Select Publications


Abbot S; Baku S; Dugdale P; Greenfield DR, 2011, How to Include People with Chronic Disease in Community Activities., Centre for Health Stewardship - Australian National University and Centre for Clinical Governance Research - University of New South Wales., Canberra,

Abbot S; Vassallo A; Dugdale P; Greenfield DR, 2011, Training Group Leaders How to Include People with Chronic Disease in Community Activities., Centre for Health Stewardship - Australian National University and Centre for Clinical Governance Research - University of New South Wales, Canberra,

Greenfield DR, 2009, Changing Practice in a Health Organisation, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Koln, Germany,

Book Chapters

Debono D; Clay-Williams R; Taylor N; Greenfield D; Black D; Braithwaite J, 2018, 'Using workarounds to examine characteristics of resilience in action', in Delivering Resilient Health Care, pp. 44 - 55

Greenfield D; Banks M; Hogden A; Braithwaite J, 2018, 'Disseminating from the Centre to the Frontline: The Diffusion and Local Ownership of a National Health Policy Through the Use of Icons', in Managing Improvement in Healthcare, Springer International Publishing, pp. 169 - 182,

Hogden A; Greenfield D; Brandon M; Debono D; Mumford V; Westbrook J; Braithwaite J, 2018, 'How Does an Accreditation Programme in Residential Aged Care Inform the Way Residents Manage Their Healthcare and Lifestyle?', in Managing Improvement in Healthcare, Springer International Publishing, pp. 295 - 310,

Greenfield DR; Pawsey M; Braithwaite J, 2013, 'Accreditation: a global regulatory mechanism to promote quality and safety.', in Sollecito W; Johnson J (ed.), Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care: Theory, Implementations, and Applications, Jones and Bartlett, USA, pp. 513 - 536

Greenfield D; Nugus P; Travaglia J; Braithwaite J, 2013, 'Promoting patient-centred healthcare: an empirically derived organisational model of interprofessional collaboration', in Keating M; Montgomery K; McDermott A (ed.), Patient-centred Healthcare: Achieving Co-ordination, Communication and Innovation, Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 90 - 102,

Debono DS; Braithwaite J; Greenfield DR; Black DA, 2011, 'Achieving and resisting change: workarounds straddling and widening gaps in healthcare', in Dickinson H; Mannion R (ed.), The reform of health care: shaping, adapting and resisting policy developments, Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 177 - 192

Greenfield DR, 2010, 'Accountability and transparency through the technologisation of practice.', in Culture and climate in health care organizations, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 185 - 195

Braithwaite J; Greenfield DR; Westbrook MT, 2010, 'Converging and diverging concepts in culture and climate research: cultate or climure?', in Culture and climate in health care organizations, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 7 - 18,

Greenfield D; Nugus P; Travaglia J; Braithwaite J, 'Promoting Patient-Centred Health Care', in Patient-Centred Health Care, Palgrave Macmillan,

Journal articles

Dharmagunawardene D; Avery M; Bowman P; Greenfield D; Hinchcliff R, 2024, 'Sustainability of Hospital Accreditation Programs in Low and Middle-Income Countries: Lessons learned from Sri Lanka', Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management,

Mannion R; Greenfield D, 2024, 'Heeding frontline voice for better quality and safer care', International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 36,

Gupta P; Greenfield D, 2024, 'Key lessons to improve care - factors contributing to delayed discharges and cost implications: medical conditions and rehabilitation delays at a tertiary rehabilitation center in Saudi Arabia', International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 36,

Otchi EH; Hinchcliff R; Greenfield D, 2024, 'A beacon to guide others: improving chronic disease management through targeted, evidence-based primary healthcare quality measures', International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 36,

Nezu M; Greenfield D; Iqbal U; Morimoto T, 2024, 'Developing a patient-centered computerized clinical decision support system with patient-level outcome measures', International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 36,

Phan P; Desai S; Elorio EG; Greenfield D; Hinchcliff R; Iqbal U; O'Connor P; Staines A; Sunol R; Sheikh A, 2024, 'Embracing the use of artificial intelligence in scientific publishing', International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 36,

Wiig S; Lyng HB; Braithwaite J; Greenfield D; Calderwood C, 2024, 'Foundations of safety - Realistic Medicine, trust, and respect between professionals and patients', International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 36,

Alhawsawi A; Greenfield D, 2024, 'Implementing co-production to enhance patient safety: the introduction of the patient safety consent tool, an example of a simple local solution to a common challenge', International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 36,

Dempsey K; Jain S; Bradd P; Clezy K; Greenfield D, 2024, 'Infection Prevention and Control Response and Escalation Framework: Evaluation and application beyond a pandemic', American Journal of Infection Control,

Macleod H; Greenfield D, 2024, 'Navigating the complex terrain of patient safety: challenges, strategies, and the importance of ongoing evaluation and knowledge sharing', International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 36,

Wu D; Greenfield D; Wang PC, 2024, 'Primum non nocere: first, do no harm—determining the current, ongoing, and future contribution of smart healthcare', International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 36,

Gorton M; Greenfield D, 2024, 'Reform of mental health systems: what does the future look like and how to get there?', International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 36,

Øyri SF; Braithwaite J; Greenfield D; Wiig S, 2024, 'Resilience and regulation - antithesis or a smart combination for future healthcare service improvement?', International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 36,

Wiig S; Lyng HB; Greenfield D; Braithwaite J, 2023, 'Care in the future - reconciling health system and individual resilience', International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 35,

Graudins LV; Greenfield D, 2023, 'An invitation to join the IJQHC reviewer community-a call for peer-reviewers (vol 35, mzac103, 2023)', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN HEALTH CARE, 35,

