Select Publications

Journal articles

Schubert E; Hargreaves DJ; North AC, 2020, 'Empirical Test of Aesthetic Experience Using the Affect-Space Framework', Psychomusicology Music Mind and Brain, 30, pp. 28 - 36,

Chmiel A; Schubert E, 2019, 'Unusualness as a predictor of music preference', Musicae Scientiae, 23, pp. 426 - 441,

Garrido S; Millington C; Cheers D; Boydell K; Schubert E; Meade T; Nguyen QV, 2019, 'What Works and What Doesn’t Work? A Systematic Review of Digital Mental Health Interventions for Depression and Anxiety in Young People', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10,

Dickson GT; Schubert E, 2019, 'How does music aid sleep? literature review', Sleep Medicine, 63, pp. 142 - 150,

Garrido S; Cheers D; Boydell K; Nguyen QV; Schubert E; Dunne L; Meade T, 2019, 'Young people's response to six smartphone apps for anxiety and depression: Focus group study', JMIR Mental Health, 6,

Wendler E; Schubert E, 2019, 'Synaesthesia, Creativity and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Is There a Link?', Creativity Research Journal, 31, pp. 329 - 334,

Zhang JD; Schubert E, 2019, 'A single item measure for identifying musician and nonmusician categories based on measures of musical sophistication', Music Perception, 36, pp. 457 - 467,

Susino M; Schubert E, 2019, 'Cultural stereotyping of emotional responses to music genre', Psychology of Music, 47, pp. 342 - 357,

Schubert E; Murari M; Rodà A; Canazza S; Da Pos O; De Poli G, 2019, 'Verbal and Cross-Modal Ratings of Music: Validation and Application of an Icon-Based Rating Scale', i-Perception, 10,

Broughton MC; Schubert E; Harvey DG; Stevens CJ, 2019, 'Continuous self-report engagement responses to the live performance of an atonal, post-serialist solo marimba work', Psychology of Music, 47, pp. 109 - 131,

Susino M; Schubert E, 2019, 'Negative Emotion Responses to Heavy-Metal and Hip-Hop Music with Positive Lyrics', EMPIRICAL MUSICOLOGY REVIEW, 14, pp. 2 - 15,

Chmiel A; Schubert E, 2019, 'Psycho-historical contextualization for music and visual works: A literature review and comparison between artistic mediums', Frontiers in Psychology, 10, pp. 182,

Schubert E, 2019, 'Which Nonvocal Musical Instrument Sounds Like the Human Voice? An Empirical Investigation', Empirical Studies of the Arts, 37, pp. 92 - 103,

Chmiel A; Schubert E, 2018, 'Using psychological principles of memory storage and preference to improve music recommendation systems', Leonardo Music Journal, 28, pp. 77 - 81,

Murari M; Schubert E; Rodà A; Da Pos O; De Poli G, 2018, 'How >:(is Bizet? Icon ratings of music', Psychology of Music, 46, pp. 749 - 760,

Schubert E; Halpern AR; Kreutz G; Garrido S, 2018, 'Attraction to sad music: The role of imagery, absorption, and rumination', Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 12, pp. 251 - 258,

Chmiel A; Schubert E, 2018, 'Emptying Rooms: When the Inverted-U Model of Preference Fails—An Investigation Using Music With Collative Extremes', Empirical Studies of the Arts, 36, pp. 199 - 221,

Nordström H; Laukka P; Thingujam NS; Schubert E; Elfenbein HA, 2017, 'Emotion appraisal dimensions inferred from vocal expressions are consistent across cultures: A comparison between Australia and India', Royal Society Open Science, 4,

Chmiel A; Schubert E, 2017, 'Back to the inverted-U for music preference: A review of the literature', Psychology of Music, 45, pp. 886 - 909,

Almeida A; Schubert E; Smith J; Wolfe J, 2017, 'Brightness scaling of periodic tones', Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 79, pp. 1892 - 1896,

Lynar E; Cvejic E; Schubert E; Vollmer-Conna U, 2017, 'The joy of heartfelt music: An examination of emotional and physiological responses', International Journal of Psychophysiology, 120, pp. 118 - 125,

Garrido S; Bangert D; Schubert E, 2017, 'Mood induction studies: Distinguishing between emotional response and long-term mood impacts of music', SAGE Research Methods Cases,

Schubert E; Canazza S; De Poli G; Rodà A, 2017, 'Algorithms can Mimic Human Piano Performance: The Deep Blues of Music', Journal of New Music Research, 46, pp. 175 - 186,

Susino M; Schubert E, 2017, 'Cross-cultural anger communication in music: Towards a stereotype theory of emotion in music', Musicae Scientiae, 21, pp. 60 - 74,

