Select Publications

Journal articles

Wu JH; Marklund M; Imamura F; Tintle N; Ardisson Korat AV; de Goede J; Zhou X; Yang W-S; de Oliveira Otto MC; Kroger J; Qureshi W; Virtanen JK; Bassett J; Frazier-Wood AC; Lankinen M; Murphy RA; Rajaobelina K; Lemaitre RN; Micha R; Mozaffarian D, 2017, 'Abstract 41: Omega-6 Fatty Acid Biomarkers and Incident Type 2 Diabetes: A Pooled Analysis of 20 Cohort Studies', Circulation, 135,

Penalvo JL; Micha R; Smith JD; Rehm CD; Bishop E; Onopa JA; Uzhova I; Wu JH; Mozaffarian D, 2017, 'Abstract MP005: Do Worksite Wellness Programs Improve Dietary Behaviors and Adiposity? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis', Circulation, 135,

Benjamin EJ; Blaha MJ; Chiuve SE; Cushman M; Das SR; Deo R; De Ferranti SD; Floyd J; Fornage M; Gillespie C; Isasi CR; Jim'nez MC; Jordan LC; Judd SE; Lackland D; Lichtman JH; Lisabeth L; Liu S; Longenecker CT; MacKey RH; Matsushita K; Mozaffarian D; Mussolino ME; Nasir K; Neumar RW; Palaniappan L; Pandey DK; Thiagarajan RR; Reeves MJ; Ritchey M; Rodriguez CJ; Roth GA; Rosamond WD; Sasson C; Towfghi A; Tsao CW; Turner MB; Virani SS; Voeks JH; Willey JZ; Wilkins JT; Wu JHY; Alger HM; Wong SS; Muntner P, 2017, 'Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics'2017 Update: A Report from the American Heart Association', Circulation, 135, pp. e146 - e603,

Wu JHY; Zheng M; Catterall E; Downs S; Thomas B; Veerman L; Barendregt JJ, 2017, 'Contribution of trans-fatty acid intake to coronary heart disease burden in Australia: A modelling study', Nutrients, 9, pp. 77,

Zheng JM; Wu JHY; Louie JCY; Flood VM; Gill T; Rangan A, 2017, 'Changes in portion sizes of commonly consumed core and discretionary foods among Australian adults from 1995 to 2011-12', Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, 8, pp. 89 - 89,

Wu JHY; Zheng JM; Catterall E; Downs S; Thomas B; Veerman JL; Barendregt JJ, 2017, 'Contribution of trans -fatty acid intake to coronary heart disease burden in Australia: A modelling study', Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, 8, pp. 95 - 95,

de Abreu MY; Charlton KE; Probst YC; Li N; Crino M; Neal B; Wu JHY, 2017, 'Do healthier packaged foods cost more? A pilot study evaluating health stars and food prices', Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, 8, pp. 112 - 113,

Stacey FG ; Finch M; Wolfenden L; Grady A; Jessop K; Wedesweiler T; Bartlem K; Jones J; Sutherland R; Vandevijvere S; Wu JH; Yoong SL, 2017, 'Evidence of the potential effectiveness of centre-based childcare policies and practices on child diet and physical activity: consolidating evidence from systematic reviews of international trials and observational studies.', Current Nutrition Reports, 6, pp. 228 - 228,

Downs SM; Bloem MZ; Zheng M; Catterall E; Thomas B; Veerman L; Wu JH, 2017, 'The impact of policies to reduce trans fat consumption: A systematic review of the evidence. Downs SM, Bloem MZ, Zheng M, Catterall E, Thomas B, Veerman L,', Current Developments in Nutrition, 1, pp. e000778 - e000778,

Crino M; Sacks G; Wu JHY, 2016, 'A Review of Population-Level Actions Targeting Reductions in Food Portion Sizes to Address Obesity and Related Non-communicable Diseases', Current Nutrition Reports, 5, pp. 323 - 332,

Huang L; Neal B; Dunford E; Ma G; Wu JHY; Crino M; Trevena H, 2016, 'Completeness of nutrient declarations and the average nutritional composition of pre-packaged foods in Beijing, China', Preventive Medicine Reports, 4, pp. 397 - 403,

Affan ET; Praveen D; Wu JHY; Chow CK; Peiris D; Patel A; Neal BC, 2016, 'Prevalence of dysglycaemia in rural Andhra Pradesh: 2005, 2010, and 2014', Journal of Diabetes, 8, pp. 816 - 823,

