marklund M; Taylor F; Neal B; Wu JHY, 2019, Contribution of major food companies and their products to household dietary sodium purchases in Australia,

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