Garrido S; Schubert E; Bangert D, 2016, 'Musical prescriptions for mood improvement: An experimental study', Arts in Psychotherapy, 51, pp. 46 - 53,

Hall SE; Schubert E; Wilson SJ, 2016, 'The role of trait and state absorption in the enjoyment of music', PLoS ONE, 11, pp. e0164029,

Schubert E, 2016, 'Does recall of a past music event invoke a reminiscence bump in young adults?', Memory, 24, pp. 1007 - 1014,

Schubert E, 2016, 'Enjoying sad music: Paradox or parallel processes?', Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10,

Schubert E; De Graaff D, 2016, 'Pitch Error Coding the Sight Read, Practice, and Performance of an Elite Oboist', Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 34, pp. 132 - 151,

Schubert E; North AC; Hargreaves DJ, 2016, 'Aesthetic Experience Explained by the Affect-Space Framework', Empirical Musicology Review, 11, pp. 330 - 345,

Schubert E; Wolfe J, 2016, 'Voicelikeness of musical instruments: A literature review of acoustical, psychological and expressiveness perspectives', Musicae Scientiae, 20, pp. 248 - 262,

Bangert D; Schubert E; Fabian D, 2015, 'Practice thoughts and performance action: Observing processes of musical decision-making', Music Performance Research, 7, pp. 27 - 46,

Garrido S; Schubert E, 2015, 'Music and people with tendencies to depression', Music Perception, 32, pp. 313 - 321,

Garrido S; Schubert E, 2015, 'Moody melodies: Do they cheer us up? A study of the effect of sad music on mood', Psychology of Music, 43, pp. 244 - 261,

Johnson-Read L; Chmiel A; Schubert E; Wolfe J, 2015, 'Performing Lieder: Expert Perspectives and Comparison of Vibrato and Singer's Formant With Opera Singers', Journal of Voice,

Johnson-Read L; Chmiel A; Schubert E; Wolfe J, 2015, 'Performing Lieder: Expert Perspectives and Comparison of Vibrato and Singer's Formant With Opera Singers', Journal of Voice, 29, pp. 645.e15 - 645.e32,

De Poli G; Canazza S; Rodà A; Schubert E, 2014, 'The role of individual difference in judging expressiveness of computer-assisted music performances by experts', ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 11,

Schubert E; Wolfe J, 2014, 'The rise of fixed pitch systems and the slide of continuous pitch: A note for emotion in music research about portamento', journal of interdisciplinary music studies,

Waters S; Schubert E, 2014, 'Facilitators and impediments for elective music and sport in adolescent males', SAGE Open, 4,

Bangert D; Schubert E; Fabian D, 2014, 'A spiral model of musical decision-making', Frontiers in Psychology, 5, pp. 1 - 11,

Schubert E; Hargreaves DJ; North AC, 2014, 'A dynamically minimalist cognitive explanation of musical preference: Is familiarity everything?', Frontiers in Psychology, 5,

Bangert D; Fabian D; Schubert E; Yeadon D, 2014, 'Performing solo Bach: A case study of musical decision-making', Musicae Scientiae, 18, pp. 35 - 52,

Atkins P; Schubert E, 2014, 'Are spiritual experiences through music seen as intrinsic or extrinsic?', Religions, 5, pp. 76 - 89,

Schubert E; Marozeau J; Stevens CJ; Innes-Brown H, 2014, ''Like Pots and Pans Falling Down the Stairs'. Experience of Music Composed for Listeners with Cochlear Implants in a Live Concert Setting', Journal of New Music Research, 43, pp. 237 - 249,

Ferguson S; Schubert E; Stevens CJ, 2014, 'Dynamic dance warping: Using dynamic time warping to compare dance movement performed under different conditions', ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 94 - 99,

Ferguson S; Schubert E; Lee D; Cabrera D; McPherson GE, 2013, 'A comparison between continuous categorical emotion responses and stimulus loudness parameters', IISA 2013 - 4th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, pp. 112 - 117,

Schubert E, 2013, 'Emotion felt by the listener and expressed by the music: Literature review and theoretical perspectives', Frontiers in Psychology, 4,

Hargreaves DJ; North AC; Schubert E, 2013, 'Comment on review article by Patrik Juslin: "From everyday emotions to aesthetic emotions: Towards a unified theory of musical emotions"', Physics of Life Reviews, 10, pp. 269 - 270,

Wilhelm K; Gillis I; Schubert E; Whittle EL, 2013, 'On a Blue Note: Depressed Peoples' Reasons for Listening to Music', Music and Medicine, 5, pp. 76 - 83,

Garrido S; Schubert E, 2013, 'Adaptive and maladaptive attraction to negative emotions in music', Musicae Scientiae, 17, pp. 147 - 166,

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