Huang L; Crino M; Wu JH; Woodward M; Land M-A; McLean R; Webster J; Enkhtungalag B; Nowson CA; Elliott P; Cogswell M; Toft U; Mill JG; Furlanetto TW; Ilich JZ; Hong YH; Cohall D; Luzardo L; Noboa O; Holm E; Gerbes AL; Senousy B; Pinar Kara S; Brewster LM; Ueshima H; Subramanian S; Teo BW; Allen N; Choudhury SR; Polonia J; Yasuda Y; Campbell NR; Neal B; Petersen KS, 2016, 'Reliable Quantification of the Potential for Equations Based on Spot Urine Samples to Estimate Population Salt Intake: Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.', JMIR Res Protoc, 5, pp. e190,

Del Gobbo LC; Imamura F; Aslibekyan S; Marklund M; Virtanen JK; Wennberg M; Yakoob MY; Chiuve SE; Dela Cruz L; Frazier-Wood AC; Fretts AM; Guallar E; Matsumoto C; Prem K; Tanaka T; Wu JHY; Zhou X; Helmer C; Ingelsson E; Yuan JM; Barberger-Gateau P; Campos H; Chaves PHM; Djoussé L; Giles GG; Gómez-Aracena J; Hodge AM; Hu FB; Jansson JH; Johansson I; Khaw KT; Koh WP; Lemaitre RN; Lind L; Luben RN; Rimm EB; Risérus U; Samieri C; Franks PW; Siscovick DS; Stampfer M; Steffen LM; Steffen BT; Tsai MY; Van Dam RM; Voutilainen S; Willett WC; Woodward M; Mozaffarian D, 2016, 'ω-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acid biomarkers and coronary heart disease: Pooling project of 19 cohort studies', JAMA Internal Medicine, 176, pp. 1155 - 1166,

Imamura F; Micha R; Wu JHY; de Oliveira Otto MC; Otite FO; Abioye AI; Mozaffarian D, 2016, 'Effects of Saturated Fat, Polyunsaturated Fat, Monounsaturated Fat, and Carbohydrate on Glucose-Insulin Homeostasis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomised Controlled Feeding Trials', PLoS Medicine, 13,

Pimpin L; Wu JHY; Haskelberg H; Del Gobbo L; Mozaffarian D, 2016, 'Is butter back? A systematic review and meta-analysis of butter consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and total mortality', PLoS ONE, 11,

Haskelberg H; Neal B; Dunford E; Flood V; Rangan A; Thomas B; Cleanthous X; Trevena H; Zheng JM; Louie JCY; Gill T; Wu JHY, 2016, 'High variation in manufacturer-declared serving size of packaged discretionary foods in Australia', British Journal of Nutrition, 115, pp. 1810 - 1818,

Haskelberg H; Neal B; Dunford E; Flood V; Rangan A; Thomas B; Cleanthous X; Trevena H; Zheng JM; Louie JCY; Gill T; Wu JHY, 2016, 'High variation in manufacturer-declared serving size of packaged discretionary foods in Australia', BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, 115, pp. 1810 - 1818,

Land MA; Wu JHY; Selwyn A; Crino M; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Webster J; Nowson C; Jeffery P; Smith W; Flood V; Neal B, 2016, 'Effects of a community-based salt reduction program in a regional Australian population', BMC Public Health, 16, pp. 388,

Wu JHY; Foote C; Blomster J; Toyama T; Perkovic V; Sundström J; Neal B, 2016, 'Effects of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors on cardiovascular events, death, and major safety outcomes in adults with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis', The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, 4, pp. 411 - 419,

Sørensen NN; Løje H; Tetens I; Wu JHY; Neal B; Lassen AD, 2016, 'Wellbeing at work among kitchen workers during organic food conversion in Danish public kitchens: A longitudinal survey', European Journal of Public Health, 26, pp. 323 - 328,

Akintoye E; Wu JHY; Hou T; Song X; Yang J; Hammock B; Mozaffarian D, 2016, 'Effect of fi sh oil on monoepoxides derived from fatty acids during cardiac surgery', Journal of Lipid Research, 57, pp. 492 - 498,

Huang L; Crino M; Wu JHY; Woodward M; Barzi F; Land MA; McLean R; Webster J; Enkhtungalag B; Neal B, 2016, 'Mean population salt intake estimated from 24-h urine samples and spot urine samples: A systematic review and meta-analysis', International Journal of Epidemiology, 45, pp. 239 - 250,

Trevena H; Thow AM; Dunford E; Wu JHY; Neal B, 2016, 'Protocol for a cluster-randomised trial to determine the effects of advocacy actions on the salt content of processed foods', BMC Public Health, 16,

Zheng M; Wu JHY; Louie JCY; Flood VM; Gill T; Thomas B; Cleanthous X; Neal B; Rangan A, 2016, 'Typical food portion sizes consumed by Australian adults: Results from the 2011-12 Australian National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 19596,

