Select Publications

Conference Papers

Martin Y; Thielscher M, 2010, 'Integrating Reasoning About Actions and Bayesian Networks', in Filipe J; Fred A; Sharp B (eds.), ICAART, INSTICC Press, pp. 298 - 304

Haufe S; Thielscher M, 2010, 'Pushing the Envelope\/: General Game Players Prove Theorems', in Li J (ed.), AI, Springer, pp. 1 - 10

Baumann R; Brewka G; Strass H; Thielscher M; Zaslawski V, 2010, 'State Defaults and Ramifications in the Unifying Action Calculus', in KR, pp. 435 - 444

Drescher C; Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2009, 'A Declarative Agent Programming Language Based On Action Theories', in Ghilardi S; Sebastiani R (ed.), FROCOS, Springer, pp. 230 - 245

Thielscher M, 2009, 'Answer Set Programming for Single-Player Games in General Game Playing', in Hill P; Warren D (ed.), ICLP, Springer, pp. 327 - 341

Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2009, 'Automated Theorem Proving for General Game Playing', in IJCAI, pp. 911 - 916

, 2009, 'Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems, 9th International Workshop, CLIMA IX, Dresden, Germany, September 29-30, 2008. Revised Selected and Invited Papers', in Fisher M; Sadri F; Thielscher M (eds.), CLIMA, Springer

Zhao D; Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2009, 'Decomposition of Multi-Player Games', in Nicholson A; Li X (ed.), AI, Springer, pp. 475 - 484

Strass H; Thielscher M, 2009, 'Defaults in Action\/: Non-monotonic Reasoning About States in Action Calculi', in Lakemeyer G; Morgenstern L; Williams M-A (eds.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, pp. 123 - 128

unther MG; Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2009, 'Factoring General Games', in Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop on General Intelligence in Game-Playing Agents (GIGA), pp. 27 - 33

Thielscher M; Zhang D, 2009, 'From GDL to a Market Specification Language for General Trading Agents', in Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop on General Intelligence in Game-Playing Agents (GIGA), pp. 83 - 90

Michulke D; Thielscher M, 2009, 'Neural Networks for State Evaluation in General Game Playing', in Buntine W; Grobelnik M; Mladenic D; Shawe-Taylor J (eds.), ECML, Springer, pp. 95 - 110

Strass H; Thielscher M, 2009, 'On Defaults in Action Theories', in Mertsching B; Hund M; Aziz M (eds.), KIK, Springer, pp. 298 - 305

Baader F; Drescher C; Liu H; Petersohn U; Steinke P; Thielscher M, 2009, 'Putting ABox Update into Action', in Ghilardi S; Sebastiani R (ed.), FROCOS, Springer, pp. 214 - 229

Strass H; Thielscher M, 2009, 'Simple Default Reasoning in Theories of Action', in Nicholson A; Li X (ed.), AI, Springer, pp. 31 - 40

Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2009, 'Specifying Multiagent Systems in the Game Description Language', in Filipe J; Fred A; Sharp B (eds.), ICAART, pp. 44 - 55

Drescher C; Thielscher M, 2008, 'A Fluent Calculus Semantics for ADL with Plan Constraints', in olldobler SH; Lutz C (ed.), JELIA, Springer, pp. 140 - 152

Schiffel S; Thielscher M; Trang DT, 2008, 'An Agent Team based on FLUX for the ProMAS Contest 2007', in Dastani M; Seghrouchni A; Ricci A; Winikoff M (eds.), Programming Multi-Agent Systems, Springer, pp. 261 - 265

Drescher C; Thielscher M, 2007, 'Integrating Action Calculi and Description Logics', in Proceedings of the 30th annual German conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 52 - 67, presented at 30th annual German conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Osnabruck, Germany, 10 September 2007 - 13 September 2007,

Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2007, 'Fluxplayer: A Successful General Game Player', in AAAI, AAAI Press, pp. 1191 - 1196, 22 July 2007 - 26 July 2007

Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2007, 'Automatic Construction of a Heuristic Search Function for General Game Playing', in Peppas P; Williams M-A (ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change at IJCAI

Drescher C; Thielscher M, 2007, 'Integrating Action Calculi and Description Logics', in Hertzberg J; Beetz M; Englert R (eds.), KIK, Springer, pp. 68 - 83

Martin Y; Thielscher M, 2007, 'Integrating Reasoning About Actions and Bayesian Networks', in Peppas P; Williams M-A (ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change at IJCAI

Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2007, 'Multi-Agent FLUX for the Gold Mining Domain (System Description)', in Inoue K; Satoh K; Toni F (eds.), CLIMA, Springer, pp. 294 - 303

Jin Y; Thielscher M; Zhang D, 2007, 'Mutual Belief Revision: Semantics and Computation', in AAAI, AAAI Press, pp. 440 - 445

Drescher C; Thielscher M, 2007, 'Reasoning About Actions with Description Logics', in Peppas P; Williams M-A (ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change at IJCAI

