Select Publications


Schwarz G; Buono A; Adams S, 2019, Preparing for High Impact Organizational Change: Experiential Learning and Practice, Schwarz G; Buono A; Adams S, (eds.), Edgar Elgar

Book Chapters

Hastings B; Bouckenooghe D; Schwarz GM, 2023, 'Mindsets for Change Leaders', in The Psychology of Organizational Change, Cambridge University Press, pp. 208 - 234,

Hastings B; Boudkenooghe D; Schwarz G, 2023, 'Mindsets for Change Leaders: Exploring a Cognitive Approach for Leadership Development', in Oreg S; Michel A; By RT (ed.), The Psychology of Organizational Change New Insights on the Antecedents and Consequences on the Individual's Perspective, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 208 - 234,

Dave B; Schwarz G; Bradley H; Sandor LDP, 2019, 'Facilitating change through groups: Formation of collective attitudes towards change.', in Shani A; Noumair D (ed.), Research in Organizational Change and Development, Emerald Group Publishing

Adams S; Schwarz G; Buono A, 2019, 'Afterword: The Change Game - moving from toolkits to "That was Great!"', in Schwarz G; Buono A; Adams S (ed.), Preparing for High Impact Organizational Change, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 229 - 233,

Buono A; Adams S; Schwarz G, 2019, 'Preparing for High Impact Change: The critical role of experiential learning and practice', in Schwarz G; Buono A; Adams S (ed.), Preparing for High Impact Organizational Change, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 1 - 13,

Schwarz G; Bouckenooghe D, 2018, 'Improving our understanding of collective attitudes towards change formation', in Organizational Change, Routledge, pp. 163 - 176,

Schwarz G; Bouckenooghe D, 2018, 'Improving our Understanding of Collective Attitudes towards Change Formation', in Vakola M; Petrou P (ed.), Organizational Change: Psychological effects and strategies for coping, Routledge

Leach L; Watson BM; Hewitt D; Schwarz GM; Gallois C, 2016, 'Intergroup communication and leadership in healthcare', in Giles H; Maass A (ed.), Advances in Intergroup Communication, pp. 247 - 265

Mishra KE; Schwarz GM; Mishra AK, 2011, 'The evolution of trust and control as seen through an organization's human resource practices', in Trust and Human Resource Management, pp. 42 - 64

Schwarz GM, 2009, 'Elephant on a treadmill: An evaluation of thematic narrowness in organizational change research', in Woodman RW; Pasmore WA; Shani AB R (ed.), Research In Organizational Change and Development, pp. 301 - 348

Watson BM; Schwarz GM; Jones E, 2008, 'Is Organizational e-Democracy Inevitable? The Impact of Information Technologies on Communication Effectiveness', in Information Communication Technologies, IGI Global, pp. 3171 - 3189,

Watson BM; Schwarz GM; Jones E, 2005, 'Is organsational e-democracy inevitable? The impact of information technology on communication effectiveness', in Torres-Coronas T; Arias-Olva M (ed.), e-Human Resources Management: Managing Knowledge People, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey PA, pp. 206 - 235

Schwarz GM; Watson BM; Jones E, 2004, 'Is Organisational e-Democracy Inevitable? The Impact of Information Technologies on Communication Effectivenesse-Human Resources', in Appicello A; Travers J (ed.), Management: Managing Knowledge People, Idea Group Publishing, USA and UK, pp. 206 - 235

Journal articles

Chou C; Yang K-P; Schwarz G, 2025, 'The Paradox Of Increased Carbon Emissions And Firm Performance', Australian Journal of Management,

Schwarz GM, 2025, 'Changing Better by Sharing Abandoned Work (Relevant May Not Be Enough)', Journal of Applied Behavioral Science,

Schwarz G; Fredberg T, 2024, 'What AI Knows: Shaping Work and Pushing Ideas on Changing Organizations', The Journal of applied behavioral science, 60, pp. 581 - 588,

Schwarz GM; Bouckenooghe D, 2024, 'Honey, We Shrunk Our Impact: Social Impact in Organizational Research', Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 60, pp. 5 - 18,

Lukacs de Pereny Martens SG; Schwarz GM, 2024, 'Examining Contemporary Australian Local Government Sustainable Procurement Practices: A National Study', International Journal of Public Administration, 47, pp. 342 - 358,

Sanders K; Nguyen PT; Bouckenooghe D; Rafferty AE; Schwarz G, 2024, 'Human resource management system strength in times of crisis', Journal of Business Research, 171, pp. 114365,

Schwarz GM; Bouckenooghe D, 2024, 'Pay it Forward and Free your Data! Fear in the Way of Data Sharing in Management Research', Journal of Management Studies,

Bouckenooghe D; Schwarz G; Sanders K; Nguyen P, 2023, 'The multiple faces of collective responses to organizational change: Taking stock and moving forward', Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44, pp. 997 - 1014,

Schwarz GM, 2023, 'Down the Garden Path: Modelling theory won’t fix the theory crisis', Organization Studies, 44, pp. 1191 - 1194,

Schwarz GM, 2023, 'What's in Your Bag? Scholars and Practioners Talk Together Differently', Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 59, pp. 5 - 10,

Schwarz GM, 2023, 'Work Won’t Love You Back: How Devotion to Our Jobs Keeps Us Exploited, Exhausted, and Alone, by Sarah Jaffe. London, U.K.: Hurst & Company, 2021. 375 pages, hardcover', Academy of Management Learning and Education, 22, pp. 737 - 739,