Pimpin L; Wu J; Haskelberg H; Del Gobbo L; Mozaffarian D, 2016, 'Abstract 27: Is Butter Back? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Butter Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and Total Mortality', Circulation, 133,

Marklund M; Chen T-A; de Goede J; Imamura F; Laguzzi F; Prem K; Samieri C; Shi P; Virtanen J; Wennberg M; Wong K; Wu JH; Zhou X; Lemaitre RN; Mozaffarian D; Risérus U, 2016, 'Abstract MP26: Biomarkers of n-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and CVD Risk: A Global Pooling Project of 19 Cohort Studies', Circulation, 133,

Wu JH; Berg J; Neeson M, 2016, 'Overview of development and implementation of school canteen nutrition guidelines in Australia.', Journal of the Home Economics Institute of Australia, 23, pp. 2 - 2,;dn=609110274656155;res=IELHSS

Felker ER; Wu J; Natarajan S; Margolis DJ; Raman SS; Huang J; Dorey F; Marks LS, 2016, 'Serial Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Active Surveillance of Prostate Cancer: Incremental Value.', J Urol, 195, pp. 1421 - 1427,

Zheng M; Wu J; Louie JCY; Flood VM; Gill T; Thomas B; Cleanthous X; Neal B; Rangan A, 2016, 'Typical portion size of core foods among Australian adults: The 2011–12 National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey', Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, 4, pp. 23 - 23,

Wu JH; Sheu T-M, 2015, 'How to improve academic optimism? An inquiry from the perspective of school resource and investment', ASIA PACIFIC EDUCATION REVIEW, 16, pp. 663 - 674,

Trevena H; Neal B; Dunford E; Haskelberg H; Wu JHY, 2015, 'A comparison of the sodium content of supermarket private-label and branded foods in Australia', Nutrients, 7, pp. 7027 - 7041,

Wu JHY; Neal B; Trevena H; Crino M; Stuart-Smith W; Faulkner-Hogg K; Yu Louie JC; Dunford E, 2015, 'Are gluten-free foods healthier than non-gluten-free foods? An evaluation of supermarket products in Australia', British Journal of Nutrition, 114, pp. 448 - 454,

Wu JH; Lemaitre RN; King IB; Song X; Psaty BM; Siscovick DS; Mozaffarian D, 2015, 'Response to letters regarding article, "Circulating omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and total and cause-specific mortality: The cardiovascular health study"', Circulation, 132, pp. e25 - e26,

Smith CE; Follis JL; Nettleton JA; Foy M; Wu JHY; Ma Y; Tanaka T; Manichakul AW; Wu H; Chu AY; Steffen LM; Fornage M; Mozaffarian D; Kabagambe EK; Ferruci L; Chen YDI; Rich SS; Djoussé L; Ridker PM; Tang W; Mcknight B; Tsai MY; Bandinelli S; Rotter JI; Hu FB; Chasman DI; Psaty BM; Arnett DK; King IB; Sun Q; Wang L; Lumley T; Chiuve SE; Siscovick DS; Ordovás JM; Lemaitre RN, 2015, 'Dietary fatty acids modulate associations between genetic variants and circulating fatty acids in plasma and erythrocyte membranes: Meta-analysis of nine studies in the CHARGE consortium', Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 59, pp. 1373 - 1383,

Wu JHY; Marchioli R; Silletta MG; Masson S; Sellke FW; Libby P; Milne GL; Brown NJ; Lombardi F; Damiano RJ; Marsala J; Rinaldi M; Domenech A; Simon C; Tavazzi L; Mozaffarian D, 2015, 'Oxidative Stress Biomarkers and Incidence of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation in the Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Prevention of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation (OPERA) Trial', Journal of the American Heart Association, 4, pp. e001886,

Wu JH; Marchioli R; Latini R; Masson S; Silletta MG; Sellke FW; Libby P; Milne GL; Mozaffarian D, 2015, 'Abstract P295: Oxidative Stress Biomarkers and Incidence of Post-Operative Atrial Fibrillation in the OPERA Trial', Circulation, 131,

Masson S; Wu JHY; Simon C; Barlera S; Marchioli R; Mariani J; Macchia A; Lombardi F; Vago T; Aleksova A; Dreas L; Favaloro RR; Hershson AR; Puskas JD; Dozza L; Silletta MG; Tognoni G; Mozaffarian D; Latini R, 2015, 'Circulating cardiac biomarkers and postoperative atrial fibrillation in the OPERA trial', European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 45, pp. 170 - 178,