Thielscher M, 2006, 'Designing a FLUX Agent for the Dynamic Wumpus World', in Dix J; Hunter A (ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning (NMR), pp. 326 - 332

Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2006, 'Reconciling Situation Calculus and Fluent Calculus', in AAAI, AAAI Press, pp. 287 - 292

Thielscher M; Witkowski T, 2006, 'The Features-and-Fluents Semantics for the Fluent Calculus', in Doherty P; Mylopoulos J; Welty C (eds.), KR, pp. 362 - 370

Thielscher M, 2005, 'A FLUX Agent for the Wumpus World', in Morgenstern L; Pagnucco M (ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change at IJCAI, pp. 104 - 108

Jin Y; Thielscher M, 2005, 'Actions and Belief Revision: A Computational Approach.', in Delgrande JP; Lang J; Rott H; Tallon J-M (eds.), Belief Change in Rational Agents, Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, presented at Belief Change in Rational Agents: Perspectives from Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy, and Economics, 7.-12. August 2005,

Fichtner M; Thielscher M, 2005, 'Anchoring Symbols to Percepts in the Fluent Calculus', in Visser U; Lakemeyer G; Vachtesevanos G; Veloso M (eds.), IJCAI-Workshop on Agents in Real-Time and Dynamic Environments, pp. 11 - 16

Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2005, 'Interpreting Golog Programs in Flux', in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, pp. 193 - 198

Jin Y; Thielscher M, 2005, 'Iterated Belief Revision, Revised', in Kaelbling L; Saffiotti A (ed.), IJCAI, pp. 478 - 483

Skubch H; Thielscher M, 2005, 'Strategy Learning for Reasoning Agents', in Gama J (ed.), ECML, Springer, pp. 733 - 740

Martin Y; Narasamdya I; Thielscher M, 2004, 'Knowledge of other agents and communicative actions in the Fluent Calculus', in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2004, pp. 12 - 22

Martin Y; Narasamdya I; Thielscher M, 2004, 'Knowledge of Other Agents and Communicative Actions in the Fluent Calculus', in Dubois D; Welty C; Williams M-A (eds.), KR, pp. 623 - 633

Thielscher M, 2004, 'Logic-Based Agents and the Frame Problem\/: A Case for Progression', in Hendricks V (ed.), First-Order Logic Revisited\/: Proceedings of the Conference 75 Years of First Order Logic (FOL75), Logos, pp. 323 - 336

Jin Y; Thielscher M, 2004, 'Representing Beliefs in the Fluent Calculus', in Mántras RLD; Saitta L (ed.), ECAI, IOS Press, pp. 823 - 827

Thielscher M, 2003, 'Controlling semi-automatic systems with FLUX', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 515 - 516,

Ozan KUGI; Thielscher M, 2003, 'A Formal Assessment Result for Fluent Calculus Using the Action Description Language $\cal A_k$', in Kruse R (ed.), KIK, Springer, pp. 209 - 223

Thielscher M, 2003, 'Controlling Semi-Automatic Systems with FLUX. (Extended abstract)', in Palamidessi C (ed.), ICLP, Springer, pp. 515 - 516

Fichtner M; Großmann A; Thielscher M, 2003, 'Intelligent Execution Monitoring in Dynamic Environments', in Doherty P; Lakemeyer G; Veloso M; Visser U (eds.), IJCAI-Workshop on Issues in Designing Physical Agents for Dynamic Real-Time Environments, pp. 99 - 107

Thielscher M, 2002, 'Cognitive Agents', in Fronhöfer B; Hölldobler S (ed.), 17. WLP: Workshop Logische Programmierung, TU Dresden, December 11–13, 2002, TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden, pp. 180 - 208, TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden

Thielscher M, 2002, 'Programming of Reasoning and Planning Agents with FLUX', in Fensel D; McGuinness D; Williams M-A (eds.), KR, Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 435 - 446

Thielscher M, 2002, 'Pushing the Envelope\/: Programming Reasoning Agents', in Baral C; McIlraith S (ed.), AAAI Workshop on Cognitive Robotics, AAAI Press, pp. 110 - 117

Thielscher M, 2002, 'Reasoning About Actions with CHRs and Finite Domain Constraints', in Stuckey P (ed.), ICLP, Springer, pp. 70 - 84

Martin Y; Thielscher M, 2001, 'Addressing the Qualification Problem in FLUX', in Baader F; Brewka G; Eiter T (eds.), KIK, Springer, pp. 290 - 304

Thielscher M, 2001, 'Inferring Implicit State Knowledge and Plans with Sensing Actions', in Baader F; Brewka G; Eiter T (eds.), KIK, Springer, pp. 366 - 380

Thielscher M, 2001, 'Planning with Noisy Actions (Preliminary Report)', in Brooks M; Corbett D; Stumptner M (eds.), AIold, Springer, pp. 495 - 506

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