Nguyen PT; Sanders K; Schwarz GM; Rafferty AE, 2022, 'The linkage between cognitive diversity and team innovation: Exploring the roles of team humor styles and team emotional intelligence via the conservation of resources theory', Organizational Psychology Review, 12, pp. 428 - 452,

Hastings B; Bouckenooghe D; Schwarz G, 2022, 'The Customer Service Mindset that Creates Successful Change', California Management Review,

Harrison R; Chauhan A; Le-Dao H; Minbashian A; Walpola R; Fischer S; Schwarz G, 2022, 'Achieving change readiness for health service innovations', Nursing Forum, 57, pp. 603 - 607,

Hastings B; Schwarz GM, 2022, 'How situations promote relational and social leadership capabilities: three considerations for leadership development in healthcare', BMJ Leader, 7, pp. 61 - 63,

Schwarz GM; Bouckenooghe D, 2022, 'Future Scoping Intelligent Change and Development: The Race Alongside the Machine in Developing Organizations', Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 58, pp. 193 - 201,

Hastings BJ; Schwarz GM, 2022, 'Leading Change Processes for Success: A Dynamic Application of Diagnostic and Dialogic Organization Development', Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 58, pp. 120 - 148,

Harrison R; Chauhan A; Minbashian A; McMullan R; Schwarz G, 2022, 'Is Gaining Affective Commitment the Missing Strategy for Successful Change Management in Healthcare?', Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 14, pp. 1 - 4,

Nguyen PT; Rafferty A; Schwarz GM; Minbashian A, 2022, 'The Multilevel Linkage Between Organizational Communication and Readiness for Change', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022,

Hastings BJ; Schwarz GM, 2021, 'Mindsets for Change Leaders: Exploring Priming Approaches for Leadership Development', Journal of Change Management,

Yang KP; Chou C; Schwarz GM, 2021, 'Cyber democracy for better board representation? The effect of e-voting on excess control in an emerging economy', Australian Journal of Management, 46, pp. 761 - 786,

Schwarz G; Vakola M, 2021, 'Project Forward! We Know Where Organization Change Has Been, But Where is it Headed?', The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 57, pp. 409 - 414,

Bouckenooghe D; Schwarz G; Kanar A; Sanders K, 2021, 'Revisiting research on attitudes toward organizational change: Bibliometric analysis and content facet analysis', Journal of Business Research, 135, pp. 137 - 148,

Leach L; Hastings B; Schwarz G; Watson B; Bouckenooghe D; Seoane L; Hewett D, 2021, 'Distributed leadership in healthcare: leadership dyads and the promise of improved hospital outcomes', Leadership in Health Services, 34, pp. 353 - 374,

Schwarz GM; Bouckenooghe D, 2021, 'Repositioning Organizational Failure Through Active Acceptance', Organization Theory, 2, pp. 263178772110548 - 263178772110548,

Sanders K; Nguyen PT; Bouckenooghe D; Rafferty A; Schwarz GM; Elias A; Jorgensen F; Bish A; Kanar AM; Razinskas S; Li X; Kirk S; Amarakon U; Hartmann S; Steindorsdottir B; Babar S; Manuti A; Vakola M; Turnbull M; Watson BM; Lapointe É; Bednall TC; Katsaros K; Chen B; Jahanzeb S; Rafique Z, 2021, 'The Antecedents of HR strength in Times of Crisis: An attributional lens', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021, pp. 11154 - 11154,

Le-Dao H; Chauhan A; Walpola R; Fischer S; Schwarz G; Minbashian A; Munro A; D'Arcy E; Allan J; Harrison R, 2020, 'Managing Complex Healthcare Change: A Qualitative Exploration of Current Practice in New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 12, pp. 143 - 151,

Schwarz G; Bouckenooghe D, 2020, 'When The Dodo Became Extinct: Why Rethinking Change Should Not Take A Pandemic', The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 57, pp. 1 - 6,

Schwarz G; Bouckenooghe D; Vakola M, 2020, 'Organizational change failure: Framing the process of failing', Human Relations, 74, pp. 159 - 159,

Schwarz GM; Stensaker I, 2020, 'Researching a Pandemic: Letting COVID-19 Drive Our Research', Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 56, pp. 261 - 265,

Schwarz GM, 2020, 'Research Universities and the Public Good: Discovery for an Uncertain Future', ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT LEARNING & EDUCATION, 19, pp. 252 - 254,

Schwarz G, 2020, 'The Enduring Interest Trap in Debating the State of a Field', Academy of Management Learning and Education, 19, pp. 230 - 233,

Schwarz GM, 2020, 'Research Universities and the Public Good: Discovery for an Uncertain Future, by Jason Owen-Smith', Academy of Management Learning & Education, 19, pp. 252 - 254,

Sanders K; Nguyen P; Bouckenooghe D; Rafferty A; Schwarz G, 2020, 'Unravelling the What and How of Organizational Communication to Employees during COVID-19 pandemic: Adopting an Attributional Lens', The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 56, pp. 289 - 293,

Schwarz G, 2019, 'Initiating Change in a Changing Landscape: The Power of Applied Behavioral Science', The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 56, pp. 1 - 6,

Schwarz G; Sanders K; Bouckenooghe D, 2019, 'In The Driving Seat: Executive's Perceived Control Over Environment', Australian Journal of Management, 45, pp. 317 - 342,

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