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Select Publications
2023, 'Mindsets for Change Leaders', in The Psychology of Organizational Change, Cambridge University Press, pp. 208 - 234, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/9781009086721.014
,2023, 'Mindsets for Change Leaders: Exploring a Cognitive Approach for Leadership Development', in Oreg S; Michel A; By RT (ed.), The Psychology of Organizational Change New Insights on the Antecedents and Consequences on the Individual's Perspective, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 208 - 234, https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/psychology-of-organizational-change/1216DEA98497CABD023B5738E8E7A7DB#fndtn-contents
,2019, 'Facilitating change through groups: Formation of collective attitudes towards change.', in Shani A; Noumair D (ed.), Research in Organizational Change and Development, Emerald Group Publishing
,2019, 'Afterword: The Change Game - moving from toolkits to "That was Great!"', in Schwarz G; Buono A; Adams S (ed.), Preparing for High Impact Organizational Change, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 229 - 233, https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/unsw/reader.action?docID=5790829&ppg=249
,2019, 'Preparing for High Impact Change: The critical role of experiential learning and practice', in Schwarz G; Buono A; Adams S (ed.), Preparing for High Impact Organizational Change, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 1 - 13, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781788116954
,2018, 'Improving our understanding of collective attitudes towards change formation', in Organizational Change, Routledge, pp. 163 - 176, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315386102-12
,2018, 'Improving our Understanding of Collective Attitudes towards Change Formation', in Vakola M; Petrou P (ed.), Organizational Change: Psychological effects and strategies for coping, Routledge
,2016, 'Intergroup communication and leadership in healthcare', in Giles H; Maass A (ed.), Advances in Intergroup Communication, pp. 247 - 265
,2011, 'The evolution of trust and control as seen through an organization's human resource practices', in Trust and Human Resource Management, pp. 42 - 64
,2009, 'Elephant on a treadmill: An evaluation of thematic narrowness in organizational change research', in Woodman RW; Pasmore WA; Shani AB R (ed.), Research In Organizational Change and Development, pp. 301 - 348
,2008, 'Is Organizational e-Democracy Inevitable? The Impact of Information Technologies on Communication Effectiveness', in Information Communication Technologies, IGI Global, pp. 3171 - 3189, http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-59904-949-6.ch225
,2005, 'Is organsational e-democracy inevitable? The impact of information technology on communication effectiveness', in Torres-Coronas T; Arias-Olva M (ed.), e-Human Resources Management: Managing Knowledge People, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey PA, pp. 206 - 235
,2004, 'Is Organisational e-Democracy Inevitable? The Impact of Information Technologies on Communication Effectivenesse-Human Resources', in Appicello A; Travers J (ed.), Management: Managing Knowledge People, Idea Group Publishing, USA and UK, pp. 206 - 235