Nicklin W; Greenfield D, 2023, 'Health system resilience, accreditation, high-quality care, and continuous quality improvement: what is the destination and how do we get there?', International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 35,

Cromie KJ; Crump P; Hughes NF; Milner S; Greenfield D; Jenkins A; McNally R; Stark D; Stiller CA; Glaser AW; Feltbower RG, 2023, 'Data Resource Profile: Yorkshire Specialist Register of Cancer in Children and Young People (Yorkshire Register)', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 52, pp. E18 - E26,

Eljiz K; Greenfield D; Hogden A; Agaliotis M; Taylor R; Siddiqui N, 2023, 'Implementing health system improvement: Resources and strategies for interprofessional teams', BMJ Open Quality, 12, pp. e001896,

Eljiz K; Greenfield D; Derrett A, 2023, 'A Gateway Framework to Guide Major Health System Changes Comment on “‘Attending to History’ in Major System Change in Healthcare in England: Specialist Cancer Surgery Service Reconfiguration”', International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 12, pp. 7681,

Lovell RC; Greenfield D; Johnson G; Eljiz K; Amanatidis S, 2022, 'Optimising outcomes for complex trauma survivors: assessing the motivators, barriers and enablers for implementing trauma informed practice within a multidisciplinary health setting', BMC Health Services Research, 22, pp. 434,

Greenfield D; Iqbal U; Li YCJ, 2022, 'High quality, safe healthcare = technology + people + systems thinking', BMJ Health and Care Informatics, 29, pp. e100673,

Shaw M; Anderson T; Sinclair T; Hutchings O; Dearing C; Raffan F; Jagers D; Greenfield D, 2022, 'rpavirtual: Key lessons in healthcare organisational resilience in the time of COVID-19', International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 37, pp. 1229 - 1237,

Eljiz K; Greenfield D; Vrklevski L; Derrett A; Ryan D, 2022, 'Large scale healthcare facility redevelopment: A scoping review', International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 37, pp. 691 - 714,

Jamshed S; Chien SC; Tanweer A; Asdary RN; Hardhantyo M; Greenfield D; Chien CH; Weng SF; Jian WS; Iqbal U, 2022, 'Correlation Between Previous Caesarean Section and Adverse Maternal Outcomes Accordingly With Robson Classification: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Frontiers in Medicine, 8, pp. 740000,

Bradshaw J; Siddiqui N; Greenfield D; Sharma A, 2022, 'Kindness, Listening, and Connection: Patient and Clinician Key Requirements for Emotional Support in Chronic and Complex Care', Journal of Patient Experience, 9, pp. 23743735221092627 - 23743735221092627,

Nkhoma DE; Soko CJ; Bowrin P; Manga YB; Greenfield D; Househ M; Li (Jack) YC; Iqbal U, 2021, 'Digital interventions self-management education for type 1 and 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 210,

Enricho Nkhoma D; Jenya Soko C; Joseph Banda K; Greenfield D; Li YC; Iqbal U, 2021, 'Impact of DSMES app interventions on medication adherence in type 2 diabetes mellitus: Systematic review and meta-analysis', BMJ Health and Care Informatics, 28, pp. e100291,

Greenfield D; Iqbal U; O'Connor E; Conlan N; Wilson H, 2021, 'An appraisal of healthcare accreditation agencies and programs: Similarities, differences, challenges and opportunities', International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 33,

Eljiz K; Greenfield D; Hogden A; Taylor R; Siddiqui N; Agaliotis M; Milosavljevic M, 2020, 'Improving knowledge translation for increased engagement and impact in healthcare', BMJ Open Quality, 9, pp. e000983,

Yap SJ; Forero R; Greenfield D; Hillman KM, 2020, 'Implementing value-based health care at scale: the NSW experience', Medical Journal of Australia, 213, pp. 285 - 285.e1,

Walton V; Hogden A; Long JC; Johnson J; Greenfield D, 2020, 'Exploring interdisciplinary teamwork to support effective ward rounds', International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 33, pp. 373 - 387,

Siddiqui N; Miah K; Hasnain AA; Greenfield D, 2020, 'Can peer to peer interaction (PPI) be a global theme to promote engagement in students of diverse characteristics and country contexts?', International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19, pp. 117 - 136,

Walton V; Hogden A; Long JC; Johnson J; Greenfield D, 2020, 'Clinicians' perceptions of rounding processes and effectiveness of clinical communication', Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 26, pp. 801 - 811,

Siddiqui N; Greenfield D; Lawler A, 2020, 'Calling for confirmation, reassurance, and direction: Investigating patient compliance after accessing a telephone triage advice service', International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 35, pp. 735 - 745,

Eljiz K; Greenfield D; Taylor R, 2020, 'The embedded health management academic: A boundary spanning role for enabling knowledge translation comment on “cihr health system impact fellows: Reflections on ‘driving change’ within the health system”', International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 9, pp. 170 - 174,

Radmore SJ; Eljiz K; Greenfield D, 2020, 'Patient feedback: Listening and responding to patient voices', Patient Experience Journal, 7, pp. 13 - 19,

Eljiz K; Greenfield D; Derrett A; Radmore S, 2019, 'Health system redesign: Changing thoughts, values, and behaviours for the co-production of a safety culture', International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 34, pp. 1477 - 1484,

Greenfield D; Lawrence SA; Kellner A; Townsend K; Wilkinson A, 2019, 'Health service accreditation stimulating change in clinical care and human resource management processes: A study of 311 Australian hospitals', Health Policy, 123, pp. 661 - 665,

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