Mozaffarian D; Kabagambe EK; Johnson CO; Lemaitre RN; Manichaikul A; Sun Q; Foy M; Wang L; Wiener H; Irvin MR; Rich SS; Wu H; Jensen MK; Chasman DI; Chu AY; Fornage M; Steffen L; King IB; McKnight B; Psaty BM; Djoussé L; Chen IYD; Wu JHY; Siscovick DS; Ridker PM; Tsai MY; Rimm EB; Hu FB; Arnett DK, 2015, 'Genetic loci associated with circulating phospholipid trans fatty acids: A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies from the CHARGE consortium', American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 101, pp. 398 - 406,

Lemaitre RN; King IB; Kabagambe EK; Wu JHY; McKnight B; Manichaikul A; Guan W; Sun Q; Chasman DI; Foy M; Wang L; Zhu J; Siscovick DS; Tsai MY; Arnett DK; Psaty BM; Djousse L; Chen YDI; Tang W; Weng LC; Wu H; Jensen MK; Chu AY; Jacobs DR; Rich SS; Mozaffarian D; Steffen L; Rimm EB; Hu FB; Ridker PM; Fornage M; Friedlander Y, 2015, 'Genetic loci associated with circulating levels of very long-chain saturated fatty acids', Journal of Lipid Research, 56, pp. 176 - 184,

Wenjie M; Wu JHY; Wang Q; Lemaitre RN; Mukamal KJ; Djoussé L; King IB; Song X; Biggs ML; Delaney JA; Kizer JR; Siscovick DS; Mozaffarian D, 2015, 'Prospective association of fatty acids in the de novo lipogenesis pathway with risk of type 2 diabetes: The Cardiovascular Health Study', American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 101, pp. 153 - 163,

Masson S; Wu JH; Barlera S; Bani L; Marchioli R; Macchia A; Vago T; Puskas JD; Favaloro RR; Hershson AR; Sinatra R; Melina G; Nicolosi L; Dreas L; VanderWoude J; Tognoni G; Mozaffarian D; Latini R, 2014, 'Abstract 12364: Circulating Cardiac and Inflammatory Biomarkers to Predict Post-Operative Atrial Fibrillation in the OPERA Trial', Circulation, 130,

Hodgson JM; Croft KD; Woodman RJ; Puddey IB; Bondonno CP; Wu JHY; Beilin LJ; Lukoshkova EV; Head GA; Ward NC, 2014, 'Effects of vitamin E, vitamin C and polyphenols on the rate of blood pressure variation: Results of two randomised controlled trials', British Journal of Nutrition, 112, pp. 1551 - 1561,

Trevena H; Neal B; Dunford E; Wu JHY, 2014, 'An evaluation of the effects of the australian food and health dialogue targets on the sodium content of bread, Breakfast cereals and processed meats', Nutrients, 6, pp. 3802 - 3817,

Ma W; Wu JH; Wang Q; Lemaitre RN; Mukamal KJ; Djousse L; King IB; Song X; Biggs ML; Delaney JA; Ix JH; Kizer JR; Siscovick DS; Mozaffarian D, 2014, 'Abstract 12: Prospective Associations of Fatty Acids in the De Novo Lipogenesis Pathway and Stearoyl CoA-desaturase-1 Activity with Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: the Cardiovascular Health Study', Circulation, 129,

Wu JH; Lemaitre R; King I; Song X; Siscovick D; Mozaffarian D, 2014, 'Abstract 20: Circulating Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Total and Cause-Specific Mortality: the Cardiovascular Health Study', Circulation, 129,

Wu JHY; Lemaitre RN; King IB; Song X; Psaty BM; Siscovick DS; Mozaffarian D, 2014, 'Circulating omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and total and cause-specific mortality: The cardiovascular health study', Circulation, 130, pp. 1245 - 1253,

Guan W; Steffen BT; Lemaitre RN; Wu JHY; Tanaka T; Manichaikul A; Foy M; Rich SS; Wang L; Nettleton JA; Tang W; Gu X; Bandinelli S; King IB; McKnight B; Psaty BM; Siscovick D; Djousse L; Chen YDI; Ferrucci L; Fornage M; Mozafarrian D; Tsai MY; Steffen LM, 2014, 'Genome-Wide association study of plasma n6 polyunsaturated fatty acids within the cohorts for heart and aging research in genomic epidemiology consortium', Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics, 7, pp. 321 - 331,

Wu JHY; Mozaffarian D, 2014, 'ω-3 fatty acids, atherosclerosis progression and cardiovascular outcomes in recent trials: New pieces in a complex puzzle', Heart, 100, pp. 530 - 533,

de Oliveira Otto MC; Wu JHY; Baylin A; Vaidya D; Rich SS; Tsai MY; Jacobs DR; Mozaffarian D, 2013, 'Circulating and dietary omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and incidence of CVD in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis', Journal of the American Heart Association, 2, pp. e000506,

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